You hate scripting ?
- pan-os-php type=rule / type=address / type=service / type=tag utils/doc
Utility script 'pan-os-php type=rule' is a swiss knife to edit rules and takes advantage of PAN-OS-PHP library from a single CLI query, ie :
Do you want to enable log at start for rule going to DMZ zone and that has only object group 'Webfarms' as a destination ?
pan-os-php type=rule in=api:// actions=logStart-Enable 'filter=(to has dmz) and (dst has.only Webfarms)'
You are not sure about your filter and want to see rules before making changes ? Use action 'display' :
pan-os-php type=rule in=api:// actions=display 'filter=(to has dmz) and (dst has.only Webfarms)'
Change all rules using Application + Any service to application default ?
pan-os-php type=rule in=api:// actions=service-Set-AppDefault 'filter=!(app is.any) and (service is.any)'
Move post-SecurityRules with source zone 'dmz' or source object 'Admin-networks' to pre-Security rule ?
pan-os-php type=rule in=api:// actions=invertPreAndPost 'filter=((from has dmz) or (source has Admin-networks) and (rule is.postrule))'
Want to know what actions are supported ?
pan-os-php type=rule listActions
pan-os-php type=rule listFilters
UTIL plugin
The UTIL scripts rules-edit/address-edit/service-edit/tag-edit can be easily and flexible extend by writing your own plugin:
- pan-os-php type=rule actions plugin example:
RuleCallContext::$supportedActions[] = Array(
'name' => 'schedule_remove_update_desc',
'MainFunction' => function(RuleCallContext $context)
* @var securityRule $rule
$rule = $context->object;
if( !$rule->isSecurityRule() )
return false;
if( $rule->schedule() == null )
return false;
$schedule_name = $rule->schedule();
$old_desc = $rule->description();
$rule->setDescription( $old_desc." | remove schedule: ".$schedule_name );
if( $context->isAPI )
- pan-os-php type=rule filter plugin example:
RQuery::$defaultFilters['rule']['description']['operators']['is.geq'] = Array(
'Function' => function(RuleRQueryContext $context )
$rule = $context->object;
return strlen($rule->description() ) >= $context->value;
'arg' => true
plugin usage from above for rule:
rules-edit.php in=api:// loadplugin=your_plugin_file.php ['actions=YOUR_PLUGIN_ACTION_NAME'] ['filter=(YOUR_PLUGIN_FILTER_NAME)']
- PAN-OS API-KEYs are stored automatically at file: '.panconfkeystore' in your Systems User folder at the first time using a script with connection type API
- or you can manage your API-KEY store with UTIL script pan-os-php type=key-manager:
pan-os-php type=key-manager add=MGMT-IP
pan-os-php type=key-manager delete=MGMT-IP
These UTIL scripts can help to manipulate/improve PAN-OS config files or help automating the daily work.
- pan-os-php type=
- address
- address-merger
- addressgroup-merger
- appid-enabler
- application
- bpa-generator
- config-size
- device
- diff
- download-predefined
- interface
- key-manager
- override-finder
- register-ip-mgr
- routing
- rule
- rule-merger
- schedule
- securityprofile
- securityprofilegroup
- service
- service-merger
- servicegroup-merger
- stats
- tag
- tag-merger
- threat
- upload
- userid-mgr
- virtualwire
- xml-issue
- xml-op-json
- zone
These script are available since 2016 and were the first automatic Palo Alto Networks APP-id migration tools.
- pa_appidtoolbox-report-generator
- pa_appidtoolbox-rule-activation
- pa_appidtoolbox-rule-cleaner
- pa_appidtoolbox-rule-cloner
- pa_appidtoolbox-rule-marker
The scripts under Development contain complete variable usage. From downloading software and license to remove old software on firewall devices. But also parts for future automation like system-log or traffic-log are available. Please remind yourself about the additional argument 'shadow-json', to display the output in JSON format instead of human text readable format.
- pa_ckp-exclude
- pa_ike
- pa_ssh-connector
- pa_license
- pa_software-preparation
- pa_software-downloader
- pa_config-commit
- pa_config-reset
- pa_get_system-user-info
- pa_software-remove
- pa_system-log
- pa_traffic-log
Documentation for air gap usage of pa_license / pa_software-downloader script