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C Demos


You need a C99-compatible compiler to build these demos.


  • The demo requires CMake version 3.13 or higher.
  • For Windows Only: MinGW is required to build the demo.


Picovoice requires a valid Picovoice AccessKey at initialization. AccessKey acts as your credentials when using Picovoice SDKs. You can get your AccessKey for free. Make sure to keep your AccessKey secret. Signup or Login to Picovoice Console to get your AccessKey.

Build Linux/MacOS

cmake -S demo/c/. -B demo/c/build && cmake --build demo/c/build --target picovoice_demo_mic

Build Windows

cmake -S demo/c/. -B demo/c/build -G "MinGW Makefiles" && cmake --build demo/c/build --target picovoice_demo_mic



Running the executable without any commandline arguments prints the usage info to the console.

Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi

usage : ./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_mic -l LIBRARY_PATH -a ACCESS_KEY -k KEYWORD_PATH -c CONTEXT_PATH
                                          -p PPN_MODEL_PATH -r RHN_MODEL_PATH [--audio_device_index AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX
                                          --porcupine_sensitivity PPN_SENSITIVITY --rhino_sensitivity RHN_SENSITIVITY
                                          --endpoint_duration_sec --require_endpoint "true"|"false" ]
        ./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_mic --show_audio_devices


usage : .\\demo\\c\\build\\picovoice_demo_mic.exe -l LIBRARY_PATH -a ACCESS_KEY -k KEYWORD_PATH -c CONTEXT_PATH
                                                  -p PPN_MODEL_PATH -r RHN_MODEL_PATH [--audio_device_index AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX
                                                  --porcupine_sensitivity PPN_SENSITIVITY --rhino_sensitivity RHN_SENSITIVITY
                                                  --endpoint_duration_sec --require_endpoint "true"|"false" ]
        .\\demo\\c\\build\\picovoice_demo_mic.exe --show_audio_devices

Show Audio Devices

The following commands shows the available audio input devices to the console.

Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi

./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_mic --show_audio_devices


.\\demo\\c\\build\\picovoice_demo_mic.exe --show_audio_devices

Wake Phrase and Follow-on Commands

The following commands start up a microphone audio steam and will wait for the "Picovoice" wake word phrase. Replace $-i {AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX} with the index of the audio device.


./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_mic \
-l sdk/c/lib/linux/x86_64/ \
-p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv \
-k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/linux/picovoice_linux.ppn \
-r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv \
-c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/linux/smart_lighting_linux.rhn \


./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_mic \
-l sdk/c/lib/mac/x86_64/libpicovoice.dylib \
-p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv \
-k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/mac/picovoice_mac.ppn \
-r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv \
-c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/mac/smart_lighting_mac.rhn \

Raspberry Pi

Replace ${PROCESSOR} with one of the Raspberry Pi processors defined here (e.g., for Raspberry Pi 4 this would be "cortex-a72") and run:

./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_mic \
-l sdk/c/lib/raspberry-pi/${PROCESSOR}/ \
-p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv \
-k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/raspberry-pi/picovoice_raspberry-pi.ppn \
-r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv \
-c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/raspberry-pi/smart_lighting_raspberry-pi.rhn \


.\\demo\\c\\build\\picovoice_demo_mic.exe -a ${ACCESS_KEY} -l sdk/c/lib/windows/amd64/libpicovoice.dll -p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv -k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/windows/picovoice_windows.ppn 0.5 -r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv -c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/windows/smart_lighting_windows.rhn 0.5 -i {AUDIO_DEVICE_INDEX}

Once the wake word is detected, the following will print:

[wake word]

Then it will infer follow-on commands within the context of smart lighting system. For example, you can say:

"Turn on the lights."

If understood correctly, the following prints to the console:

    is_understood : 'true',
    intent : 'changeLightState',
    slots : {
        'state' : 'on',

File Demo


cmake -S demo/c/. -B demo/c/build && cmake --build demo/c/build --target picovoice_demo_file



Running the executable without any commandline arguments prints the usage info to the console.

Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi

usage : ./demo/c/picovoice_demo_file -l LIBRARY_PATH -a ACCESS_KEY -k KEYWORD_PATH -c CONTEXT_PATH -w WAV_PATH
                                     -p PPN_MODEL_PATH -r RHN_MODEL_PATH [--porcupine_sensitivity PPN_SENSITIVITY
                                     --rhino_sensitivity RHN_SENSITIVITY --endpoint_duration_sec --require_endpoint "true"|"false" ]


usage : .\\demo\\c\\build\\picovoice_demo_file -l LIBRARY_PATH -a ACCESS_KEY -k KEYWORD_PATH -c CONTEXT_PATH -w WAV_PATH
                                               -p PPN_MODEL_PATH -r RHN_MODEL_PATH [--porcupine_sensitivity PPN_SENSITIVITY
                                               --rhino_sensitivity RHN_SENSITIVITY --endpoint_duration_sec --require_endpoint "true"|"false" ]

Wake Phrase and Follow-on Commands

Note that the demo expects a single-channel WAV file with a sampling rate of 16kHz and 16-bit linear PCM encoding. If you provide a file with incorrect format the demo does not perform any format validation and simply outputs incorrect results.

The following processes a WAV file under the audio_samples directory. It detects the wake word and infers the intent in the context of a coffee maker system.


./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_file \
-l sdk/c/lib/linux/x86_64/ \
-p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv \
-k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/linux/picovoice_linux.ppn \
-r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv \
-c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/linux/coffee_maker_linux.rhn \
-w resources/audio_samples/picovoice-coffee.wav


./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_file \
-l sdk/c/lib/mac/x86_64/libpicovoice.dylib \
-p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv \
-k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/mac/picovoice_mac.ppn \
-r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv \
-c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/mac/coffee_maker_mac.rhn \
-w resources/audio_samples/picovoice-coffee.wav

Raspberry Pi

Replace ${PROCESSOR} with one of the Raspberry Pi processors defined here (e.g., for Raspberry Pi 4 this would be "cortex-a72") and run:

./demo/c/build/picovoice_demo_file \
-l sdk/c/lib/raspberry-pi/${PROCESSOR}/ \
-p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv \
-k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/raspberry-pi/picovoice_raspberry-pi.ppn \
-r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv \
-c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/raspberry-pi/coffee_maker_raspberry-pi.rhn \
-w resources/audio_samples/picovoice-coffee.wav


.\\demo\\c\\build\\picovoice_demo_file.exe -a ${ACCESS_KEY} -l sdk/c/lib/windows/amd64/libpicovoice.dll -p resources/porcupine/lib/common/porcupine_params.pv -k resources/porcupine/resources/keyword_files/windows/picovoice_windows.ppn 0.5 -r resources/rhino/lib/common/rhino_params.pv -c resources/rhino/resources/contexts/windows/coffee_maker_windows.rhn 0.5 -w resources/audio_samples/picovoice-coffee.wav

The following prints to the console:

[wake word]
    is_understood : 'true',
    intent : 'orderBeverage',
    slots : {
        'size' : 'large',
        'beverage' : 'coffee',

real time factor : 0.006