The particle platform simulation is built on top of the Avrora framework. It simulates nodes of a network of fold-able chains, that can be used for shape shifting displays or to build programmable matter in general as presented by Matteo Lasagni in Force-Guiding Particle Chains for Shape-Shifting Displays ( The simulation constructs and connects multiple nodes to a network that allows bidirectional communication in between nodes. Each node in the simulation is abstracted by
- a particle platform,
- the micro controller (Atmega16), and
- the micro controller firmware.
Among others the simulation allows to
- inspect registers at runtime,
- monitor actions,
- collect lots of statistics, and
- log network/node interactions for later usage such as replay for visualization or other simulation tools.
mvn assembly:assembly -DskipTests
java -jar ./target/particleplatform-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar <arguments>
Recommended arguments:
-rowcount=2 -columncount=2
/path_to/node_firmware.elf /optional_path_to/communication_unit_firmware.elf
The network geomertry is defined by -rowcount=<rows> -columncount=<columns>. With respect to the recommended arguments a simulation would simulate a (2 x 2) network.
(1,1) -- (1,2) -- (1,3)
| | |
(2,1) (2,2) (2,3)
| | |
(3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
| | |
(4,1) (4,2) (4,3)
| | |
(5,1) (5,2) (5,3)
The node at address (0,0) is the communication unit and optional. It is instanciated whenever the arguments provide a second firmware. With the recommended arguments the simulation would run /optional_path_to/communication_unit_firmware.elf program on the communication unit. Nodes at any address row > 0 && col > 0 will run the /path_to/node_firmware.elf program according to the recommended arguments.
Development logging an be configured in *". The logfile in /var/tmp/particle-platform-simulation.log is meant for development purpose.
Particle logging is activated by -particle-log-file=true and can be found in /tmp/particle-states.log:
0 0:00:00.00000037585 WIRE[rx-north] <- high
0 0:00:00.00000037585 WIRE[rx-south] <- high
1 0:00:00.00000037585 WIRE[rx-north] <- high
2 0:00:00.00000037585 WIRE[rx-north] <- high
2 0:00:00.00000037585 WIRE[rx-south] <- high
3 0:00:00.00000037585 WIRE[rx-north] <- high
4 0:00:00.00000037585 WIRE[rx-south] <- high
0 0:00:00.00000050057 SRAM[SREG.(I | T | H | S | V | N | Z | C)] <- (0b00000000)
1 0:00:00.00000050057 SRAM[SREG.(I | T | H | S | V | N | Z | C)] <- (0b00000000)
2 0:00:00.00000050057 SRAM[SREG.(I | T | H | S | V | N | Z | C)] <- (0b00000000)
The register monitored for the output in the example above can be configured in ParticleStateDescriptoin.json.
The json object is a description of registers to be monitored. It defines
- enums,
- structures
- type sizes nd
- the SRAM address on the microcontroller.
One may use the auto generator written in python (see full example).
The property address corresponds to the symbol address obtained with readelf -a /path_to/node_firmware.elf in the symtab minus the offset. As an example address of the symbol ParticleAttributes
38: 00800061 17 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 ParticleAttributes
0x00800061 - 0x00800000 = 97
- For communication from/to particle nodes the Avrora's serial monitor (edu.ucla.cs.compilers.avrora.avrora.monitors.SerialMonitor) may be utilized.
- Energy profiling is to be implemented for the platform's off chip devices.