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Releases: RADAR-base/RADAR-Rest-Source-Auth

Release 3.0.0

05 Mar 14:24
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Changes from Release 2.0.0

  • Adds support for OAuth1 auth type and Garmin auth (which uses OAuth1) and generalise auth implementation to separate OAuth1 and OAuth2
  • Adds createdAt user property
  • Fixes user query pagination in the frontend and backend (by default page size is INT_MAX)
  • Enables Kotlin linter
  • Show reset version info in user info page
  • Encode uri when getting projects to allow project ids to have whitespaces
  • Show complete user id in update-rest-source-user component and show a tooltip with the complete user id in the user list component

For services using previous versions of the Rest Source Authorizer, the RestSourceUserDTO must be updated:

  1. externalId is now serviceUserId
  2. authorized is now isAuthorized

Please follow the template on authorizer.yml.template to add Garmin source type.

Release 2.0

30 Nov 16:30
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Changes from Release 1.3.1

  • Migrate to the use of radar-jersey and radar-jersey-hibernate from spring and hibernate
  • Migrate to Kotlin from Java
  • Refactor UI based on project structure.
  • Move refresh_token as part of token request.
  • Better state management.

Please follow the instructions on migrating to authorizer.yml in README.

Release 1.3.1

05 Jun 13:28
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Changes from Release 1.3.0

  • Adds token received from Authorization to requests
  • Secure endpoints of the backend with an Authentication Filter and validate tokens with Management Portal

Completes the authentication with Management Portal process

Release 1.3.0

03 Jun 15:28
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Changes from Release 1.2.1

  • Allows to reset polling per user
  • Adds confirm dialog for delete
  • Enables authorization with Management-Portal (authoization-code flow)
  • Enable runtime configuration of env variables

Release 1.2.1

21 Jan 13:59
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Changes since version 1.2.0

  • Fixes for URL paths for MP when using validation
  • Verifies the connection and token privileges on start of the application.

Migration Steps involving validation

If don't need validation

Add the REST_SOURCE_AUTHORIZER_VALIDATOR env var to your docker-compose service to disable validation-

    image: radarbase/radar-rest-source-auth-backend:1.2.1
      - ./etc/rest-source-authorizer/:/app-includes/

Note: This will only disable backend validation. The frontend validation(based on Regex) will still exist.

Enable validation using Management Portal

First Create a new oAuth client in Management Portal

To add new OAuth clients, you can add at runtime through the UI on Management Portal, or you can add them to the OAuth clients file referenced by the MANAGEMENTPORTAL_OAUTH_CLIENTS_FILE configuration option.

Then add the following to your rest authoriser service

Add the following env vars to your docker-compose service-

    image: radarbase/radar-rest-source-auth-backend:1.2.1
      - REST_SOURCE_AUTHORIZER_MANAGEMENT_PORTAL_BASE_URL=http://managementportal-app:8080/managementportal/
      - ./etc/rest-source-authorizer/:/app-includes/

Note: Make sure to configure the client id and client secret as created in the Management portal

Release 1.2.0

02 Dec 16:26
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Changes from 1.1.0

  • Adds additional validation with management-portal
  • makes docker-build configurable

Release 1.1.0

31 May 13:17
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Changes from 1.0.0

  • Add editing feature to User form
  • Adds filtering, sorting capabilities

Release 1.0.0

31 Oct 15:05
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Release 1.0.0

  • An application to get authorization from external source users to access their data through 3rd party REST APIs. Mainly supports OAuth2 Authorization code follow to request authorization and processes the returned authorization code to add new entries of rest source users. It creates new users and adds properties compatible and required by the RADAR-REST-CONNECTOR/RADAR-FITBIT-REST-CONNECTOR.
  • It has one active entity where we store user properties.
  • Has liquibase support to enable seamless database schema migration.
  • Has a simple web-service with REST Endpoints to share configured source-type details and authorized users.
  • Currently various source-types can be configured using a YAML file and these entries are stored in memory.
  • Has a simple UI to interact with user to enable external source authorization.