- You should install docker in you local os.
- Please use nvidia-docker2 build and run all
docker images.
You are recommended to use anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh
script to build and run anakin docker.
Usage: anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p <place> -o <os> -m <Optional>
-p Hardware Place where docker will running [ NVIDIA-GPU / AMD_GPU / X86-ONLY / ARM ]
-o Operating system docker will reside on [ Centos / Ubuntu ]
-m Script exe mode [ Build / Run / All] default mode is build and run
$/usr/bash anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p NVIDIA-GPU -o Centos -m Build
$chmod +x ./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh
$./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p NVIDIA-GPU -o Centos -m Build
$/usr/bash anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p NVIDIA-GPU -o Centos -m Run
$chmod +x ./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh
$./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p NVIDIA-GPU -o Centos -m Run
When running docker successfully, you can find Anakin source code at /Anakin directory.
$/usr/bash anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p X86-ONLY -o Centos -m Build
# or
$chmod +x ./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh
$./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p X86-ONLY -o Centos -m Build
$/usr/bash anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p X86-ONLY -o Centos -m Run
# or
$chmod +x ./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh
$./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p X86-ONLY -o Centos -m Run
# or
# run docker by docker run command.
# firt find the x86 image you just built.
$docker images
# This command will list all docker images you have built.
#Then, find anakin and it's tag. finally, run x86 docker.
# for ubuntu, type anakin:x86_ubuntu16.04-x86 instead.
$docker run -it anakin:x86_centos7-x86 /bin/bash
When running docker successfully, you can find Anakin source code at /Anakin directory.
We only support arm docker based on centos for now.
$/usr/bash anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p ARM -o Centos -m Build
# or
$chmod +x ./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh
$./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p ARM -o Centos -m Build
$/usr/bash anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p ARM -o Centos -m Run
# or
$chmod +x ./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh
$./anakin_docker_build_and_run.sh -p ARM -o Centos -m Run
# or run docker by docker run command.
# firt find the arm image you just built.
$docker images
# This command will list all docker images you have built.
#Then, find anakin and it's tag. finally, run arm docker.
$docker run -it anakin:arm_centos7-armv7 /bin/bash
When running docker successfully, you can find Anakin source code at /Anakin directory.
If you want to use opencv(only used in Anakin samples), please refer run on arm to install opencv and recompile Anakin
(you just need to run 'Anakin/tools/andrid_build.sh'). You can install it before the arm docker image's building has done successfully. At last, don't forget to commit your changes to the docker image you built.