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File metadata and controls

265 lines (242 loc) · 8.07 KB


a database system for a library that tracks book information, including authors, categories, publishers, and availability. Created stored procedures for searching and adding books, and implemented a trigger to update book availability when a customer borrows or returns a book. Designed a relational schema to ensure efficient data storage and retrieval, and optimized queries for fast performance. Used SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio for database development and integration with a web application.

We have multiple tables in our database that the database utilizes to it’s advantage to carry out it’s task efficiently

● Authors This table holds information about our book’s authors

  1. FirstName
  2. MiddleName
  3. LastName
  4. ContactId (A foreign key to hold the author contactDetails)
  5. Bio

● BookAuthors This table holds a special composite key consisting of the BookId & the AuthorId Together, It will help us keep track of book authors.

  1. BookId
  2. AuthorId

● ##Books Possibly the most important table to get right, this table will hold the information about books including

  1. BookId
  2. Title
  3. Publisher (id of the publisher)
  4. Publication Date
  5. ISBN
  6. Pages (Number of Pages)
  7. Available (the number of books available)
  8. Price
  9. CategoryId (References the category the book belongs in)
  10. Description

● Borrowers This table will hold information about customers who borrow books from the library

  1. BorrowerId
  2. FirstName
  3. MiddleName
  4. LastName
  5. ContactId (References the contact details for this borrower)

● Borrowings Keeps track of when customers borrow books and the information related to the borrowing process

  1. BorrowId
  2. BorrowDate
  3. Return Date
  4. Due Date
  5. Status (Weather the book has been returned or not)
  6. BorrowerId (The Customer)
  7. BorrowedBookId (The Book Borrowed)

● Categories The different categories the books in our library can belong to, The whole point of making this table instead of storing the information directly on the books table is to open the ability to easily add and remove categories with easy

  1. CategoryId
  2. Category (The Name of The Category)

● ContactDetails Holds the information needed to contact a person , and it’s used by multiple tables

  1. ContactId
  2. Email
  3. PhoneNumber
  4. Website

● Publishers Information about publishers of the books

  1. PublisherId
  2. PublisherName
  3. ContactId (Reference to contact details)

● Reviews Allows borrowers the ability to review books and rate them and comment on them, the rating is checked in a constraint to be maxed at 5 and the lowest rating is 1

  1. ReviewId
  2. BorrowerId
  3. Rating (Out of Five)
  4. Comment (Up To 150 Characters)
  5. ReviewDate
  6. Bookid (The Book Being Reviewed) We have multiple views to help us easily traverse through our database’s information

● ActiveBorrowings Gives us detailed information on currently borrowed books and by which customer and how to contact that customer

  • To use use simply use the following sql command
SELECT [Fullname],[BorrowId],[Borrow Date],[Return Date],[Due Date],[Status],[BorrowerId],[Email],[PhoneNumber],[Title] FROM [ELibraryDB].[dbo].[ActiveBorrowings]

● AuthorsView Returns the Firstname , MiddleName , LastName and the book titles a author has worked on

  • To use use simply use the following sql command
SELECT [FirstName],[MiddleName],[Lastname],[Titles Worked On] FROM [ELibraryDB].[dbo].[AuthorsView]

● BooksView Gives everything there is to know about the books, the information in the books table but also the year they were released , the price range column which automatically categorizes the books according to their price and the Size column which also determines a size for the book based on the number of pages in that book and lastly concatenates all author names in a single column.

  • To use it use the following sql command
SELECT [Id],[Title],[Year Released],[Publisher],[ISBN],[Price],[Price Range],[Pages],[Size],[Authors] FROM [ELibraryDB].[dbo].[BooksView]

● BorrowersView Gives us a detailed look onto our beloved borrowers, including their name , number of reviews , number of borrows and contact information.

  • To use it use the following sql command
SELECT [BorrowerId],[Firstname],[MiddleName],[LastName],[Numberof Reviews],[Number of Borrows],[Email],[Website],[PhoneNumber] FROM [ELibraryDB].[dbo].[BorrowersView]

We’ve got a lot of stored procedures to help us save time and easily do tasks using our database. This list is long so I will only provide additional information when necessary.

  1. Borrow Allows us to borrow a book , assumes by default 30 days borrow period but we can specify the optional parameter if we want a duration by using DueInDays Which will add the number of days to today’s date and set it as the Due date
  • Usage
EXEC Borrow @BookId = 1,@BorrowerId = 2 , @DueInDays = 28;
  1. DeleteAuthor/DeleteBook/DeleteBorrower Allows us to delete records from the corresponding tables
  • Usage for all of them is the same
EXEC DeleteBorrower @BorrowerId = 1;
  1. GetABookISBN Returns a book’s ISBN number
  • Usage
EXEC GetABookISBN @BookId 1;
  1. GetAllBooks/GetAuthors/GetAvaliableBooks/GetBooksByCategory GetBooksByPages/GetBooksByPrice/GetBooksByReviews/ GetBorrowers/GetBorrowings/GetCategories. All of those stored procedures are used the same by directly executing them without providing any parameters, each of them gives different results according to their name.
  • Usage
EXEC GetAllBooks
  1. GetAuthorContact Gets you a particular author's contact details
  • Usage
EXEC GetAuthorContact @id = 1;
  1. GetBooksInACategory Gets you all the books in a single category
  • Usage
EXEC GetBooksInACategory @Category = 'Science';
  1. GetBooksInAYear Gets you all the books in a single year
  • Usage
EXEC GetBooksInAYear @Year = 2008;
  1. GetBooksWithinAPriceRange Gets you books within a specified price range
  • Usage
EXEC GetBooksWithinAPriceRange @low = 5.99,@high = 15;
  1. InsertAuthor Inserts an author into the Authors table
  • Usage
EXEC InsertAuthor 'John','Mohammad','Kennedy',@contactid =
1,@bio='My Bio';
--- OR ---
EXEC InsertAuthor 'John','Moha','Kennedy',1,'My Bio';
  1. InsertBook Inserts a book into the Books table
  • Usage
EXEC InsertBook @Title='A+
--- OR ---
EXEC InsertBook 'A+ Academy',3,'2008-07-03','1234567891011',533,12,13.99,2,'Hi';
  1. InsertBorrower Inserts a borrower in the Borrowers table
  • Usage
EXEC InsertBorrower
--- OR ---
EXEC InsertBorrower 'Moath','Moha','Tar',3;

12.ReturnBook Returns a borrowed book, takes in two parameters a bookid and a borrowerid

  • Usage
EXEC ReturnBook @bookId=3,@BorrowerId=2;
--- OR ---
EXEC ReturnBook 3,2;

13.SearchBook This procedure was made using 59 lines, and it is by far our most complicated stored procedure and it allows us to use it in multiple ways. It declares the following parameters at its start It sets them null by default so you can use any of them as you like. @SearchInput NVARCHAR(300) = NULL, @Author NVARCHAR(90) = NULL, @Title NVARCHAR(250) = NULL, @ISBN NVARCHAR(20) = NULL, @Publisher NVARCHAR(60) = NULL But we must give it one of them to search for a book. It uses the LIKE operator so it will match using fuzzy search to the input given. The first parameter SearchInput will search for ALL information about a book like it’s title, isbn, date , authors …etc But if the searcher wants to search in a specific column he can do so by specifying a single column.

  • Usage (this will fuzzy search all columns)
Exec SearchBook @SearchInput='Harry Potter'
--- OR ---
EXEC SearchBook 'Harry Potter';
  • Usage (Single Column Fuzzy Search) This will return every single book the author participated in making even if there are other authors involved
Exec SearchBook @Author='Moath'