This project is a comprehensive data analysis of course reviews using Python. The analysis includes various visualizations to explore patterns in ratings, review distributions, and course popularity. The project leverages JustPy and HighCharts for interactive and web-based visualization. The dataset used in this project, reviews.csv, contains course reviews with timestamps, ratings, and course names.
- Data Loading and Preprocessing: The project starts by reading and processing review data.
- Interactive Visualizations: Generates a total of 7 distinct graphs to showcase different aspects of the data.
- Web-Based Interface: Uses JustPy to display visualizations interactively on a web page.
- Easy Customization: The charts and layouts are flexible, allowing easy customization.
- Python 3.x
- JustPy
- Pandas
- File: reviews.csv
- Columns:
- Timestamp - Date of the review
- Course Name - Name of the course reviewed
- Rating - Rating given to the course (1-5 scale)
- Data Loading and Aggregation: The data is read from reviews.csv, and then grouped by course name, counting the total ratings per course.
- Chart Definition: I used the website Highcharts to find a awesome charts to include.
- Data Insertion: The hc_data array is populated with the course names and their respective rating counts. This data is then assigned to the chart options for rendering.
- Web Interface: The function app() creates a Quasar-based web page using JustPy, where the chart and text elements are embedded.
The project includes 7 different visualizations. Each graph focuses on a unique aspect of the dataset, helping to reveal trends and insights.
Average Rating by Day: Shows how ratings vary over days.
Average Rating by Week: Shows how ratings vary over weeks.
Average Rating by Month: Shows how ratings vary over months.
Amount of Rewies by Month: Shows amount of rewies vary over months for each course.
Amount of Rewies by Month: Shows amount of rewies vary over months for each course with another chart.
Number of ratings by Course: Shows amount of rewies vary over months for each course. Pie chart
Each chart provides a unique perspective on the data, allowing for a detailed analysis of course reviews.
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