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Flash Modes Database

José Antonio Jiménez Campos edited this page Oct 2, 2022 · 58 revisions

Quad modes (QIO and QOUT) need GPIO 9 and 10. If device uses GPIO 9 or 10 with any function, possibles modes will be only DIO and DOUT.

All devices with an ESP8285 chip supports only DOUT mode because flash is integrated into ESP chip.

Device Flash ID Fastest Mode
ESP8285 chips All DOUT
DoHome 144051 Unknown
ESP-01S 14325e DOUT
ESP-01S 14301c Unknown
ESP-01S 14605e QIO
ESP-01S 1460ba DOUT
ESP-01S 1640ef QIO
ESP-12F 16400e QIO
ESP-12F 164020 QIO
ESP-12F 16405e QIO
ESPDuino 1640e0 QIO
Gosund 144068 Unknown
Shelly 1540a1 Unknown
Shelly 1540c8 QIO
Shelly 1540ef QIO
Shelly 15605e Unknown
Shelly 15701c QOUT
Shelly 1620c2 DOUT
Teckin SP22 1440a1 QIO
TYWE3S 1540c8 QIO
Wemos 1640c8 DIO
ESP8285 Devices Flash ID
Gosund 144051
Sonoff iFan04 14325e

Depending of fastest compatible SPI mode, available modes are:

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