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107 lines (94 loc) · 7.46 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (94 loc) · 7.46 KB



  • Make login screen locate itself at the center of the activated screen.

  • Potentially make it so that the dashboard/store page set itself to be fullscreen windowed?

  • Issue with dropdown box not changing location when the window is moved.

  • Additional logout button on admin dashboard

  • Add change password ability to the top right for both users and admin users

  • Add the products to be sorted based on category

  • Create Pictures for products and a separate product page per one when clicked

  • Make change of listed/not listed available on main manage products screen

  • Adjust button locations/buttons on manage products

  • Global Search bar to find functions

  • qr code scanning/ link to global search on main page + find the product page on admin

  • Switch from globals to state management for shopping card integration.

  • Create a Shopping Cart Function

  • Add manage users widget

  • Allow the user to manage themselves using the top right

  • Utilize the change password function for first admin logon for change password in manage users

  • Must have 1 persistant admin account.

  • Create QR Code Discount Maker

  • Create User Logs page for Admins

  • Create Dashboard page with likely to be common use parts.

  • Update Color scheme of application:

  • Potential random error with the dropdown to do with "winfo_rootx"


? add max pswd length of 16 to fit password box length. (technically can be ignored but should be restricted to around 24 since it seems to be a common practice) ? ? Remove age from signup ? ? Potentially add email for signup and require unique ? ? Ask about use of CTK (custom tkinter) ?



  • Redesign the normal user interface
    • Somewhat, but not final
  • Ensure that I do not have any reduntant functions
    • Changed all field validation for registration and password change is done through
  • Go through my code and ensure that functions from are split into their correct files
    • Removed the Validation from to, Still more to be checked (Recursive on feature creation)
  • Document all of Code
    • up to date as of 27/11/24
    • docstrings throughout should be up to date always across all files


  • Added auto clearing and clear on button press of error messages across all of
  • Allowed the enter key to be used when focused on the change password button on the change_password screen.
  • Adjusted the change_password screen to base its theme based on where it is shown from (maintains the correct light style on first setup and will be dark when used by a user inside the program other pages which are all light)
  • Ensured that the first time setup works properly and the files are all being generated right
  • Moved the default icons to a separate directory to ensure that they will be there and moved into a correct folder called just icons on first startup.
  • Fixed some directories for first generation
  • Create a two step initialization setup to allow a user to edit the config.ini after it has been generated.
  • Implemented the ability for config.ini in the admin first setup etc.
  • Implemented the ability to adjust the colors dynamically across the entire gui though config.ini
  • Refactor the code locations for a few functions/modules
  • Resolve all issues with Contradictions in my code locations
  • All current fixable DRY Violations have been resolved at this point.
  • Migrated the majority of the display_products functions to to clean up the display products functions repeatability without losing ties to the other parts of the screen.
  • Fixed small issue with message label creation being in the wrong place in register
  • Migrated the password entry box setup to to be called to create the password entry's for all usage with the visibility button.
  • Appears that the password visibility appears in the tab list or adds another tab and should be excluded from this, Excluded the password box from focus with "takefocus=False".
  • Manage categories add new category does not automatically refresh the categories page, adjusted order of the display_categorys function to be first.
  • Fixed error where when being saved even without image edit would try and replace the image with the same iamge and give a samefile error.
  • Fixed error where you could set a product to listed without a description
  • Fixed issue where the old qr code was deleted without regeneration when the edit product was saved even without edits to the name/price values.
  • Updated when the scroll wheel binding should be active and dropped to avoid the error "invalid command name" when the canvas is improperly closed.
  • Fixed issue which would cause error when viewing the combo box on edit products if the box was empty.
  • Relocated some of the functions regarding scrollbox's and product layouts into
  • Removed the old add logout button function from due to being out of use
  • Relocated the promote and demote admin functions to the for centralising user management.
  • Removed unused imports across all files.
  • Updated the icons to use the file location paths from file_manager instead of defining each time.
  • Moved the category editing and deletion into the database for database access consistency.
  • Reworked the Product add and edit validationss and centralized them in
  • Moved the password change operation into auth for consistency
  • Moved all directory and file management operations to
  • Organized constants by moving PRODUCTS_DIR and ICONS_DIR to
  • Created new module to centralize file operations
  • Removed QR code generation from and centralized in
  • Rearanged functions in all helper files for readability.
  • Moved the styled button creation for the admin dashboard left_nav to to increase readabiltiy and reduce repetition
  • Moved the Dropdown functions to the and updated their bindings to match since used twice in both main store page and the admin dashboard.
  • Moved Password Visiblity function to the utils file, the setting the images has to remain inside of the start_app() function loop post window creation otherwise it errors out.
  • Allow unhide password temp button for logon, register and change password. (Test Change Password when implemented since might be broken, cant test till implemented)
  • Redid the error+Success messages inside to adhere better to DRY Proceedure, switched all uses of succes/error messages inside of to use these functions.
  • Moved the qr code generation into the database file for update_product instead of gui
  • Creates/Updates/Removes the old file tree and images/qr_codes correctly on product_edit
  • Organise the file tree's for products and icons.
  • Make it so change password has same validation as when registering
  • make it so both paswds have to match to create/change, enter password 2x for creation, or both
  • Adjust the admin dashboard to somewhat relate to the user page
  • Add more information to be on product creation + edit = Description, Category, Image, stock
  • Add Search bar for main store page to find listed products
  • Update Products on normal user listing to use horizontal (same as manage products)
  • Make it so that when the row length becomes too tall for the viewing window it will allow scrolling
  • Make Product listings (length of products on one row) dynamic
  • Make it so main store and admin viewing match/ make admin be able to see main + back button
  • Make old QR code be deleted on product edits