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Internet Society:  Rosten, VA, USA
Springer: Berlin,German
ACM:New York, NY
IEEE:Piscataway, NJ



会议简称 会议全称 出版社

SIGMOD| ACM Conference on Management of Data| ACM

VLDB International | Conference on Very Large Data Bases|Morgan Kaufmann/ACM

ICDE| IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering| IEEE Computer Society

SIGKDD| ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining| ACM


WWW| International World Wide Web Conferences| W3C

PODS| ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems| ACM

EDBT| International Conference on Extending DB Technology| Springer LNCS

SIGIR| International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval| ACM

ICDT| International Conference on Database Theory| Springer

ICDM| IEEE International Conference on Data Mining| IEEE Computer Society

CIKM| ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management| ACM

PKDD| European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases| Springer-Verlag LNAI

ER| International Conference on Conceptual Modeling| Lecture Notes in Computer Science

SDM| SIAM International Conference on Data Mining| Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics


DEXA| Database and Expert System Applications| Springer LNCS

NLDB| Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases| Springer LNCS

WAIM| International Conference on Web Age Information Management| Springer LNCS

APWeb| TheAsiaPacific Web Conference| Springer LNCS

WebDB| International ACM Workshop on Web and Databases| ACM

MobiDE| International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access| ACM

MDM| International Conference onMobileData Management| IEEE

CIDR| International Conference on Innovation Database Research| Online Proceedings

SSDBM| International Conference on Scientific and Statistical DB Management| IEEE Computer Society

WISE| Web Information Systems Engineering| Lecture Notes in Computer Science

SSTD| International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases

PAKDD| Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining| Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI

DASFAA| Database Systems for Advanced Applications| Springer LNCS

ECIR| European Conference on IR Research| Springer



会议简称 会议全称 出版社

IJCAI| International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence| Morgan Kaufmann

ICCV| International Conference on Computer Vision| IEEE

ICML| International Conference on Machine Learning| ACM

CVPR| IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition| IEEE

AAAI| AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence| AAAI


NIPS| Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems| MIT Press

KR| International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning| Morgan Kaufmann

ACL| Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics| ACL

AAMAS| International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems| Springer

ECCV| European Conference on Computer Vision| Springer

ECML| European Conference on Machine Learning|Springer

ECAI| European Conference on Artificial Intelligence| IOS Press

COLT| Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory| Springer

UAI| International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence| AUAI

ICAPS| International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling| AAAI

ICCBR| International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning| Springer

COLING| International Conference on Computational Linguistics| ACM

ALT| International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory| Springer

ILP| International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming| Springer

ICRA| IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation| IEEE

CogSci| Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference| Psychology Press

IJCAR| International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning

EMNLPConference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing| ACL


PRICAI| Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence| Springer

NAACL| The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics| NAACL

ACCV| Asian Conference on Computer Vision| Springer

IJCNN| International Joint Conference on Neural Networks| IEEE

ICASSP| IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SP| IEEE

DS| International Conference on Discovery Science| Springer

ICTAI| IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence| IEEE

ICANN| International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks| Springer

ICDAR| International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition| IEEE

GECCO| Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference| ACM

CEC| IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation| IEEE

FUZZ-IEEE| IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems| IEEE

IJCNLP| International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing| ACL

ICONIP| International Conference on Neural Information Processing| Springer

CVIR| International Conference on Content based Image and Video Retrieval| ACM

FGR| International Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition| IEEE

ICB| International Conference on Biometrics| IEEE

CoNLL| Conference on Natural Language Learning |CoNLL

KSEM| International conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management| Springer

ICPR| International Conference on Pattern Recognition| IEEE

COSIT| International Conference on Spatial Information Theory