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Library Module: Modified Standard Module


(DE): Programmcodeerweiterung: Standard Modul für Modified

With this library you need less code to write system and class extensions for modified. If you need help visit the Discord Server for MMLC.


  • PHP 7.4 or above
  • modified to 3.0.2
  • MMLC (recommended)


  • 2020 by Robin Wieschendorf


Class: StdModule

This is a example of how to use the StdModule class vor a System Module.


defined('_VALID_XTC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

use RobinTheHood\ModifiedStdModule\Classes\StdModule;
require_once DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/vendor-no-composer/autoload.php';

class mc_my_first_module extends StdModule
    public function __construct()

    public function display()
        return $this->displaySaveButton();

    public function install()

    public function remove()

If you want add access to a file you can use $this->setAdminAccess() oder $this->deleteAdminAccess()

public function install()
public function remove()

Add Configuration

You can add a configuration with a short KEY. Internaly the KEY will be prefixed with your init() moduleName configuration. Example: Is your init() configuration is MODULE_MC_MY_FIRST_MODULE and your configuration key is USER_NAME the whole configuration name is MODULE_MC_MY_FIRST_MODULE_USER_NAME.

You can use the following methods in the public StdModule::install() method.

// Example
public __construct() {

public function install()
    $this->addConfiguration('USER_NAME', 'default', 6, 1);

Most of the addConfiguration methods can handle the following parameters:

  • key - Configuration key name
  • value - Default value
  • groupId - Shoudt be 6 for system modules
  • sortOrder - Sort position of the configuration entry

Add a textfield configuration

public StdModule::addConfiguration(string $key, string $value, int $groupId, int $sortOrder): void

// Example
$this->addConfiguration('USER_NAME', 'default', 6, 1);

Adds a YES | NO configuration

public StdModule::addConfigurationSelect(string $key, bool $value, int $groupId, int $sortOrder): void

// Example
$this->addConfigurationSelect('SHOW_LASTNAME', true, 6, 1);

Adds a textfield configuration

public StdModule::addConfigurationTextArea(string $key, string $value, int $groupId, int $sortOrder): void

// Example
$this->addConfigurationTextArea('IMPRINT', 'a longer text', 6, 1);

Adds a order status select configuration

public StdModule::addConfigurationOrderStatus(string $key, string $value, int $groupId, int $sortOrder): void

// Example
$this->addConfigurationOrderStatus('CHANGE_TO_STATUS', '2', 6, 1);

Adds a select with multible options

Notice: option-id/name and option-value are equal. You can add a translation in the language file.

public StdModule::addConfigurationDropDown(string $key, string $value, int $groupId, int $sortOrder, array $values): void

// Example
$this->addConfigurationDropDown('MODE', 'a', 6, 1, ['a', 'b', 'c']);

Adds a select with multible options from static function

Notice: option-id/name and option-value are equal. You can add a translation in the language file.

public StdModule::addConfigurationDropDownByStaticFunction(string $key, string $value, int $groupId, int $sortOrder, string $staticCallFunctionName): void

// Example
public static function aStaticMethod()
    return ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];

$this->addConfigurationDropDownByStaticFunction('MODE', 'a', 6, 1, 'aStaticMethod');

Delete configuration

public StdModule::deleteConfiguration(string $key): void

// Example

Adding an action and defining a method in a module class

Note: Currently this only works for System and Export modules.

In the overview of the modules in the admin area, you can add additional buttons to the right under the description of your module and an action that should be carried out when you click on the button.

  1. Open the file that contains the class where you want to add the module class action. For example: ...modules/system/mc_my_module.php

  2. In the constructor of the class, add the following code to register the action:

    public function __construct() {
       $this->addAction('myMethod', 'My Button');

    This line of code registers an action named myMethod with the label 'My Button'.

  3. Inside the module class, create a method named invokeMyMethod with the following code:

    public function invokeMyMethod()

    This method will be called when the action myMethod is triggered.

That's it! You have now added an action and defined the corresponding method in your module class. Make sure to fill in the necessary code within the invokeMyMethod method to achieve the desired functionality.

Easy access with class Configuration

In order to use configuration values you can use them as usual:


Or you can use the helper class Configuration:

use RobinTheHood\ModifiedStdModule\Classes\Configuration;

$config = new Configuration('MODULE_MC_MY_FIRST_MODULE');

echo $config->myConfigurationValue1;
echo $config->myConfigurationValue2;
echo $config->myConfigurationValue3;


We would be happy if you would like to take part in the development of this module. If you wish more features or you want to make improvements or to fix errors feel free to contribute. In order to contribute, you just have to fork this repository and make pull requests.

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composer install
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests --testdox --colors