Mesosphere is a social media network that uses IDs to connect people and build networks via personal connections. Every individual is their own node and voluntarily builds networks of nodes in passing by others and expanding their networks. You only participate in networks and are exposed to nodes you choose. Data you post is stored on a firebase central server, with the hope of eventually migrating this data locally to be shared in a more direct peer-to-peer fashion. Mesosphere will be aimed at iOS & Android, and released on Android via APK initially.
For more information, see here.
See our about page here!
We will be programming in accordance with JavaScript Standard Style.
In order to build this project you first have to install:
- Node.js
- React Native CLI
- An android emulator. We recommend using the official Android Studio Emulator.
Once you are in the project's root directory run npm install --global react-native-cli
After cloning the repo and installing the above software, users should run npm install --force
in the project's root directory, which will install all project dependencies listed in package.json.
To run the project, run react-native run-android
in the terminal. This will build and launch the app on an already running emulated machine.
The unit tests are in /test/unit
The behavioral tests are in /e2e/
Unit testing is done with the Jest testing library. Behavioral testing is done with the Detox testing library.
Unit tests are run with npm run test
These instructions are for a Windows machine, and uses Powershell. A Google Doc with pictures can be found at
For detox behavioral tests, an Android emulator must be utilized.
Install the latest version of Android Studio (You will also need an android virtual device)
Create a virtual android device
Open the Virtual Device Manager (VDM)
Select Create Device
in the top left corner.
Select Pixel 2
For system image, tab over to x86 Images
and scroll down to select Pie 28 x86_64
(No Google API)
You will need to download it first (click the blue download button).
(In configuration Advanced Settings, you may want to increase the Internal Storage. You can do this later).
Now that you have an android emulator, it is recommended that you launch it once to enable quick-boot. To do this, click More
in the side menu (the three dots). Navigate to Snapshots
and switch Auto Save current state to Quickboot
to No.
This will ensure that before each behavioral test, the simulator is quick-booting from it's initial image.
Lastly, ensure that your local kotlin version is up-to-date (1.6.10). You can check this by navigating to Customize in Android Studio -> All Settings -> Languages and Frameworks -> Kotlin.
If a new version is available, install it.
Installing a new Kotlin version requires a machine restart. However, so do various other steps in these instructions. For convenience, they have been compiled here to avoid unnecessary restarts.
You will need Node Package Manager (
You will also need Java 14 (16+ will not work): (
To build the dev apk, we will need gradle 6.8: (This may be optional, as react-native run-android also installs gradle)
Edit your environment variables for your account. Add the following (if they are not already present):
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT | C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
JAVA_HOME | C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2
PATH | C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin
| C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
| C:\Gradle\gradle-6.8.3\bin
You should replace [User] and jdk-14.0.2 with the relevant files on your machine. You should also add these to your Path variable (Edit -> New). After following the gradle instructions, you should also add C:\Gradle\gradle-6.8.3\bin
to your Path variable.
For the use of Detox behavioral testing, a debug apk must be generated. Expo does not support this generation, so we'll have to do this locally. Alternatively, an (out-of-date) debug apk can be found at link. If you choose to install this, skip to the last section after completing this one. Clone the Mesosphere repository and cd into it.
git clone
cd .\Mesosphere\
npm install --force
Now that the project is set up, an index needs to be generated to run the local apk. You should also update the build tools and kotlin under android/build.gradle to match your most current build tools (visible in C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools
Since we're using react native, you should also install the cli tools
npm install -g react-native-cli
npm install -g expo
npm install -g expo-cli
npm install -g detox-cli
The index is created through the following command (this will take a while):
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res
Once that's done, run react-native run-android
to test if you've been successful so far. This will create and run an apk locally. If it works, you're good to move on. You may need to start your emulator manually before running the command.
If you've gotten this far, you should be good to continue!
Close your android emulator. Detox will open its own. Cd into the android library and run ./gradlew clean
CD back into the Mesosphere main folder (cd ../)
Run detox build -c android
If this also builds successfully, you should be ready to run your tests!
Running the react-native commands may have installed the react-native build tools (29.0.2). This is fine. However, you need to copy the file 'aapt' from it's current build tools location (32.0.0) to build-tools\metrics. That would be:
Copied into
If you've installed a premade apk, place it at Mesosphere/android/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
(or match the binaryPath variable in .detoxrc.json)
For now, we only have one test to run. This section should update as more are added. This test simply checks that the user lands on the login screen with all expected widgets.
Run detox test -c android
Adam Gazdecki (
Carleigh Gregory (
Cole Lewis (
Divine Walker (
Kevin Prince (