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127 lines (122 loc) · 8.93 KB

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127 lines (122 loc) · 8.93 KB
Project Year
Bokeh 2019
HomeAssistant 2019
IPython 2019
JSettlers 2019
Mailpile 2019
Pillow 2019
Quake3 2019
Ray 2019
Spyder 2019
Teammaters 2019
Terraform 2019
akka 2018
angular 2018
AngularDart 2015
Arduino 2017
Atom 2016
BigBlueButton 2016
Bootstrap 2016
Cartographer 2018
CKAN 2016
CodeCombat 2016
contributions 2018
D3.js 2016
Diaspora 2018
docker 2015
Docker 2018
eden 2018
elasticsearch 2018
electron 2018
Ember.js 2016
Gitlab 2016
godot 2018
Gradle 2017
Guava 2016
Habitica 2016
Homebrew 2018
images 2018
JabRef 2017
Jekyll 2015
jenkins 2018
Joomla 2015
Junit5 2017
Jupyter Notebook 2017
Kafka 2017
Karma 2016
Keras 2018
Kibana 2017
Kodi (xbmc) 2015
kubernetes 2018
lighthouse 2018
loopback 2018
Magento 2017
Mapbox GL 2017
MatplotLib 2017
mattermost 2018
mbedos 2018
Mockito 2017
Mopidy 2016
Neo4j 2016
NeoVim 2017
Netty 2017
Node 2017
OpenCV 2016
OpenRA 2015
OpenTripPlanner 2016
osu 2018
phaser 2018
Play Framework 2015
Processing 2017
react 2018
RocketChat 2018
Ruby on Rails 2016
Scikit Learn 2017
Scrapy 2017
Sonic PI 2016
spark 2018
Strapi 2018
SwaggerUI 2018
SyncAny 2015
Syncthing 2017
Telegram Web 2017
TensorBoard 2018
TensorFlow 2016
Terasology 2016
threejs 2018
Toyplot 2018
typescript 2018
Vagrant 2015
VS Code 2017
vuejs 2018
Wildfly 2016
xmage 2018
Yarn 2017
Youtube-DL 2016

Disclaimer: These links were auto-generated using the GitHub search API. As such, some of them may not point to the correct project. The script used to perform a search is below, use (modify) it to update this list in the future.


> banned-urls.txt; # Clear or create the output file.

# You'd probably prefer to pipe in a list here. 
echo -e "typescript\nVS Code" |
while IFS= read -r name
        RESPONSE=$(curl                                                     \
        --header "Authorization: bearer $GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN"                 \
        --data                                                              \
        "{                                                                  \
            \"query\": \"query {                                            \
                search(query: \\\"$name\\\", type: REPOSITORY, first: 1) {  \
                    edges { node {                                          \
                        ... on Repository { url }                           \
                } } } }\"                                                   \
        }"                                                                  \;
        echo $RESPONSE                                                      \
            | grep -o 'https://[^"]*'                                       \
            | awk -v name="$name" '{print "["name"]("$1")"}'                \
            >> banned-urls.txt;