- update express dep and lock file (f94cc22)
- update to patched version to avoid vulnerabilities (6873ee4)
- internal error (c7e2524)
- packages/sui-ssr: add webpack cache version to fix linking issue (d4d499b)
- packages/sui-ssr: provide better console feedback (eb2f329)
- packages/sui-ssr: update sui bundler client config and add inspect for nodemon (6b5e59f)
- packages/sui-ssr: use custom env variable instead of NODE_ENV to use tmp build folder (ff41967)
- packages/sui-ssr: add ssr dev mode (bb2db70)
- packages/sui-ssr: add ssr dev support (219685c)
- packages/sui-ssr: create ssr tmp folder (f2f6fd9)
- packages/sui-ssr: safe check of type (84175aa)
- packages/sui-ssr: revert csp report (0c024ba)
- packages/sui-ssr: add csp report header and create new hook to each site be able to handle the (2024dad)
- packages/sui-ssr: improvements (18c7deb)
- packages/sui-ssr: update express dep to fix security issue (10f4b05)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove copy-paste dependency to fix security issue (2ac2885)
- packages/sui-ssr: update dep for security issue (34706c9)
- packages/sui-ssr: update gir-url-parse version (437c183)
- packages/sui-ssr: upgrade versions for security (9566aac)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix security issue from ua-parser-js (95e8792)
- packages/sui-ssr: undo beta modification in package json (902c98f)
- packages/sui-ssr: import middleware from sui-critical-css-middleware and make sui-ssr do not i (46d602c)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix module resolution and avoid get all dependencies from node_modules root (9b29b1a)
- packages/sui-ssr: Use latest git-url-parse (2f7684f)
- packages/sui-ssr: Remove noisy messages and stop wasting time (35a6c36)
- packages/sui-ssr: Check independently if files were copied (77fe13a)
- packages/sui-ssr: Release new version with log on copy files (d2aca8c)
- packages/sui-ssr: Catch non important error (643d652)
- packages/sui-ssr: Remove copy-webpack-plugin and rimraf as they're not needed (cfa5fc7)
- packages/sui-ssr: Return reject to avoid keep executing code (bb45d92)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix typo on listen app (5d5c51f)
- packages/sui-ssr: get outputFileName from program opts (986ae4a)
- packages/sui-ssr: update commander to 8.3.0 (ceb7f7d)
- packages/sui-ssr: prevent errors if project does not have 500 and 404 html files (c4f4539)
- packages/sui-ssr: Release a new major that uses Webpack@5 toolchain (ed4b75c)
- packages/sui-ssr: allow multisite cache assets manifest (6e6c885)
- packages/sui-ssr: CopyWebpackPlugin options (8ab247e)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove criticalCss service config and related code (63ab106)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove dynamicsURLS config and related code (f0df377)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove js-yaml dependency and publicEnvConfig functionality (cf8104e)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove loadSPAOnNotFound config and related code (0fe5fdc)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove queryDisableThirdParties config and related code (3b00c72)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove serverContentType config and related code (b851310)
- packages/sui-ssr: support webpack 5 for build (f28a699)
- packages/sui-ssr: Bump dependencies (c23f185)
- packages/sui-ssr: expose util func to get the assets manifest (4d442ca)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove unnecesary log when critical css is disabled (077aa85)
- packages/sui-ssr: allow to receive headers as an array (6c83043)
- packages/sui-ssr: http redirect headers (075db29)
- packages/sui-ssr: prevent to reset previows headers (915ef93)
- packages/sui-ssr: update doc (2699b65)
- packages/sui-ssr: update archiver version (50049fc)
- packages/sui-ssr: http cookie (e2f1ea4)
- packages/sui-ssr: update readme according ton new htppCookie sui-ssr feature (0478b5d)
- packages/sui-ssr: bump (64035b1)
- Root: Use single @s-ui/test across packages (1d8b926)
- sui-ssr: add link package short alias (629aab4)
- packages/sui-ssr: use only the constant (6f82412)
- packages/sui-ssr: allow to set a specific redirect status code (3566d01)
- packages/sui-ssr: force release (73c2400)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix async stylesheet links replacement (fe53f37)
- packages/sui-ssr: keep only one folder for critical css in multisites (4d95d15)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix ssr lock file update for npm 7 given a npm issue (ffded0b)
- packages/sui-ssr: import middleware (12bd504)
- packages/sui-ssr: set manifest as an object by default (d2af323)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix cache for multisites (118b2cc)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix manifest path (0c82887)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix option name, not abbreviation (e39b805)
- packages/sui-ssr: get critical dir (8e191fe)
- packages/sui-ssr: Avoid using huge dependency for easy check (1024e8b)
- packages/sui-ssr: use critical middleware (a3af3aa)
- packages/sui-ssr: use ssr release with npm 7 (c94d9cd)
- packages/sui-ssr: support npm 7 and node 15 forcing mime dependency in sui-ssr to prevent runt (645db65)
- packages/sui-ssr: upgrade express dependency version to latest (e18fedb)
- packages/sui-ssr: cache asset manifest once retrieved (8f66ac2)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove not needed code (3d6ce2c)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove not needed file (cc3c17c)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix create styles for multisites (b1f2d4e)
- packages/sui-ssr: enable define commit to release (4a09d3d)
- packages/sui-ssr: trigger release (017088d)
- sui-ssr: add sui-router regexp support for critical css mandatoryCSSRules flag (8bee98c)
- sui-ssr: update readme (17a3bbc)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix import (53fab68)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix async styles load (5849d33)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix package json version (a47224c)
- packages/sui-ssr: fix test async constant (98a6928)
- packages/sui-ssr: not remove critical css when page loads (99ec9d1)
- packages/sui-ssr: add static critical css middleware (8904137)
- packages/sui-ssr: skip ci release by flag (f166d34)
- sui-ssr: add debugbear user-agent detection in ssr perf/dynamicRendering (f5bbf84)
- sui-ssr: bump sui-ssr (2cffe54)
- packages/sui-ssr: prevent remove already deleted node (073a343)
- packages/sui-ssr: move fn to utils (d30a2f3)
- packages/sui-ssr: inline dynamic import styles on demand (61ac34e)
- packages/sui-ssr: change conditional check (3cd2796)
- packages/sui-ssr: remove unnecessary import (c48d029)
- packages/sui-ssr: implement site feature for routes on route_matching hook (da9dd55)
- packages/sui-ssr: update deps (2824498)
- sui-ssr: fix critical css config object (58234f4)
- sui-ssr: add initial context value (3987106)
- sui-ssr: let the context providers inject data into the html (7b9fc62)
- sui-ssr: update test config + fix tests (7c30bbc)
- sui-ssr: use getInitialData (d1c248d)
- sui-ssr: fix optional chaining in server code (e531407)
- sui-ssr: fix build request url method (f4ee1ab)
- sui-ssr: fix duplicated hyphen (91fd5c5)
- sui-ssr: fix passed config reference (8fdc61f)
- sui-ssr: fix some issues that were breaking the server for multi sites apps (7fa9c8b)
- sui-ssr: allow multiple hosts for critical css (07f6272)
- sui-ssr: use GITHUB_TOKEN instead GH_TOKEN to normalize but keep compatibility (8f6b5bb)
- sui-ssr: rollback commander version to avoid clashing options names (5642357)
- sui-ssr: Use latest and same commander version and avoid installing different versions (b90af66)
- sui-ssr: update the critical css service domain (8a72d78)
- sui-ssr: fix program value (9ce59ad)
- sui-ssr: set docker registry in bin file (5d6d515)
- sui-ssr: unformat some comments in readme (7471f14)
- sui-ssr: add option to define a custom registry for the pm2 dependency (21a7707)
- sui-ssr: convert contextProvider to factory and pass contextFactory returned value (0ee923e)
- sui-ssr: add double check before find an array element (f891491)
- sui-ssr: accept host patterns in multisite config (0c14746)
- sui-ssr: add flag to define a custom entrypoint (28dc7b7)
- sui-ssr: allow use an alternative entrypoint (2b83bf4)
- sui-ssr: avoid cache index html w/out third parties (e1c978f)
- sui-ssr: dont user memoize template (415cc95)
- sui-ssr: remove 3th party scripts using an AST (e082ae6)
- sui-ssr: fix node version to 14-alpine in dockerfile.tpl (aa6c57d)
- sui-ssr: remove double encodeURIComponent (bb5f501)
- sui-ssr: migrate to the new CriticalCSS URL (95aa20e)
- sui-ssr: send empty object if there is not extraCustomHeaders (c600355)
- sui-ssr: fix possible xss (5216b47)
- sui-ssr: add req and response props (d491d5b)
- sui-ssr: use sui-react-router for match (96c3e4e)
- sui-ssr: fix error memory leak (f5c7610)
- sui-ssr: fix memory leak (65c8958)
- sui-ssr: fix performance issue with strings (2e727a2)
- sui-ssr: fix redirect location param name (6786f7c)
- sui-ssr: fix string memory leak (acf4dc6)
- sui-ssr: fix hooks order (e379a6d)
- sui-ssr: add bootstrap hook type (6fb48c0)
- sui-ssr: add timing to context and route matching hooks (454b19f)
- sui-ssr: get match props from req and add timing in criticalCSS middleware (5b5db82)
- sui-ssr: get match props from req and add timing in prpl middleware (8e40376)
- sui-ssr: move hrtimeToMs to utils module (c3865c4)
- sui-ssr: move req prop destructuring to top, return all timing info (e6f8795)
- sui-ssr: remove unused bootstrap hook type (ca31f7e)
- sui-ssr: add config for env and mandatoryCSSRules check for criticalCSS (585dbd8)
- sui-ssr: add max retrys by hash logic (1707518)
- sui-ssr: code doc and logMessages (ebdf251)
- sui-ssr: exit process if no routes file found (487705d)
- sui-ssr: manage errors first in ssr, before redirects (8f6ccf6)
- sui-ssr: rename BOOTSTRAP hook to ROUTE_MATCHING (475c885)
- sui-ssr: retrieve critical and prpl middlewares (a8eb072)
- sui-ssr: retrieve server getInitialProps & render metrics (cf72604)
- sui-ssr: use sui-react-router in prpl (624b61d)
- sui-ssr: route.path fix (921e721)
- sui-ssr: add blackListRoutePaths cheking in criticalCSS and prpl (8a0634e)
- sui-ssr: add bootstrap hook (67ed9b7)
- sui-ssr: remove match() from main ssr and move to bootstrap hook (b90de60)
- sui-ssr: context providers as plugins (2a57992)
- sui-ssr: use logMessage instead of console (ff9c38c)
- sui-ssr: add criticalCSS invalidate param (71aa60d)
- sui-ssr: improve logging and config (6be9929)
- sui-ssr: log message in console when critical css is invalidated (9bdbe6c)
- sui-ssr: send hints preload with headers (8c6a349)
- sui-ssr: add support for the prpl service (6e60e5b)
- sui-ssr: mobile as default prpl device (820e79f)
- sui-ssr: remove development mode (302aee4)
- sui-ssr: use default history and pass location instead pushing it (d004a55)
- sui-ssr: use parse to improve JSON (2ea0d3f)
- sui-ssr: use skipSSR flag instead of checking status code to skip ssr (67cc137)
- sui-ssr: add check to skip ssr if statusCode is set to 404 (3e8eb55)
- sui-ssr: add new SETUP_CONTEXT hook default function in hooksFactory (b0aed96)
- sui-ssr: add new setup_context hook to hook types file (aa96126)
- sui-ssr: add new SETUP_CONTEXT middleware in ssr server (5d27850)
- sui-ssr: use @s-ui/react-router for criticalcss (7ea27dd)
- sui-ssr: use request context instead of building it in ssr (e8d62e8)
- sui-ssr: remove JSX from the server code (0f96456)
- sui-ssr: use a static version of the history (21e020a)
- sui-ssr: To put html tags in your headers you MUST use the package @s-ui/react-head
- sui-ssr: add flag --link-package to build task (6459226)
- sui-ssr: priorize head tag load for improve SEO (dbc4996)
- sui-ssr: send custom headers properly inside an options object (1cacef4)
- sui-ssr: sui-ssr expect works with @s-ui/react-router (86c32bd)
- sui-ssr: use Router component and split requires (3ac23e8)
- sui-ssr: Internal requirement path changes from react-router to @s-ui/react-router, break the convention.
- sui-ssr: avoid using the same name for different variables (2001341)
- sui-ssr: allow sending custom headers to critical css service (03e7974)
- sui-ssr: stop branching our code for using default values (9c52993)
- sui-ssr: fix undefined verification (72ff69e)
- sui-ssr: added configuration to set the server content-type (3217140)
- sui-ssr: remove CriticalCSS after load styles (2d7c061)
- sui-ssr: fix criticalCSS URL (ba8c926)
- sui-ssr: moves earlyFlush invocation after res.redirect to avoid crashes (92a7ae3)
- sui-ssr: typo in comment (7001fda)
- sui-ssr: adds a key to allow 301 redirects in server (8760da6)
- sui-ssr: restore package name (972421c)
- sui-ssr: add PRE_SSR_HANDLER hook (e5597a1)
- sui-ssr: bump version (1a5c5c3)
- sui-ssr: update deps (4122711)
- sui-ssr: pass device to the context (adec3d1)
- sui-ssr: remove now config (b1e84aa)
- sui-ssr: remove console logs when generate the zip file (5187023)
- sui-ssr: make memoized html template be always an object (d5c0ebc)
- sui-ssr: add pre health check hook (aba2105)
- sui-ssr: fix docs (de3959d)
- sui-ssr: implement improvement suggestions (b0dbb4c)
- sui-ssr: only assign middlewares if multisite is set (924bb69)
- sui-ssr: remove not needed config data and fix some issues (20687f0)
- sui-ssr: add support for multisite (5e01cfd)
- sui-ssr: update docs and remove an eslint comment (ae3bfdd)
- sui-ssr: add blackListURLs config to avoid critical CSS in some urls (471cfb1)
- sui-ssr: add PRE_STATIC_PUBLIC hook (f0d1832)
- sui-ssr: add option to only use new react context api (bae9c22)
- sui-ssr: log error if there is any logger in the request (2eb7037)
- sui-ssr: change release msg (6c9e50d)
- sui-ssr: bump version (d30a85e)
- sui-ssr: console errors in non production env (59eea5f)
- sui-ssr: dont cache errors (815bf3f)
- sui-ssr: disable critical css by env var (1debbf7)
- sui-ssr: move polyfill to function generator (3142761)
- sui-ssr: remove polyfill file (57a655b)
- sui-ssr: using the new critical css service and prefetch polyfill (1f3d806)
- sui-ssr: add device to the hash (266b967)
- sui-ssr: add criticalCSS feature (7a77098)
- sui-ssr: add GZip compression to the responses (9de19e5)
- sui-ssr: first version of critical css (4af2f87)
- sui-ssr: fix babel preset issue by removing static instruction (d4c3618)
- sui-ssr: send Content-Type header setup to HTML when respond with SPA option (4c7f3d5)
- sui-ssr: add dummy commit to force release after merge master (5ba5a73)
- sui-ssr: default hook behaviour has changed
- sui-ssr: add Dynamic Rendering by pages (18aa35a)
- sui-ssr: add flags for enabling/disbaling early-flush and load-spa-on-not-found (c0f3272)
- sui-ssr: be able to return spa on 404 error including appConfig and error message. Centralize (4e6a91b)
- sui-ssr: default hook behaviuor has been modified
- sui-ssr: delay early flush in order to properly handle getInitialProps exception (3eb5022)
- sui-ssr: use as peerDependency latest sui-bundler (bb9e616)
- sui-ssr: use new sui-bundler beta (825733c)
- sui-ssr: Use new sui-bundler that uses latest babel@7, so some breaking could happen
- sui-ssr: Using new sui-bundler version with breaking changes
- sui-ssr: use latest features and force docker type deployment (0dd97d0)
- sui-ssr: build device haven't been transpiled in web app and was generating a bundle error in (f1ca65a)
- sui-ssr: from es6 to es5, haven't been transpiled in web app (6452c02)
- sui-ssr: fix copy of package.json inside Dockerfile (454dd2f)
- sui-ssr: bump version (72d5aec)
- sui-ssr: add dinamyc rendering (51b1139)
- sui-ssr: fix typo (ec86fcb)
- sui-ssr: redirect from site.com to www.site.com (8e846b1)
- sui-ssr: avoid logging health check (2999e79)
- sui-ssr: hook user could be an async func (afb112a)
- sui-ssr: use max number of cpus (f53cb3d)
- sui-ssr: add comments (6bbe58d)
- sui-ssr: add Device to context (ff5cd66)
- sui-ssr: change device API (5f8e3ba)
- sui-ssr: keep backward compatibility by adding a try-catch when reading envs file so that it d (e63ce1b)
- sui-ssr: read public env config from public-env.yml file. Build app config object and attach i (567eb84)
- sui-ssr: avoid prompt user and pass in the health check (fdb96ac)
- sui-ssr: added auth system to our express build. (52cfb66)
- sui-ssr: added custom name feature (4aae7fc)
- sui-ssr: added descriptive logs (c6f97a0)
- sui-ssr: added kb info on zip (9472cc9)
- sui-ssr: bump version to major. (db9bd4a)
- sui-ssr: changed the way that we create files. Now we create the files with a name -sui-ssr su (1a2fcd4)
- sui-ssr: improved readme for the archive command (fbaf1b2)
- sui-ssr: increase a minor in order to change version to 2.0 (87875f5)
- sui-ssr: - We've change the way in what the output of the file works
- sui-ssr: fix an error that was causing a false no renderProps error on our ssr server (0a5c4c7)
- sui-ssr: add very basic health check end point (ce6b2c3)
- sui-ssr: add to the footer a performance object (3bfe877)
- sui-ssr: reade the index.html just on boot time (e07bf68)
- sui-ssr: contextFactory now is optional (d7633be)
- sui-ssr: bump version (374270b)
- sui-ssr: add archive command and change output folder from .server to server (30e7478)
- sui-ssr: beta version (dfbf09c)
- sui-ssr: contextify the response (9f31305)
- sui-ssr: frist commit (cf8a577)
- sui-ssr: Move package from @schibstedspain scope to @s-ui org (1491650)