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Login and Session



Orders and Trades

Order and MarketData Update


The Api is a dotNet wrapper of the NorenAPI which offers a combination of Rest calls and WebSocket for the purposes of Trading.

API is developed on VisualStudio2019, it uses .NetStandard 2.0 and has a dependency on Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1

The namespace NorenRestApiWrapper and class NorenRestApi are of primary use and interest

We will be creating an object of NorenRestApi to make requests, the callback is an argument of the request method.

Initialize the api the following are needed

endPoint: The api end point as instructed by your Broker Appkey : The secretkey issued to you, donot append the userid to it.

Login and Session


public bool SendLogin(OnResponse response,string endPoint,LoginMessage login)

connect to the broker, only once this function has returned successfully can any other operations be performed

Loginrequest takes three arguments

  1. Callback: this is the function where the application will be handling the response
  2. Endpoint: OMS address
  3. MessageData: parameters of the request being made.

The Callback is of signature

public delegate void OnResponse(NorenResponseMsg Response,bool ok)


LoginMessage loginMessage = new LoginMessage();
loginMessage.uid = uid;
loginMessage.pwd = pwd;
loginMessage.factor2 = OTP/TOTP;
loginMessage.imei = "134243434";
loginMessage.source = "API";
loginMessage.appkey = API key;

nApi.SendLogin(Program.OnAppLoginResponse, endPoint, loginMessage);

The callback will be handled as below

public static void OnAppLoginResponse(NorenResponseMsg Response, bool ok)
   LoginResponse loginResp= Response as LoginResponse;

       //do all work here

The Response is casted to expected DataType ie in this example being LoginResponse,

stat is checked to see if the request was successful.

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
apkversion* Application version.
uid* User Id of the login user
pwd* Sha256 of the user entered password.
factor2* OTP or TOTP as entered by the user.(User Needs to be generated from the Shoonya app)
vc* Vendor code provided by noren team, along with connection URLs
appkey* Sha256 Encryption with the format of Example (uid Single Pipeline API key) When you have created the encryption key all must be without spaces.
imei* Send mac if users logs in for desktop, imei is from mobile
addldivinf Optional field, Value must be in below format:
ipaddr Optional field
source API

Response is of type LoginResponse

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Login Success Or failure status
susertoken It will be present only on login success. This data to be sent in subsequent requests in jKey field and web socket connection while connecting.
lastaccesstime It will be present only on login success.
spasswordreset Y If Y Mandatory password reset to be enforced. Otherwise the field will be absent.
exarr Json array of strings with enabled exchange names
uname User name
prarr Json array of Product Obj with enabled products, as defined below.
actid Account id
email Email Id
brkname Broker id
emsg This will be present only if Login fails.


public bool SendGetUserDetails(OnResponse response)


//get user details

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description

Response is of type UserDetailsResponse

Json Fields Possible value Description
exarr list of exchanges enabled
orarr ordertypes enabled for the user
prarr list of product object
brkname Region Category
brnchid Branch Category
actid Account Id
email Email Id


public bool SendLogout(OnResponse response)

Terminate the current session with the server.


ret = nApi.SendLogout()

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description

Response is of type LogoutResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Logout Success Or failure status
request_time It will be present only on successful logout.
emsg This will be present only if Logout fails.


public bool SendForgotPassword(OnResponse response,string endpoint,string user,string pan,string dob)


ret = nApi.SendForgotPassword(OnForgotPwdResponse, endpoint, user, pan, dob);

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* User Id
pan* pan of the user
dob* Date of birth

Response is of type ForgotPasswordResponse:

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Success Or failure status
emsg This will be present only if request fails.


public bool Changepwd(OnResponse response,Changepwd changepwd)


ret = nApi.SendChangepwd(OnChangePwdResponse, changepwd);

Request Details : Changepwd

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* User Id
oldpwd* old password of the user
pwd* new password of the user

Response is of type ChangepwdResponse:

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Success Or failure status
emsg This will be present only if request fails.


This method initializes the api with an existing session instead of creating a new session with SendLogin.

public bool SetSession(string endpoint, string uid, string pwd, string usertoken)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
endpoint server endpoint
uid user
pwd password
usertoken session id from loginresponse.

Response is of type bool :

Json Fields Possible value Description
Value True/False



public bool SendGetMWList(OnResponseresponse)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description

Response is of type MWListResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description


public bool SendGetMarketWatch(OnResponse response,string wlname)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description

Response is of type MarketWatchResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description


public bool SendAddMultiScripsToMW(OnResponse response,string watchlist,string scrips)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description

Response is of type StandardResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description


public bool SendDeleteMultiMWScrips( OnResponse response,string watchlist,string scrips)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description

Response is of type StandardResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description


public bool SendSearchScrip(OnResponse response,string exch,string searchtxt)

Search for scrip or contract and its properties

The call can be made to get the exchange provided token for a scrip or alternately can search for a partial string to get a list of matching scrips Trading Symbol:

SymbolName + ExpDate + 'F' for all data having InstrumentName starting with FUT

SymbolName + ExpDate + 'P' + StrikePrice for all data having InstrumentName starting with OPT and with OptionType PE

SymbolName + ExpDate + 'C' + StrikePrice for all data having InstrumentName starting with OPT and with OptionType C

For MCX, F to be ignored for FUT instruments


api.SendSearchScrip(Program.OnResponse, 'NSE', 'REL');

This will reply as following

    "stat": "Ok",
    "values": [
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "18069",
            "tsym": "REL100NAV-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "24225",
            "tsym": "RELAXO-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "4327",
            "tsym": "RELAXOFOOT-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "18068",
            "tsym": "RELBANKNAV-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "2882",
            "tsym": "RELCAPITAL-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "18070",
            "tsym": "RELCONSNAV-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "18071",
            "tsym": "RELDIVNAV-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "18072",
            "tsym": "RELGOLDNAV-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "2885",
            "tsym": "RELIANCE-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "15068",
            "tsym": "RELIGARE-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "553",
            "tsym": "RELINFRA-EQ"
            "exch": "NSE",
            "token": "18074",
            "tsym": "RELNV20NAV-EQ"

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* Logged in User Id
stext* Search Text
exch Exchange (Select from ‘exarr’ Array provided in User Details response)

Response is of type SearchScripResponse:

SearchScripResponse has a list of a ScripItem,

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Market watch success or failure indication.
values Array of json objects. (object fields given in below table)
emsg This will be present only in case of errors.

ScripItem is as follows

Json Fields of object in values Array Possible value Description
exch NSE, BSE, NFO ... Exchange
tsym Trading symbol of the scrip (contract)
token Token of the scrip (contract)
pp Price precision
ti Tick size
ls Lot size


public bool SendGetSecurityInfo( OnResponse response,string exch,string token)


ret = nApi.SendGetSecurityInfo(OnSecurityResponse, 'NSE', '22')

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* Logged in User Id
exch Exchange
token Contract Token

Response is of type GetSecurityInfoResponse:

Response data will have below fields.

Json Fields Possible value Description
request_time It will be present only in a successful response.
stat Ok or Not_Ok Market watch success or failure indication.
exch NSE, BSE, NFO ... Exchange
tsym Trading Symbol
cname Company Name
symnam Symbol Name
seg Segment
exd Expiry Date
instname Intrument Name
strprc Strike Price
optt Option Type
isin ISIN
ti Tick Size
ls Lot Size
pp Price precision
mult Multiplier
gp_nd gn/gd * pn/pd
prcunt Price Units
prcqqty Price Quote Qty
trdunt Trade Units
delunt Delivery Units
frzqty Freeze Qty
gsmind scripupdate Gsm Ind
elmbmrg Elm Buy Margin
elmsmrg Elm Sell Margin
addbmrg Additional Long Margin
addsmrg Additional Short Margin
splbmrg Special Long Margin
splsmrg Special Short Margin
delmrg Delivery Margin
tenmrg Tender Margin
tenstrd Tender Start Date
tenendd Tender End Eate
exestrd Exercise Start Date
exeendd Exercise End Date
elmmrg Elm Margin
varmrg Var Margin
expmrg Exposure Margin
token Contract Token
prcftr_d ((GN / GD) * (PN/PD))

Order and Trades


public bool SendPlaceOrder( OnResponse response,PlaceOrder order )

Example:Place an order as follows

    PlaceOrder order = new PlaceOrder();
    order.uid = uid;
    order.actid = actid;
    order.exch = "NSE";
    order.tsym = "M&M-EQ";
    order.qty = "10";
    order.dscqty = "0";
    order.prc = "100.5";
    order.prd = "I";
    order.trantype = "B";
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    order.ordersource = "API";

    nApi.SendPlaceOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

Place a Cover Order as follows

    PlaceOrder order = new PlaceOrder();
    order.uid = uid;
    order.actid = actid;
    order.exch = "CDS";
    order.tsym = "USDINR27JAN21F";
    order.qty = "10";
    order.dscqty = "0";
    order.prc = "76.0025";
    order.blprc = "74.0025";
    order.prd = "H";
    order.trantype = "B";
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    order.ordersource = "API";

    nApi.SendPlaceOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

Place a Bracket Order as follows

    PlaceOrder order = new PlaceOrder();
    order.uid = uid;
    order.actid = actid;
    order.exch = "NSE";
    order.tsym = "INFY-EQ";
    order.qty = "10";
    order.dscqty = "0";
    order.prc = "2800";
    order.blprc = "2780";
    order.bpprc = "2820";
    order.prd = "B";
    order.trantype = "B";
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    order.ordersource = "API";

    nApi.SendPlaceOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* Logged in User Id
actid* Login users account ID
exch* NSE / NFO / CDS / MCX / BSE Exchange (Select from ‘exarr’ Array provided in User Details response)
tsym* RELIANCE-EQ / L&TFH29SEP22P97 / USDINR25NOV22C76 / CRUDEOIL16NOV22P5400 / WHIRLPOOL Unique id of contract on which order to be placed. (use url encoding to avoid special char error for symbols like M&M)
qty* RELIANCE-EQ:-1 / NIFTY:-50 / BANKNIFTY:-25 Order Quantity
prc* Order Price
trgprc Only to be sent in case of SL / SL-M order.
dscqty Disclosed quantity (Max 10% for NSE, and 50% for MCX)
prd* C / M / I / B / H Product name (Select from ‘prarr’ Array provided in User Details response, and if same is allowed for selected, exchange. Show product display name, for user to select, and send corresponding prd in API call) "C" For CNC, "M" For NRML, "I" For MIS, "B" For BRACKET ORDER, "H" For COVER ORDER
trantype* B / S B -> BUY, S -> SELL
prctyp* LMT / MKT / SL-LMT / SL-MKT / DS / 2L / 3L
ret* DAY / EOS / IOC Retention type (Show options as per allowed exchanges)
remarks Any tag by user to mark order.
ordersource MOB / WEB / TT Used to generate exchange info fields.
bpprc Book Profit Price applicable only if product is selected as B (Bracket order )
blprc Book loss Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
trailprc Trailing Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
amo Yes , If not sent, of Not “Yes”, will be treated as Regular order.
tsym2 Trading symbol of second leg, mandatory for price type 2L and 3L (use url encoding to avoid special char error for symbols like M&M)
trantype2 Transaction type of second leg, mandatory for price type 2L and 3L
qty2 Quantity for second leg, mandatory for price type 2L and 3L
prc2 Price for second leg, mandatory for price type 2L and 3L
tsym3 Trading symbol of third leg, mandatory for price type 3L (use url encoding to avoid special char error for symbols like M&M)
trantype3 Transaction type of third leg, mandatory for price type 3L
qty3 Quantity for third leg, mandatory for price type 3L
prc3 Price for third leg, mandatory for price type 3L

Response will be of type PlaceOrderResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Place order success or failure indication.
request_time Response received time.
norenordno It will be present only on successful Order placement to OMS.
emsg This will be present only if Order placement fails


bool SendModifyOrder( OnResponse response,ModifyOrder order )

To Modify an order, use the OrderNumber returned in place order, you can only modify an open order(Status: New).


    ModifyOrder order = new ModifyOrder();
    order.norenordno = ordno;
    order.exch = "NSE";
    order.tsym = "M&M-EQ";
    order.qty = "15";
    order.prc = "100.5";
    order.prd = "I";    
    order.prctyp = "LMT";
    order.ret = "DAY";
    nApi.SendModifyOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
exch* Exchange
norenordno* Noren order number, which needs to be modified
prctyp LMT / MKT / SL-MKT / SL-LMT This can be modified.
prc Modified / New price
qty Modified / New Quantity
tsym* Unque id of contract on which order was placed. Can’t be modified, must be the same as that of original order. (use url encoding to avoid special char error for symbols like M&M)
ret DAY / IOC / EOS New Retention type of the order
trgprc New trigger price in case of SL-MKT or SL-LMT
uid* User id of the logged in user.
bpprc Book Profit Price applicable only if product is selected as B (Bracket order )
blprc Book loss Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
trailprc Trailing Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )

Response will be of type ModifyOrderResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Modify order success or failure indication.
result Noren Order number of the order modified.
request_time Response received time.
emsg This will be present only if Order modification fails


public bool SendCancelOrder( OnResponse response,string norenordno)

To cancel an order, send the OrderNumber returned by PlaceOrder


    nApi.SendCancelOrder(Handlers.OnResponseNOP, order);

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
norenordno* Noren order number, which needs to be modified
uid* User id of the logged in user.

Response is of type CancelOrderResponse:

Response data will be in json format with below fields.

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Cancel order success or failure indication.
result Noren Order number of the canceled order.
request_time Response received time.
emsg This will be present only if Order cancelation fails


public bool SendExitSNOOrder( OnResponse response,string norenordno,string product)


    public class ExitSNOOrder : NorenMessage
        public string norenordno;
        public string prd;
        public string uid;

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
norenordno* Noren order number, which needs to be modified
prd* H / B Allowed for only H and B products (Cover order and bracket order)
uid* User id of the logged in user.

Response is of type ExitSNOOrderResponse :

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Cancel order success or failure indication.
dmsg Display message, (will be present only in case of success).
request_time Response received time.
emsg This will be present only if Order cancelation fails


public bool SendGetOrderMargin( OnResponse response,OrderMargin ordermargin)

Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description

Response is of type OrderMarginResponse:

Param Type Optional Description


public bool SendGetOrderBook( OnResponse response,string product)

Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description
No Parameters

Response is of type OrderBookResponse:

OrderBookResponse has a list of OrderBookItem

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Order book success or failure indication.
exch Exchange Segment
tsym Trading symbol / contract on which order is placed.
norenordno Noren Order Number
prc Order Price
qty Order Quantity
prd Display product alias name, using prarr returned in user details.
trantype B / S Transaction type of the order
prctyp LMT / MKT Price type
fillshares Total Traded Quantity of this order
avgprc Average trade price of total traded quantity
rejreason If order is rejected, reason in text form
exchordid Exchange Order Number
cancelqty Canceled quantity for order which is in status cancelled.
remarks Any message Entered during order entry.
dscqty Order disclosed quantity.
trgprc Order trigger price
ret DAY / IOC / EOS Order validity
bpprc Book Profit Price applicable only if product is selected as B (Bracket order )
blprc Book loss Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
trailprc Trailing Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
amo Yes / No
pp Price precision
ti Tick size
ls Lot size
token Contract Token
snoordt 0 for profit leg and 1 for stoploss leg
snonum This field will be present for product H and B; and only if it is profit/sl order.

Response in case of failure:

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Not_Ok Order book failure indication.
request_time Response received time.
emsg Error message


public bool SendGetMultiLegOrderBook( OnResponse response,string product)

Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description
No Parameters

Response is of type MultiLegOrderBookResponse:

MultiLegOrderBookResponse has a list of MultiLegOrderBookItem

Param Type Optional Description


public bool SendGetOrderHistory( OnResponse response,string norenordno)

Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description
norenordno* Noren Order Number

Response is of type OrderHistoryResponse:

OrderHistoryResponse has a list of SingleOrdHistItem

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Order book success or failure indication.
exch Exchange Segment
tsym Trading symbol / contract on which order is placed.
norenordno Noren Order Number
prc Order Price
qty Order Quantity
prd Display product alias name, using prarr returned in user details.
rpt (fill/complete etc)
trantype B / S Transaction type of the order
prctyp LMT / MKT Price type
fillshares Total Traded Quantity of this order
avgprc Average trade price of total traded quantity
rejreason If order is rejected, reason in text form
exchordid Exchange Order Number
cancelqty Canceled quantity for order which is in status cancelled.
remarks Any message Entered during order entry.
dscqty Order disclosed quantity.
trgprc Order trigger price
ret DAY / IOC / EOS Order validity
bpprc Book Profit Price applicable only if product is selected as B (Bracket order )
blprc Book loss Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
trailprc Trailing Price applicable only if product is selected as H and B (High Leverage and Bracket order )
amo Yes / No
pp Price precision
ti Tick size
ls Lot size
token Contract Token

Response data in case of failure:

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Not_Ok Order book failure indication.
request_time Response received time.
emsg Error message


public bool SendGetTradeBook( OnResponse response,string account)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* Logged in User Id
actid* Account Id of logged in user

Response is of type TradeBookResponse:

TradeBookResponse has a list of TradeBookItem

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Order book success or failure indication.
exch Exchange Segment
tsym Trading symbol / contract on which order is placed.
norenordno Noren Order Number
qty Order Quantity
prd Display product alias name, using prarr returned in user details.
trantype B / S Transaction type of the order
prctyp LMT / MKT Price type
fillshares Total Traded Quantity of this order
avgprc Average trade price of total traded quantity
exchordid Exchange Order Number
remarks Any message Entered during order entry.
ret DAY / IOC / EOS Order validity
pp Price precision
ti Tick size
ls Lot size
cstFrm Custom Firm
fltm Fill Time
flid Fill ID
flqty Fill Qty
flprc Fill Price
ordersource Order Source
token Token

Response data will be in json format with below fields in case of failure:

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Not_Ok Order book failure indication.
request_time Response received time.
emsg Error message


public bool SendGetExchMsg( OnResponse response,ExchMsg exchmsg)

Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description
exch Exchange Segment

Response is of type ExchMsgResponse:

ExchMsgResponse has a list of ExchMsg

Param Type Optional Description


public bool SendGetPositionBook( OnResponse response,string account)

retrieves the overnight and day positions as a list

Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description

Response is of type PositionBookResponse:

PositionBookResponse - list of PositionBookItem which is as follows,

Param Type Optional Description
stat string False Position book success or failure indication.
exch string False Exchange segment
tsym string False Trading symbol / contract.
token string False Contract Token
uid string False User Id
actid string False Account Id
prd string False Product name
netqty string False Net Position Quantity
netavgprc string False Net Position Average Price
daybuyqty string False Day Buy Quantity
daysellqty string False Day Sell Quantity
daybuyavgprc string False Day Buy Average Price
daysellavgprc string False Day Sell Average Price
daybuyamt string False Day Buy Amount
daysellamt string False Day Sell Amount
cfbuyqty string False Carry Forward Sell Quantity
cforgavgprc string False Original Average Price
cfsellqty string False Carry Forward Sell Quantity
cfbuyavgprc string False Carry Forward Buy Average Price
cfsellavgprc string False Carry Forward Sell Average Price
cfbuyamt string False Carry Forward Buy Amount
cfsellamt string False Carry Forward Sell Amount
lp string False LTP
rpnl string False Realized Profit and Loss
urmtom string False UnRealized Mark To Market (Can be recalculated in LTP update : = netqty * (lp from web socket - netavgprc) * prcftr
bep string False Breakeven Price
openbuyqty string False Open Buy Order Quantity
opensellqty string False Open Sell Order Quantity
openbuyamt string False Open Buy Order Amount
opensellamt string False Open Sell Order Amount
openbuyavgprc string False
opensellavgprc string False
mult string False
pp string False
prcftr string False
ti string False
ls string False
request_time string False

Response data in case of failure:

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Not_Ok Position book request failure indication.
request_time Response received time.
emsg Error message


public bool SendProductConversion( OnResponse response,ProductConversion prdConv)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
exch* Exchange
tsym* Unique id of contract on which order was placed. Can’t be modified, must be the same as that of original order. (use url encoding to avoid special char error for symbols like M&M)
qty* Quantity to be converted.
uid* User id of the logged in user.
actid* Account id
prd* Product to which the user wants to convert position.
prevprd* Original product of the position.
trantype* Transaction type
postype* Day / CF Converting Day or Carry forward position
ordersource MOB For Logging

Response Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Position conversion success or failure indication.
emsg This will be present only if Position conversion fails.

Holdings and Limits


public bool SendGetHoldings( OnResponse response,string account,string product)

retrieves the holdings as a list

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* Logged in User Id
actid* Account id of the logged in user.
prd* Product name

Response is of type HoldingsResponse :

HoldingsResponse has a list of HoldingsItem

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok Holding request success or failure indication.
exch_tsym Array of objects exch_tsym objects as defined below.
holdqty Holding quantity
dpqty DP Holding quantity
npoadqty Non Poa display quantity
colqty Collateral quantity
benqty Beneficiary quantity
unplgdqty Unpledged quantity
brkcolqty Broker Collateral
btstqty BTST quantity
btstcolqty BTST Collateral quantity
usedqty Holding used today
upldprc Average price uploaded along with holdings
Valuation : btstqty + holdqty + brkcolqty + unplgdqty + benqty + Max(npoadqty, dpqty) - usedqty
Salable: btstqty + holdqty + unplgdqty + benqty + dpqty - usedqty

Exch_tsym object:

Json Fields of object in values Array Possible value Description
exch NSE, BSE, NFO ... Exchange
tsym Trading symbol of the scrip (contract)
token Token of the scrip (contract)
pp Price precision
ti Tick size
ls Lot size

Response data will be in json format with below fields in case of failure:

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Not_Ok Position book request failure indication.
request_time Response received time.
emsg Error message


public bool SendGetLimits(OnResponse response,string account,string product = "", string segment = ""; string exchange = "")

retrieves the margin and limits set

Request Details:

Param Type Optional Description
product_type string True retreives the delivery holdings or for a given product
segment string True CM / FO / FX
exchange string True Exchange NSE/BSE/MCX

Response is of type LimitsResponse:

Param Type Optional Description
stat Ok or Not_Ok False Limits request success or failure indication.
actid string True Account id
prd string True Product name
seg string True Segment CM / FO / FX
exch string True Exchange
-------------------------Cash Primary Fields-------------------------------
cash string True Cash Margin available
payin string True Total Amount transferred using Payins today
payout string True Total amount requested for withdrawal today
-------------------------Cash Additional Fields-------------------------------
brkcollamt string True Prevalued Collateral Amount
unclearedcash string True Uncleared Cash (Payin through cheques)
daycash string True Additional leverage amount / Amount added to handle system errors - by broker.
-------------------------Margin Utilized----------------------------------
marginused string True Total margin / fund used today
mtomcurper string True Mtom current percentage
-------------------------Margin Used components---------------------
cbu string True CAC Buy used
csc string True CAC Sell Credits
rpnl string True Current realized PNL
unmtom string True Current unrealized mtom
marprt string True Covered Product margins
span string True Span used
expo string True Exposure margin
premium string True Premium used
varelm string True Var Elm Margin
grexpo string True Gross Exposure
greexpo_d string True Gross Exposure derivative
scripbskmar string True Scrip basket margin
addscripbskmrg string True Additional scrip basket margin
brokerage string True Brokerage amount
collateral string True Collateral calculated based on uploaded holdings
grcoll string True Valuation of uploaded holding pre haircut
-------------------------Additional Risk Limits---------------------------
turnoverlmt string True
pendordvallmt string True
-------------------------Additional Risk Indicators---------------------------
turnover string True Turnover
pendordval string True Pending Order value
-------------------------Margin used detailed breakup fields-------------------------
rzpnl_e_i string True Current realized PNL (Equity Intraday)
rzpnl_e_m string True Current realized PNL (Equity Margin)
rzpnl_e_c string True Current realized PNL (Equity Cash n Carry)
rzpnl_d_i string True Current realized PNL (Derivative Intraday)
rzpnl_d_m string True Current realized PNL (Derivative Margin)
rzpnl_f_i string True Current realized PNL (FX Intraday)
rzpnl_f_m string True Current realized PNL (FX Margin)
rzpnl_c_i string True Current realized PNL (Commodity Intraday)
rzpnl_c_m string True Current realized PNL (Commodity Margin)
uzpnl_e_i string True Current unrealized MTOM (Equity Intraday)
uzpnl_e_m string True Current unrealized MTOM (Equity Margin)
uzpnl_e_c string True Current unrealized MTOM (Equity Cash n Carry)
uzpnl_d_i string True Current unrealized MTOM (Derivative Intraday)
uzpnl_d_m string True Current unrealized MTOM (Derivative Margin)
uzpnl_f_i string True Current unrealized MTOM (FX Intraday)
uzpnl_f_m string True Current unrealized MTOM (FX Margin)
uzpnl_c_i string True Current unrealized MTOM (Commodity Intraday)
uzpnl_c_m string True Current unrealized MTOM (Commodity Margin)
span_d_i string True Span Margin (Derivative Intraday)
span_d_m string True Span Margin (Derivative Margin)
span_f_i string True Span Margin (FX Intraday)
span_f_m string True Span Margin (FX Margin)
span_c_i string True Span Margin (Commodity Intraday)
span_c_m string True Span Margin (Commodity Margin)
expo_d_i string True Exposure Margin (Derivative Intraday)
expo_d_m string True Exposure Margin (Derivative Margin)
expo_f_i string True Exposure Margin (FX Intraday)
expo_f_m string True Exposure Margin (FX Margin)
expo_c_i string True Exposure Margin (Commodity Intraday)
expo_c_m string True Exposure Margin (Commodity Margin)
premium_d_i string True Option premium (Derivative Intraday)
premium_d_m string True Option premium (Derivative Margin)
premium_f_i string True Option premium (FX Intraday)
premium_f_m string True Option premium (FX Margin)
premium_c_i string True Option premium (Commodity Intraday)
premium_c_m string True Option premium (Commodity Margin)
varelm_e_i string True Var Elm (Equity Intraday)
varelm_e_m string True Var Elm (Equity Margin)
varelm_e_c string True Var Elm (Equity Cash n Carry)
marprt_e_h string True Covered Product margins (Equity High leverage)
marprt_e_b string True Covered Product margins (Equity Bracket Order)
marprt_d_h string True Covered Product margins (Derivative High leverage)
marprt_d_b string True Covered Product margins (Derivative Bracket Order)
marprt_f_h string True Covered Product margins (FX High leverage)
marprt_f_b string True Covered Product margins (FX Bracket Order)
marprt_c_h string True Covered Product margins (Commodity High leverage)
marprt_c_b string True Covered Product margins (Commodity Bracket Order)
scripbskmar_e_i string True Scrip basket margin (Equity Intraday)
scripbskmar_e_m string True Scrip basket margin (Equity Margin)
scripbskmar_e_c string True Scrip basket margin (Equity Cash n Carry)
addscripbskmrg_d_i string True Additional scrip basket margin (Derivative Intraday)
addscripbskmrg_d_m string True Additional scrip basket margin (Derivative Margin)
addscripbskmrg_f_i string True Additional scrip basket margin (FX Intraday)
addscripbskmrg_f_m string True Additional scrip basket margin (FX Margin)
addscripbskmrg_c_i string True Additional scrip basket margin (Commodity Intraday)
addscripbskmrg_c_m string True Additional scrip basket margin (Commodity Margin)
brkage_e_i string True Brokerage (Equity Intraday)
brkage_e_m string True Brokerage (Equity Margin)
brkage_e_c string True Brokerage (Equity CAC)
brkage_e_h string True Brokerage (Equity High Leverage)
brkage_e_b string True Brokerage (Equity Bracket Order)
brkage_d_i string True Brokerage (Derivative Intraday)
brkage_d_m string True Brokerage (Derivative Margin)
brkage_d_h string True Brokerage (Derivative High Leverage)
brkage_d_b string True Brokerage (Derivative Bracket Order)
brkage_f_i string True Brokerage (FX Intraday)
brkage_f_m string True Brokerage (FX Margin)
brkage_f_h string True Brokerage (FX High Leverage)
brkage_f_b string True Brokerage (FX Bracket Order)
brkage_c_i string True Brokerage (Commodity Intraday)
brkage_c_m string True Brokerage (Commodity Margin)
brkage_c_h string True Brokerage (Commodity High Leverage)
brkage_c_b string True Brokerage (Commodity Bracket Order)
peak_mar string True Peak margin used by the client
request_time string True This will be present only in a successful response.
emsg string True This will be present only in a failure response.

Sample Success Response : { "request_time":"18:07:31 29-05-2020", "stat":"Ok", "cash":"1500000000000000.00", "payin":"0.00", "payout":"0.00", "brkcollamt":"0.00", "unclearedcash":"0.00", "daycash":"0.00", "turnoverlmt":"50000000000000.00", "pendordvallmt":"2000000000000000.00", "turnover":"3915000.00", "pendordval":"2871000.00", "marginused":"3945540.00", "mtomcurper":"0.00", "urmtom":"30540.00", "grexpo":"3915000.00", "uzpnl_e_i":"15270.00", "uzpnl_e_m":"61080.00", "uzpnl_e_c":"-45810.00" }

Sample Failure Response : { "stat":"Not_Ok", "emsg":"Server Timeout : " }



Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description
exch Exchange Segment

Response is of type IndexListResponse:

IndexListResponse has a list of Index

Param Type Optional Description


Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description
exch Exchange Segment

Response is of type TopListNamesResponse:

TopListNamesResponse has a list of Index

Param Type Optional Description


Request Details :

Param Type Optional Description
exch Exchange Segment

Response is of type TopListResponse:

TopListResponse has a list of Index

Param Type Optional Description

GetTimePriceData /ChartData

public bool SendGetTPSeries(OnResponse response, string exch, string token, string starttime = null, string endtime = null, string interval = null)

Request Details :

Json Fields Possible value Description
uid* Logged in User Id
exch* Exchange
st Start time (seconds since 1 jan 1970)
et End Time (seconds since 1 jan 1970)
intrv “1”, ”3”, “5”, “10”, “15”, “30”, “60”, “120”, “240” Candle size in minutes (optional field, if not given assume to be “1”)

Response Details :

Response data will be in json format in case for failure.

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Not_Ok TPData failure indication.
emsg This will be present only in case of errors.

Response data will be in json format in case for success.

Json Fields Possible value Description
stat Ok TPData success indication.
time DD/MM/CCYY hh:mm:ss
into Interval open
inth Interval high
intl Interval low
intc Interval close
intvwap Interval vwap
intv Interval volume
v volume
intoi Interval io change
oi oi


gets the contracts of related strikes

Param Type Optional Description
exchange string False Exchange (UI need to check if exchange in NFO / CDS / MCX / or any other exchange which has options, if not don't allow)
tradingsymbol string False Trading symbol of any of the option or future. Option chain for that underlying will be returned. (use url encoding to avoid special char error for symbols like M&M)
strikeprice float False Mid price for option chain selection
count int True Number of strike to return on one side of the mid price for PUT and CALL. (example cnt is 4, total 16 contracts will be returned, if cnt is is 5 total 20 contract will be returned)

the response is as follows,

Param Type Optional Description
stat string True ok or Not_ok
values string True properties of the scrip
emsg string False Error Message
Param Type Optional Description
exch string False Exchange
tsym string False Trading Symbol of Contract
token string False Contract token
optt string False Option type
strprc string False Strike Price
pp string False Price Precision
ti string False Tick Size
ls string False Lot Size

OrderUpdates and MarketDataUpdate

This Api allows you to receive updates receivethe marketdata and order updates in the application callbacks as an option, to do so connect as follows.

Api.OnFeedCallback += Application.OnFeedHandler; Api.OnOrderCallback += Application.OnOrderHandler;


public bool ConnectWatcher(string uri,OnFeed marketdata Handler,OnOrderFeed orderHandler)

starts the websocket, WebSocket feed has 2 types of ticks( t=touchline d=depth)and 2 stages (k=acknowledgement, f=further change in tick).


public bool SubscribeToken(string exch,string token)

t='tk' is sent once on subscription for each instrument. this will have all the fields with the most recent value thereon t='tf' is sent for fields that have changed.

For example
quote event: 03-12-2021 11:54:44{'t': 'tk', 'e': 'NSE', 'tk': '11630', 'ts': 'NTPC-EQ', 'pp': '2', 'ls': '1', 'ti': '0.05', 'lp': '118.55', 'h': '118.65', 'l': '118.10', 'ap': '118.39', 'v': '162220', 'bp1': '118.45', 'sp1': '118.50', 'bq1': '26', 'sq1': '6325'}
quote event: 03-12-2021 11:54:45{'t': 'tf', 'e': 'NSE', 'tk': '11630', 'lp': '118.45', 'ap': '118.40', 'v': '166637', 'sp1': '118.55', 'bq1': '3135', 'sq1': '30'}
quote event: 03-12-2021 11:54:46{'t': 'tf', 'e': 'NSE', 'tk': '11630', 'lp': '118.60'}

in the example above we see first message t='tk' with all the values, 2nd message has lasttradeprice avg price and few other fields with value changed.. note bp1 isnt sent as its still 118.45 in the next tick ( 3rd message) only last price is changed to 118.6

Fields Possible value Description
exch NSE,BSE,NFO... Exchange

Accept for t, e,and tk other fields may/may not be present.

Fields Possible value Description
t tf tf represents touchline feed
e NSE,BSE,NFO.. Exchangename
tk 22 ScripToken
lp LTP
pc Percentagechange
v volume
o Openprice
h Highprice
l Lowprice
c Closeprice
ap Averagetradeprice
oi Open interest
poi Previous day closing Open Interest
to1 Total open interest for underlying
bq1 Best Buy Quantity 1
bp1 Best Buy Price 1
sq1 Best Sell Quantity 1
sp1 Best Sell Price 1


public bool UnSubscribeToken(string exch,string token)
Fields Possible value Description
exch NSE,BSE,NFO... Exchange
token ScripToken


This is auto subscribed by the api

Order Updates : NorenOrderFeed
Fields Possible value Description
t om "om" represents touchlinefeed
norenordno NorenOrderNumber
uid UserId
actid AccountID
exch Exchange
qty Orderquantity
prc OrderPrice
prd Product
status Orderstatus(open,complete,rejectedetc)
reporttype Ordereventforwhichthismessageissentout.(fill,rejected,canceled)
trantype Ordertransactiontype,buyorsell
prctyp Orderpricetype(LMT,MKT,SL-LMT,SL-MKT)
ret Orderretentiontype(DAY,EOS,IOC,...)
fillshares Filledshares
avgprc Averagefillprice
rejreason Orderrejectionreason,ifrejected
exchordid ExchangeOrderID
cancelqty Canceledquantity,incaseofcanceledorder
remarks Useraddedtag,whileplacingorder
dscqty Disclosedquantity
trgprc TriggerpriceforSLorders

Symbol Master:- Check the Symbol Format from Below mention Symbol Master urls

NSE - Capital Market

NSE - Equity Derivatives

NSE - Currency Derivatives

MCX - Commodity

BSE - Capital Market

BSE - Equity Derivatives

Contact Us

For any queries, feel free to reach us , email at or call at 0172-4740000 & also Just visit our website there is a Livechat option