Hey there! 👋 Welcome to my GitHub Repositories Viewer, a cool website that lets you explore GitHub repositories hassle-free.
Quick Start 🚀:- 1.Set Repositories Per Page: Pick the number of repositories you want per page from the dropdown (10, 20, 50, or 100). 2.Check Out User Info: After choosing, we'll load the first page of repositories for 'johnpapa.' See the user's pic, bio, and stats like public repos, gists, followers, and following. 3.Browse Repositories: Scroll through the list to catch names, descriptions, and cool topics represented by badges. 4.Pagination Magic: Use the pagination buttons to jump between different pages of repositories.
How to Roll 🔄:- 1.Switch Repositories Per Page: Modify how many repositories you see at once by picking a new number from the dropdown. Easy peasy. 2.Flip Through Pages: Click the pagination buttons to slide through more repositories.
The Tech Buzz 🛠️:- 1.Frontend Fun: Crafted with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and a touch of jQuery magic. 2.GitHub API Wizardry: Fetching user info and repositories like it's nobody's business.
Excited to dive into the GitHub Repositories Viewer locally? Follow these breezy steps to set things up.
Getting Started: Prerequisites:- 1.Web Browser: Ensure you have a snazzy web browser installed – think Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. 2.Text Editor: Grab your favorite text editor for code tinkering. Visual Studio Code, Atom, or Sublime Text are top-notch choices. 3.Git: Make sure you've got Git on your machine.
Local Setup: Clone the Repository:- 1.Fire up your terminal or command prompt and run: git clone https://github.com/ShrutiSangwan07/github_repositary_viewer.git 2.Navigate to the Project Directory: cd github_repositary_viewer 3.Open the HTML File: Find index.html in the project directory, then give it a double click or open it with your browser. 4.Explore Locally: Ta-da! The GitHub Repositories Viewer is now running locally. Click around, change settings, and dive into the repositories.
Making Changes (Optional): Ready to jazz things up? Feel free to tweak the code:- 1.Open the project in your text editor. 2.Make your edits to HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. 3.Save and refresh your browser for the magic.
Troubleshooting:- Any hiccups? Check your internet connection, confirm prerequisites, and peek at the browser console for clues.
Closing the App:- Just close the browser window or tab. Easy peasy!
And that's it! You're all set to rock the GitHub Repositories Viewer locally. Explore, have fun, and if you hit a snag, shout out. Happy coding! 🚀