Activate interactables can be picked up using the grip button on your controller and activated using the trigger.
The interactables below have 3 states: default, grabbed and activated.
The basic example objects differ from the Grab Interactables station in that they respond to the controller trigger when they are held. This occurs through their XR Interactable Affordance State Provider configuration, which sends state changes to the Affordance Receiver components on child GameObjects of the interactables (typically named Audio Feedback and Visual Feedback). These objects are set to change color when hovered, selected (picked up), and activated (when the controller trigger is pressed).
The advanced examples demonstrate three different uses for activate interactables. Each of these use the Activate interactable events in the XR Grab Interactable. You can look at how they are set up in the Inspector window to see how to set up your own interactions.
These advanced objects are also set up to automatically animate the triggers as the user presses the trigger on their controllers. This occurs through the Interaction Animator script, which will drive a timeline that contains a trigger animation.
The Prefer Grab Interaction script causes these objects to warp to a user's hand when grabbed, rather than starting at the distance the ray hit the object at.