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Learning Spartronics-254Base

Basic execution model, bootstrapping, debugging

  • how does our code get built, downloaded and launched?

our build system relies on ant which describes the build process with a series of .xml and .properties files. Ultimately it creates a file named FRCUserProgram.jar. This file and associated runtime libraries are copied down to the robot, then executed by the shell script, /home/lvuser/robotCommand. This script is executed by other scripts on the system whose job is to ensure the robot program is started even after reboots. The output of the program is also routed over the network via this startup machinery.

  • where are crashlogs found? How did they get there?

/home/lvuser/crash_tracking.txt by CrashTracker. There's also a log of program output produced by the robotCommand launcher (TODO: where is that log?).

  • where is java main? When does our code get control?

main() is the primary/default entrypoint for any java program. In our case, it is located in WPILib's RobotBase class. Our primary entrypoint is the constructor of our Robot class and this occurs as a side-effect of RobotBase::main(). Our robot implements the IterativeRobot subclass and, as such, does not implement the primary control loop. Rather the IterativeRobot must implement Init and Periodic variants for each of these robot states: autonomous, teleop, test, and disabled. During each iteration of the primary control loop, robotPeriodic() is invoked and both the SmartDashboard and LiveWindow are updated. Note that most robot initialization code should happen during Robot::robotInit and NOT the constructor. Similarly, communication between DriverStation and robot should take place during autonomousInit(), not robotInit(), since robotInit runs during powerup which is way before the match starts.

  • what is the Looper. When is it created? When is it started/stopped?

The Looper class is instantiated by our robot in robotInit() under the name mEnabledLooper. During robotInit, Subsystems are afforded the opportunity to register code for repeated execution (aka looping) by implementing the Loop interface which is comprised of these methods: onStart(), onLoop(), onStop(). The looper uses the WPI class: Notifier which is described as providing a notification callback for timer events. Notifier creates a separate execution thread and so the callbacks into subsystem loops is running in a thread different from robot methods. Thus we must synchronize state change requests made by the main thread (or the AutoMode thread) with the looper thread. Since the purpose of the looper thread is to distribute time cycles to each subsystem, any calls to Thread.sleep() by implementors of Loop would have the effect of starving other subsystem Loops. This would be bad. The looper is started in autonomousInit() and again in teleopInit() (twice is fine). the looper is stopped during disabledInit() and this implies that the loopers aren't running during testPeriodic unless autoInit or teleopInit has been called without disabledInit(). The looper is configured via Constant.kLooperDt which is set to .005 (1/200 sec) The measured duration of a single loop (summing the onLoop() calls for all Loops) is reported to the smart dashboard as looper_dt.

  • what does registerEnabledLoops() do? Who calls it?

Robot:robotInit() invokes SubsystemManager:registerEnabledLoops which, in turn, invokes this method on each subsystem. This allows each subsystem to register code (implemented as a Loop subclass) to execute in the Looper thread.


  • what is a Thread?

A thread is an independent 'stream' of code that can execute simultaneously with other threads within the same java process. A robot program is typically populated with 2-5 threads because sampling hardware and network states are operations that require a substantial and unpredictable amount of waiting. While one thread is waiting, others can be performing useful work. The biggest challenge in writing multithreaded applications involves synchronizing the activities of independent threads. This is a challenge because multiple threads might be reading and writing to the same value or device. Because the timing of these reads and writes is often not predictable, the results of poorly written multithreaded apps can be unpredictable, buggy and even crash-prone.

  • what is a Runnable, CrashTrackingRunnable?

A Runnable is a standard java interface that requires the implementation of a single method: run(). A Runnable is required when creating new threads. Upon creation of a new execution thread, the run() method is invoked. CrashTrackingRunnable is an implementation of Runnable that implements run() as a call to runCrashTracked() nested within a try/catch block. Subclasses of CrashTrackingRunnable must implement runCrashTracked() as opposed to run().

  • what does a synchronized method imply?

synchronized implies that a method is intended to be called by multiple threads. The 'java runtime' guarantees that a synchronized method will only be running in one thread at a time. This is a simple method for changing the state of a object that is shared across multiple threads. The synchronized keyword is used in other ways but generally means predictable code execution in multithreaded environments.

  • what guarantees does Thread.sleep() offer? How many invocations of this method are there in the entire codebase?

Thread.sleep() is used to pause the execution of the current thread for a designated time interval. It does not guarantee that the time duration will always be respected as it may throw an InterruptedException under a variety of conditions. Furthermore, even when it returns normally, the accuracy of the interval varies from system to system. Thus, it should be used to give cycles to other threads in 'slow' polling scenarios, but it should not be used to perform time-sensitive operations. There are several invocations in our codebase. The most important are found in AutoModeBase and CANProbe.

Commands, Scheduler

  • how is the autonomous mode selected? How does the selected mode receive cycles (updates)?

Our class AutoModeSelector presents a list of choices to the Driverstation via the network tables. Note that we don't employ WPI's SendableChooser because it doesn't support sufficient control over GUI presentation. During autonomousInit(), we invoke getSelectedAutoMode() which returns a subclass of AutoModeBase. This is passed to an instance of AutoModeExecuter, which creates a thread responsible for scheduling the sequence of actions required by the selected mode. AutoModeBase subclasses must implement routine() which is called (once) from AutoModeBase::run(). AutoModeBase implements the method runAction(Action) which is expected to be invoked by AutoModeBase subclasses. Typically, an AutoModeBase is comprised of a collection of Actions that can be run serially (SeriesAction) and/or in parallel (ParallelAction);

  • how does the autonomous mode control subsystems? What’s the difference between an auto mode and an auto action?

Autonomous modes don't directly control subsystems, instead they schedule actions which interact directly with subsystems. Actions are like commands, and modes are like command groups in traditional WPILib. Remember: the Looper is running Subsystem methods in a separate thread. This is the means by which, for example, a motor value is updated with high regularity.

  • what is the frequency of the scheduler loops, where is this embodied?

We have different scheduler loops for autonomous and for teleop. The autonomous loop frequency is governed by AutoModeBase::m_update_rate which is set to 1/50 seconds and used as the parameter to Thread.sleep(). During auto and teleop, the Looper is responsible for periodic subsystem updates. As described above, the default period is controlled via Constants.kLooperDt (.005s). The autoPeriodic and teleopPeriodic frequencies are governed by the IterativeRobot which invokes DriverStation.waitForData(0) which waits for data delivered periodically from the driverstation. WPI docs here state that the periodic routines run approximately every 20 milliseconds (50 times per second).

  • how many threads are running at the same time in auto and tele?

Minimally, there are two threads running in each of these modes. The first thread is the one that runs the robot methods (autoPeriodic, telePeriodic). The second thread is the Looper. During auto AutoModeExecuter is also likely to be running. Additional threads may be running by robot code through RobotSafety, PIDControl, Notifier, and other interfaces. We anticipate running a separate thread to receive vision target updates.

  • what is a “wantedState” as specified in Robot::teleopPeriodic? What is the difference between WantedState and SystemState? How are the multiple states of each subsystem coordinated?

a wanted state is conveyed by autonomous or teleop to a subsystem. The subsystem is expected to respond to this by transitioning from its current, or measured, state to the wantedState. In the case of the Superstructure subsystem, a single wantedState might be translated to individual wantedStates for a subset of subsystems. It is not guaranteed that the machine actually transitions into this state, but it does make it easy to see what state the robot is endeavoring to achieve. This is in contrast to classic WPILib, where the it is extremely difficult to determine the robot's state at any given time. Again, multiple states are coordinated by Superstructure, and most of the rob code sets the wanted state of superstructure. Less frequently, robot code sets wanted state of a subsystem directly.


  • how many subsystems are there? Is there a base class that establishes all the interface conventions for subsystems?

There are 10 subsystems in the original 2017 code. The Subsystem class is the abstract definition of the required behavior and methods of a subsystem. It also offers shared behavior for logging messages.

  • is there a single database of motor identifiers, gpio pins, etc?

Yes, the file replaces from prior years. The file is divided into hardware constants and software constants. Hardware constants are organized by interface, not by subsystem. This means that all the TalonSRX device ids reside within the CAN section of the hardware section. Similarly all of the consumers of AnalogInput pins are adjacent to each other.

  • can subsystems modify the state of other subsystems?

while it is theoretically possible for any subsystem to obtain an instance of another subsystem, it is generally frowned upon. There is a special subsystem, Superstructure, whose primary role is to coordinate cross-subsystem behavior. This means that the Robot generally communicates requirements through Superstructure and not to individual subsystems.

  • what is the purpose of SubsystemManager?

it is a simple 'broadcast mechanism' to distribute standard subsystem method calls across all registered subsystems. Note that it isn't a Subsystem, but rather merely a collector of all subsystems.


The LED subsystem is the simplest, easiest to understand. Probably the best place to start if you're trying to understand Subsystem design.

  • when/how does the LED subsystem determine what blinking pattern to emit? How does it make a blinking pattern?

LED is given a wanted state when setWantedState() is invoked. The next time it loops it tries to synchronize the wanted state with the current state. It blinks and does things based on the state and the time spent in that state. To get blinking behavior it performs integer division with timeInState as the divisor and mBlinkDuration / 2 as the dividend. If the quotient of the operation is even then the light should be on, otherwise, it should be off.


  • how is this subsystem different from others?

The SuperStructure subsystem is the coordinator of those subsystems that must be controlled in concert. Potential Superstructure states are described by coordinated per-subsystem states (arm is down and hand is ready to grab). While there are exceptions to the rule, generally the Superstructure's only job is coordination and not direct control of actuators.


  • how many internal states does the Drive subsystem have?

The 254-2017 Drive subsystem had 7 internal states.

  • how many actuators, how many sensors?

The 254-2017 Drive subsystem had 5 actuators and 3 sensors.

  • how many follower-mode motors are there?

The 254-2017 Drive subsystem had 2 masters, 2 followers

  • are MotorSafety settings in play? If so, how do we prevent “Output not updated enough...” messages?

Because CANTalon implements WPI's MotorSafety interface, they are in play unless we specifically disable them via setSafetyEnabled(false). To prevent these messages we must invoke the motor's .set() more frequently than the safety interval MotorSafety:DEFAULT_SAFETY_EXPIRATION. Due to the fact that our Looper is running Loops at a regular interval, we must ensure that a Subsystem with motors must invoke set on each call to onLoop(). The stop() method of the subsystem should either disable safety or repeatedly invoke stop.

  • how are encoders handled? how are encoder ticks converted to user-units?

There are a number of Drive constants in There are also a number of Drive methods that convert between the various Speed and distance measures (rpm, inches/sec, etc).

  • what’s the relationship between Drive and RobotStateEstimator?

RobotStateEstimator gets a bunch of info from Drive and feeds it into Kinematics, whose output it finally feeds into RobotState to be stored as a transform that represents an estimate of the Robot's position and orientation on the field.

  • in teleop, are we operating in setVelocity or in PercentOutput mode?

it runs open-loop (PercentOutput mode).

  • when do they use positionControlMode?

AIM_TO_GOAL, DRIVE_TOWARDS_GOAL, and TURN_TO_HEADING (in the last case to make sure that the encoders are really where they say they are, I think. They do this with they gyro in other cases too, and I'm not completely sure I understand the rationale. (TBD)

  • what units do they use in velocity control mode?

inches per second

  • does their OI allow driver to enter auto-like modes during teleop?

Yes, it does allow them to enter autonomous like modes > See Drive.setWantAimToGoal() and the like.

  • what’s the difference between aimToGoal and driveTowardsGoal?

aimToGoal just turns the robot and goes into driveTowardsGoal if it's too far away. driveTowardsGoal actually just drives forwards until it gets within kShooterOptimalRange.


  • what is the output format of the cheesypath webapp?

The cheesypath webapp outputs a class that implements PathContainer, and has an ArrayList of waypoints which it builds a bath from.

  • How are these paths brought into the robot code?



  • How do UI events trigger robot actions… are network tables involved?

Dashboard UI events trigger robot behavior using NetworkTables. Currently, this only happens via our AutoModeSelector, which is read in when auto begins.

  • If a subsystems wants access to a joystick, how is this obtained?

Driverstation Joysticks and Buttons are delivered to the robot via the standard WPILib conduits. Robot:teleopPeriodic is where we poll buttons and joysticks and invoke the appropriate subsystem methods.

  • At what point is field position detected for autonomous behavior?

Field position is never 'detected', but driverstation 'location' is.
During Robot::autonomousInit() we can employ the DriverStation methods: getAlliance() and getGameSpecificMessage() to obtain per-match data. Note that this information isn't available during robot construction.

  • Where does joystick remapping occur? what remapping functions are applied?

There is an interface called ControlBoardInterface that allows for easy switching between different control schemes (as long as they satisfy the interface), but remapping is done with CheesyDriveHelper which accepts some joystick information from a ControlBoardInterface and does a lot of math that isn't well motivated in the code. The response seems pretty nice though.

  • Which ControlBoardInterface is actually employed?

In the unmodified code a class called ControlBoard that implements ControlBoardInterface is used. A new method has been added that also satisfies the interface to get the right mappings for the Xbox controller.

  • Who owns the responsibility for inverting the sense of joystick directions?

Implementors of ControlBoardInterface are responsible for mapping the knobs and buttons into a canonical form. Directions and mappings should remain behind the ControlBoard abstraction.

  • How/when/where is the smart dashboard updated?

The most significant SmartDashboard updates happen when Robot.allPeriodic() is called. There we invoke SubsystemManager.outputToSmartDashboard(), which in turn calls that same method its list of all subsystems. Note that the Subsystem interface requires all subsystems to implement this method.

  • Is there a single location/database for all button and joystick identifiers?

Yes - its the ControlBoardInterface. Note that each year this interface must be changed to reflect control board abstractions (eg: squeeze grabber button). Clients of the interface never rely on specify button mappings so it's natural for all the choices to be localized to the code that implements the entire interface.


254's implementation depended upon an on-board android phone running a custom vision app and communicating state via a internet-over-usb connection hosted on the robot side by a port of adb (android debugger). They had a separate thread that launched and kept the adb connection alive. They also had a separate vision control thread to receive data from adb and update robot target state.
