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Sync read/marked status of entries between elfeed and tt-rss. Supports elfeed-summary.

DISCLAIMER: It’s still an alpha version of the package, so you may want to backup your elfeed index and tt-rss database.



The project consists of the tt-rss plugin and the Emacs package.

If you are using the tt-rss docker setup, the steps are as follows. Change them accordingly if you are not.

  1. Mount the /var/www/html directory from the container somewhere to the filesystem as described here.
  2. Put the repository to the tt-rss/plugins.local/elfeed_sync folder:
    cd ./html/tt-rss/plugins.local/
    git clone elfeed_sync
  3. Add elfeed_sync to the TTRSS_PLUGINS environment variable.
    TTRSS_PLUGINS=auth_internal, auth_remote, nginx_xaccel, elfeed_sync
  4. Allow larger request body sizes in nginx. Add the following to the server directive:
    client_max_body_size 10M;

    For me, the sync payload is around 3M.

  5. Increase the read timeout in nginx. Add the following to the php location directive:
    fastcgi_read_timeout 600;

    Syncing the entries is usually pretty fast, but the first feed sync takes a while.

  6. Then restart tt-rss. Check if the plugin appears in the Preferences > Plugins section.
  7. Enable “Allows accessing this account through the API” in the Preferences > Preferences. You also may want to disable “Purge unread articles”, because elfeed doesn’t do that.

Install the Emacs package however you normally install packages, I prefer use-package and straight.el. Make sure to enable elfeed-sync-mode.

(use-package elfeed-sync
  :straight (:host github :repo "SqrtMinusOne/elfeed-sync")
  :after elfeed

Then set up the following variables:

  • elfeed-sync-tt-rss-instance - point that to your tt-rss instance, e.g.

    (No trailing slash)

  • elfeed-sync-tt-rss-login
  • elfeed-sync-tt-rss-password
  • elfeed-sync-unread-tag - elfeed tag to map to read status in tt-rss. unread by default.
  • elfeed-sync-marked-tag - elfeed tag to map to marked status in tt-rss. later by default.


Syncing the feed list

The first thing you probably want to do is to sync the feed list.

It makes little sense to sync tt-rss feeds to elfeed, because people often use projects like elfeed-org. But it’s possible to sync elfeed feeds to tt-rss.

The function M-x elfeed-sync-feeds does exactly that. If you have elfeed-summary installed and tt-rss categories enabled, the function will recreate the elfeed-summary tree in tt-rss.

The first run of the function takes a while because tt-rss has to fetch the feed at the moment of the first subscription. Which is why increasing the timeout may be necessary.

However, running the function multiple times until it succeeds should also work.

Syncing the entry list

To sync the entry list, run M-x elfeed-sync. The sync usually takes a couple of seconds.

The sync finishes at the “Sync complete!” message. Check the *elfeed-log* buffer for statistics.

Occasionally, some entries do not match. Here are the possible cases:

  • Entry exists in the elfeed database, but not in tt-rss. Run M-x elfeed-sync-search-missing to display such entries.
  • Entry exists in the tt-rss database, but not in elfeed:
    • Entry appeared in the feed after the last elfeed-update. Run M-x elfeed-update and then M-x elfeed-sync.
    • Entry appeared and disappeared in the feed after the last elfeed-update. Such an entry will never get to the elfeed database. If you want to, run M-x elfeed-sync and then M-x elfeed-sync-read-ttrss-missing to mark all such entries as read.
  • Entry appeared in the feed before elfeed-sync-look-back. Such an entry will never be matched. This is an inconvenience if you have just set up tt-rss, it fetched old entries from the feeds and such entries remain permanently unread because they are untouched by the M-x elfeed-sync. To mark such entries as read, run M-x elfeed-sync-read-ttrss-old.

Implementation details

The heavy-lifting is done on the elisp side because I ran into strange performance issues with associative arrays in PHP.

Check the elfeed-sync--do-sync function for the description of the synchronization algorithm. The tl;dr is to download all entries from tt-rss and match each entry against the elfeed database. In the case of discrepancy update whichever entry has the lower priority.