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128 lines (104 loc) · 6.92 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (104 loc) · 6.92 KB


The heart of this component is the parameter-definition file, such as deye_hybrid.yaml. By changing the file, the behaviour is totally changed.

NOTE: In order to leave your customized file intact during upgrades, copy the most relevant yaml file to a file called custom_parameters.yaml, and set the "lookup_file" option in configuration.yaml to point to it (or just select the file in the configuration flow UI).

  - platform: ...
    name: ...
    inverter_host: ...
    inverter_port: ...
    inverter_serial: ... 
    scan_interval: ...
    lookup_file: custom_parameters.yaml

It has two sections:

1. Requests

This section defines the requests that should be issued to the logger each time the component does a parameter update. The list below was created for a DEYE 5kW inverter, and could be customized for other models that are not 100% compatible with this inverter.

  - start: 0x0003
    end:  0x000E
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x003B
    end: 0x0070
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0096
    end: 0x00C3
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x00f4
    end: 0x00f8
    mb_functioncode: 0x03

This block specifies that the component should issue three requests to the logger, the first one requesting parameters 0x0003 up to 0x000E, then a second request for parmeters 0x003B up to 0x0070, and the last for parameters 0x000f4 up to 0x00f8. All of the requests will be sent using Modbus Function Code 0x03.

The maximum number of registers that can be queried using the protocol for each request is 125 (see here), but some loggers may get errors like CRC validation failed if the length is too much; in that case, reduce the length (end-start) by doing multiple requests.

If you get V5FrameError: V5 frame contains invalid sequence number errors in the log, it might be caused by concurrency (i.e. more than one client connected to the same logger stick).

2. Parameters

This section defines the individual parameter definitions: each parameter creates one sensor in Home Assistant. For example:

 - group: solar
    - name: "PV1 Power"
      class: "power"
      state_class: "measurement"
      uom: "W"
      scale: 1
      rule: 1
      registers: [0x00BA]
      icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

The register must be included in the requests of the previous point, otherwise the sensor will have an Unknown value in Home Assistant.

Pay attention to the registers order when more than one are required; it could be descending when 2 registers are joint together or not, depending on the inverter.


The group just groups parameters that belong together. The induvidual parameter-items has to be placed in a group. The items parameters contains the parameter definitions that belong in the group.


Field Description
name The name field of the home-assistant entity #
class The class field of the home-assistant entity #
state_class The state_class field of the home-assistant entity ##
uom The unit_of_measurement field of the home-assistant entity #
icon The icon field of the home-assistant entity #
The fields below define how the value from the logger is parsed
scale Scaling factor for the value read from the logger (default: 1)
scale_division If specified, divides the result of the scaling by this number (e.g. if the value of the register is in minutes and you want the home-assistant entity in hours, use scale_division: 60 and uom: "h")
rule Method to interpret the data from the logger (see the table below)
mask A mask to filter only used bit fields; this is especialy useful for flag fields
registers Array of register fields that comprises the value; if the value is placed in a number of registers, this array will contain more than one item (note: order is important)
lookup Defines a key-value pair for values where an integer maps to a string field
The following is optional and could be used, if the inverter delivers sometimes non-usable data (e.g. Total Production == 0.0)
min Spefifies the minimum value to accept
max Specifies the maximum value to accept
invalidate_all Optional: invalidate the complete dataset if specified; if not specified, it will only invalidate the specific parameter

Example yaml file for the mentioned above:

    - name: "Total Production"
      class: "energy"
      state_class: "total_increasing"
      uom: "kWh"
      scale: 0.1
      rule: 3
      registers: [0x003F,0x0040]
      icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
        min: 0.1 

# (see)

## see


The rule field specifies how to interpret the binary data contained in the register(s).

Rule # Description Example
1 Unsigned 16-bit value
2 Signed 16 bit value
3 Unsigned 32 bit value
4 Signed 32 bit value
5 ASCII value
6 Bit field
7 Version
8 Date Time
9 Time Time value as string
  • Example 1: Register Value 2200 => Time Value: 22:00
  • Example 2: Register value: 400 => 04:00
10 Raw Similar to Bit field without hex conversion. Useful where you need to read multiple registers atomically