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Is there a way to make the text justification change from center? #4967

Answered by OmrSi
PreetM07 asked this question in Q&A
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SRT files don't really have justification or alignment.
Setting the alignment using {\anN} tag is actually using ASSA tags to set the position of the subtitle on the screen.
When setting it to a position on the right, meaning when N is in [3, 6, 9], the text is right-justified as well.
When setting it to a position on the left, meaning when N is in [1, 4, 7], the text is left-justified as well.

So, you can't set the justification alone for the text, as far as I know.

Although, if you only want to see it justified inside SE just for you, you can change MpvExtraOptions in the settings file to <MpvExtraOptions>--sub-ass-justify=yes --sub-justify=left</MpvExtraOptions>, you have to be using M…

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