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File metadata and controls

308 lines (278 loc) · 34.6 KB

Data Model

Druid Data Sources


Dimensions Datatype Description
program_name String Name of the program to which the project is mapped to
project_updated_date Date Project last updated date
project_evidence String Link of the attachment uploaded at the in a project
tasks_status String Status of the Task attached to project
district_externalId String Unique identifier of the District mapped to the user
task_evidence_count Long Total attachment count uploaded for Task
board_name String Name of the board mapped to the user
sub_task_deleted_flag Boolean Indicates True or False which tells whether the sub-task is deleted by the user from the app
school_name String Name of the School declared by the User
state_code Long Unique identifier of the State code
private_program String boolean value that defines program type
createdBy String User keycloak id on the sunbrid platform
channel String Root organisation of user
status_of_project String Status of the Project created or mapped
project_description String Summary of the project
state_name String Name of the State mapped to the user
task_assigned_to String Provides the username or email to which user the task is assigned to
sub_task_date String Last sync date of the sub task
district_name String Name of the District mapped to the user
project_completed_date String Date of completion of the project
task_id String Unique identifier of Task attached to the Project
task_remarks String Remarks of the task
organisation_name String Organisation Name of the user belongs to
project_title_editable String Edited name of the Project
project_duration String Duration of the project taken to complete
block_code Long Unique identifier of the Block code
school_externalId String Unique identifier of the School mapped to the user
project_goal String Goal of the Project created or mapped
program_externalId String Unique identifier of the program to which the project is mapped to
project_deleted_flag String Indicates True or False which tells whether the projects is deleted by the user from the app
tasks String Name of the Task attached to Project
certificate_id String Unique identifier of the Certificate
certificate_status_customised String Customised Certificate Status Data as Issued or not
block_externalId String Unique identifier of the Block
block_name String Name of the Block mapped to the user
task_evidence_status String Indicates true or false of evidence attached or not at the task level
tasks_date Date Last sync date of the task
organisation_id String Unique Identifier for the organisation
project_terms_and_condition String boolean value that defines terms and condition
district_code Long Unique identifier of the District code
parent_channel String Column with constant value - "SHIKSHALOKAM"
user_type String User Role
certificate_issued_on date certificate issued date to user
designation String Sub role of the user
task_end_date String End date of Task attached to Project
project_remarks String Remarks of the projects
certificate_status String Status of the project ceritificate
school_code Long Unique identifier of the school code
state_externalId String Unique identifier of the State
project_title String Name of the Project
sub_task_end_date String End date of Sub task attached to task
solution_id String Unique identifier of the Solution in an Project generated by system
task_deleted_flag String Indicates True or False which tells whether the task is deleted by the user from the app
certificate_template_url String Url of the Ceritificate generated for the projects
project_created_type String Type of the project either Imported from library (or) created by the user
task_evidence String Link of the attachment uploaded at the task level in a project
task_sequence int sequence of the tasks
project_id String Unique identifier of the Project created or mapped
program_id String Unique identifier of the program to which the project is mapped to
project_last_sync String Last sync date of the project
sub_task_id String Unique identifier of Sub task attached to the task
sub_task_status String Status of Sub task attached to the task
area_of_improvement String Category of the project created or assigned or imported
task_count Long Total count of tasks in project
sub_task String Name of Sub task attached to the task
project_created_date Date Date of creation of the project
project_evidence_count Long Total attachment count uploaded for Project

ml-project-status | ml-project-programLevel-status

Dimensions Datatype Description
unique_projects long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of project_id
unique_users long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of createdBy
unique_solution long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of solution_id
no_of_certificate_issued long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of "certificate_status_customised" == "Issued" , "project_id"
no_of_imp_with_evidence long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of "evidence_status" == True, "status_of_project" == "submitted","project_id"


Dimensions Datatype Description
solutionExternalId String Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation
questionResponseType String which type of question is - Like text, radio, slider, multiselect, matrix, date, number
instanceParentCriteriaName String question type has matrix Name of that is instanceParentCriteriaName
criteriaId String Unique identifier of the Criteria in an observation
criteriaName String Name of the Criteria to which the observation is submitted
location_validated_with_geotag String Observe Again location of user after user submitted
user_boardName String Board Name of the user belongs to - CBSE, State (Andhra Pradesh), IGOT-Health etc
observationId String Unique identifier of the an observation
programName String Name of the program to which the observation is submitted
blockName String Name of the Block mapped to the user
childType String Type of sub question in criteria - criteria
organisation_name String Organisation Name of the user belongs to -Staging Custodian Organization, Globe etc
user_clusterName String Cluster Name of the user belongs to
solution_type String Defines the type of Solution
criteriaExternalId String Unique identifier of the Criteria in an observation
questionResponseLabel String Answers given by User
instanceParentExternalId String Matrix question External Id
domainLevel String level label of Domin
imp_project_externalId String Unique Identifier for the project
organisation_id String Unique Identifier for the organisation
districtName String Name of the District mapped to the user
entityName String Name of the entity added by the user during observation submission
instanceParentResponsetype String which type of question is - Like text, radio, slider, multiselect inside instance question
clusterExternalId String Unique identifier of the cluster
entityExternalId String Unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission
instanceParentId String Unique identifier of the instance parent
instanceParentQuestion String question type has matrix Name of that is
scoringSystem String Type of scoring is the question has Ex : pointBasedScoring
district_externalId String Unique identifier of the District mapped to the user
instanceId String Unique identifier of the instance
role_title String User sub type
observationSubmissionId String Unique identifier generated by system for each submission
district String Name of the District mapped to the user
instanceParentEcmSequence Long sequence order of Questions
state_code Long Unique identifier of the State code
maxScore String Max score can be given for Questions
questionExternalId String Unique identifier for the Questions
questionName String Question label
criteriaLevelReport Boolean Is question criteria level
submissionNumber String how many submission done for observation
stateExternalId String Unique identifier of the State mapped to the user
evidences String Link of the attachment uploaded
percentageScore String percentage of score got for observation
user_schoolUDISE_code String Unique identifier for the school
question_response_number String Answers for question response type number
completedDate Date Observation submission completion date
user_type String User Role
childName String Name of the criteria
solutionName String Name of the Project
domainExternalId String Unique identifier for the Domian
programId String Unique identifier generated by the system for the observation submitted
solutionId String Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation generated by system
criteriaDescription String Description of Criteria
instanceParentCriteriaExternalId String question type has matrix Id of that
cluster String Name of the Cluster mapped to the user
user_schoolName String Name of the School mapped to the user
observationName String Name of the solution to which the observation is submitted
questionId String Unique identifier for the question
user_districtName String Name of the District mapped to the user
entityType String Type of entity for the observation submission
questionSequenceByEcm String Sequenced order of Questions
createdBy String User keycloak id on the sunbrid platform
channel String Root organisation of the user
entityTypeId String System generated unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission
programExternalId String Unique identifier of the observation submitted
ancestorName String Name of ancestor
isRubricDriven Boolean Defines the type of Solution
state String Name of the State mapped to the user
cluster_externalId String Unique identifier of the cluster
isAPrivateProgram String Boolean value that defines program type
childExternalid String Unique identifier of the criteria
imp_project_goal String Goal of project
block_code Long Unique identifier of the Block code
school String Name of the School mapped to the user
evidence_count String Total attachment count uploaded
criteriaLevel String level of Criteria
district_code Long Unique identifier of the District code
cluster_code Long Unique identifier of the Cluster code
parent_channel String Column with constant value - "SHIKSHALOKAM"
programDescription String description of the Program
submissionTitle String Tittle of Submission
user_blockName String Name of the Block mapped to the user
isSubmissionDeleted Boolean is submission deleted or not
solutionDescription String Name of the solution to which the observation is submitted
domainScore String score's of Domin questions
questionResponseLabel_number String Ans for question response type number
entity String Name of the entity added by the user during observation submission
clusterName String Name of the Cluster mapped to the user
instanceParentCriteriaId String matrix question criteria id
user_stateName String Name of the State mapped to the user
createdAt Date Date of creation of the observation
criteriaScore String score's of criteria questions
minScore String minimum score's for questions
stateName String Name of the State mapped to the user
total_evidences Long Total attachment count uploaded for observation
updatedAt Date observation last updated date
label String Name of the level's - level1, level2
imp_project_title String Title of project in observations
blockExternalId String Unique identifier of the Block
pointsBasedScoreInParent Long points based scoring system for parent type question
domainName String Name of the Domain
schoolName String Name of the School
remarks String Remarks Given By the User
scoreAchieved String Total score achivedBy User
school_externalId String Unique identifier of the School mapped to the user
totalScore String Total score of observation
block_externalId String Unique identifier of the Block
school_code Long Unique identifier of the school code
state_externalId String Unique identifier of the State
schoolExternalId String Unique identifier of the School Id mapped to the user
user_schoolId String Unique identifier of the School mapped to the user


Dimensions Datatype Description
solution_id String Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation generated by system
observed_district_code Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Districy Code
observed_state_code Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e State Code
state_name String Name of the State mapped to the user
solution_name String Name of the solution to which the observation is submitted
observed_district_id Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e District Id
observed_school_name Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e School Id
user_id String User keycloak id on the sunbrid platform
observed_cluster_id Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Cluster Id
program_id String Unique identifier of the program to which the observaion is mapped to
program_externalId String Unique identifier of the program to which the observation is mapped to
observed_cluster_code Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Cluster Code
app_name String Column with constant value - "dikshasurvey"
observed_school_code Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e School Code
observed_state_name String Observe Again Submission Entity i,e state
ecm_marked_na String Evidence collection method marked as Not Applicable
cluster_name String Name of the Cluster mapped to the user
observed_district_name String Observe Again Submission Entity i,e District
submission_id String Unique system generated identifier for each observation submissions
entity_type String Type of entity for the observation submission
observed_block_name String Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Block
status String Status of the observation submission
entity_externalId String Unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission
entity_name String Name of the entity added by the user during observation submission
observed_cluster_name String Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Cluster Name
school_name String Name of the School declared by the User
solution_externalId String Unique identifier of the Solution in an observation
block_name String Name of the Block mapped to the user
program_name String Name of the program to which the observation is submitted
observed_block_id Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Block Id
observed_state_id Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Sate Id
private_program String boolean value that defines program type
observed_block_code Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e Block Code
board_name String Name of the board mapped to the user
observed_school_id Long Observe Again Submission Entity i,e School Id
district_name String Name of the District mapped to the user
entity_id String System generated unique identifier of the entity added by the user during observation submission


Dimensions Datatype Description
unique_entities Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of entity_id
unique_submissions Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of submission_id
unique_users Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of createdBy
unique_solution Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of solution_id

ml-obs-domain | ml-obs-domain-criteria

Dimensions Datatype Description
domain_externalId String Unique identifier of the Domian in an observation
domain_level String Level lable of the Domain
domain_name String Name of the Domain
unique_users Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of createdBy
unique_entities Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of entity_id
unique_solution Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of solution_id
unique_submissions Long Agg. coloumn in druid - countDistinct of submission_id

MongoDB Schema

batchLogger collection

    "_id" : ObjectId,
    "dataSource" : String,  // druid data source
    "taskId" : String, // druid task id
    "taskCreatedDate" : String,
    "statusCode" : Integer,
    "createdAt" : ISODate,
    "updatedAt" : ISODate,
    "status" : String

reports_logger collection

    "_id": ObjectId,
    "operation": String, // frontend_update, backend_create
    "file": String,   // path of the report config JSON
    "reportId": String, // UUID of report
    "createdAt": ISODate,
    "updatedAt": ISODate,
    "config": Object, // report config
    "status": String // success, failed, duplicate  