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396 lines (320 loc) · 16.9 KB

File metadata and controls

396 lines (320 loc) · 16.9 KB



Repository structure

  • helm-chart helm charts for publishing with chartpress
  • generators a set of common use scalacheck generators
  • tiny-types a module containing tooling for Tiny Types
  • graph-commons common classes for all the services
  • renku-model defines both production and testing Renku metadata model
  • webhook-service a microservice managing GitLab hooks and incoming external events
  • event-log a microservice responsible for events management
  • commit-event-service a microservice synchronizing commit events between KG and GitLab
  • triples-generator a microservice generating, transforming and taking care of data in the Triples Store
  • token-repository a microservice managing projects' Access Tokens
  • acceptance-tests acceptance tests for the services

Running the tests

sbt clean test && sbt "project acceptance-tests" test

Depending on your global configuration of sbt you have installed, you might need to set SBT_OPTS to avoid OutOfMemory exception. If such error is raised, try setting the variable with the following:

export SBT_OPTS="-Xmx2G -Xss5M"


Coding molds

Renk Graph was built with code readability and maintainability as a value. We believe that high coding standards can:

  • reduce time needed for adding new features;
  • reduce number of bugs;
  • lower cognitive load for developers;
  • make the work with the code more fun ;)

Hence, we are trying to find and then follow good patterns in naming, code organization on a method, class, package and module level. The following list has a work-in-progress style is it supposed to be in constant improvement.

  • camelCase notation is used everywhere in Scala code;
  • the lower scope of a variable, method, class, package, the shorter, less descriptive name can be;
  • readability has always a higher value than succinctness;
  • classes should rather have noun names;
  • classes names should rather not be comprised of more than three words;
  • defs should be verbs;
  • defs should rather be very short (let's keep it an exception for a def having more than 10 lines);
  • classes should rather be short;
  • classes and defs should be having single purpose;
  • nesting ifs or any other structures should not exceed three levels; preferable one level of nesting should be used;
  • great attention should be paid to the scopes on all levels and as a rule it's preferable that the visibility is kept as low as possible;
  • variables should rather be defined the closest possible the usage; we don't follow the old way of top-variables-definition-block as it's hard to see the aim of a variable;
  • ADTs (Abstract Data Types) are used everywhere to make compiler preventing accidental mixing up different domain values; only in very exceptional cases that can be lifted;
  • technical names are rather discouraged in naming as domain and business language; an obvious exception here is more abstract utility defs/classes/objects etc.;
  • packages' names if possible should also carry business info rather than technicalities;
  • it's preferred to use simple names of classes/objects/traits and introduce namespacing through packages over putting context info into compilation unit names; e.g. it's fine to repeat 'Endpoint' as a class name of all the endpoints as each endpoint should live in its own package;
  • implicits and Context Bound should/may be used extensively but wisely;
  • show String Interpolator should be the first choice over the s and toString;
  • obviously the rules above can be always lifted if favour of readability;
  • code should be formatted with the rules defined in the .scalafmt.conf file;
  • once code readability issue is found, it should be either fix straight away or an issue should be created.
  • jsonLD should be used instead of jsonLd or jsonld


The standard release process is done manually. There are multiple repositories taking part in the process. The renku project contains helm charts for deploying to kubernetes and the acceptance tests. The terraform-renku project contains deployment descriptions for all environments.

renku-graph project:

  • create a branch off the origin/release branch, name it prep-<version>
  • merge development into it (git merge origin/development)
  • make a PR for this branch to be merged into origin/release (example)
  • list some points in the description for what has been changed
  • merge the PR and create a release on github
    • release description: list the points again but organized in Features, Bugfixes etc (example)
    • the release notes are public, so don't list refactorings.
    • this will trigger actions that:
      • Runs acceptance tests
      • creates a PR on the renku project to change the version in the requirements.yml (example)

renku project:


  • these PRs are merged by the YAT team which will release to prod

Cleanup (renku-graph):

  • merge the release branch back into development
  • push directly to the development branch


In a case of hotfixes, changes to a relevant commit/tag needs to be done and pushed to a special branch with name following the hotfix-<major>.<minor> pattern. Once the fix is pushed, CI will test the change with other Renku services. Tagging has to be done manually.

Event Flow

This section describes the flow of events starting from a commit on GitLab until the data is stored in the triples store. The solid lines represent an event being sent and the dotted lines represent non-event-like data (request or response).

Opting in a Project into KG

The assumption is that the Project already exists in GitLab.

    participant UI
    participant WebhookService
    participant GitLab
    participant TokenRepository
    participant EventLog
    UI ->> WebhookService: POST /projects/:id/webhooks
    activate WebhookService
    WebhookService ->> GitLab: Create a KG webhook     
    WebhookService ->> TokenRepository: PUT /projects/:id/tokens
    WebhookService ->> EventLog: sends COMMIT_SYNC_REQUEST
    WebhookService ->> UI: 200/201
    deactivate WebhookService

A new commit flow

The assumption is that there's Renku Webhook for a Project created and GitLab sends a Push Event for the project.

    participant GitLab
    participant WebhookService
    participant EventLog
    GitLab ->> WebhookService: POST /webhooks/events
    WebhookService ->> EventLog: sends COMMIT_SYNC_REQUEST 

Commit Sync flow

This flow traverses the commit history for a Project in GitLab until it finds a commit EventLog knows about.

    participant EventLog
    participant CommitEventService
    participant CommitEventService
    participant GitLab

    EventLog ->> CommitEventService: sends COMMIT_SYNC 
    activate CommitEventService
    CommitEventService ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
    CommitEventService ->> GitLab: finds commits which are not in EventLog
    CommitEventService ->> EventLog: sends CREATION for all commits that are not in EventLog
    CommitEventService ->> EventLog: sends EVENTS_STATUS_CHANGE (to: AWAITING_DELETION) for all commits that are in EventLog but not in GitLab
    CommitEventService ->> EventLog: sends GLOBAL_COMMIT_SYNC_REQUEST if at least one AWAITING_DELETION or CREATION was found 
    deactivate CommitEventService

Global Commit Sync flow:

This flow traverses the whole commit history of a Project and find out:

  1. if there are commits on GitLab that need to be created on the Eventlog
  2. if there are commits that are not on GitLab that should be removed from the EventLog

This process is scheduled to be triggered at a minimum rate of once per week per project and at a maximum rate of once per hour per project. The commit history traversal only begins when the number of commits on GitLab and on the EventLog does not match and the most recent commit on GitLab is different from the most recent commit on the EventLog.

    participant EventLog
    participant CommmitEventService
    participant CommitEventService
    participant GitLab

    EventLog ->> CommmitEventService: GLOBAL_COMMIT_SYNC
    activate CommitEventService
    CommitEventService ->> GitLab: finds out the last commit ID and the total number of commits
    loop if the last commit ID or the total number of commits do not match with EventLog state find all the differences
    CommitEventService ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
    CommitEventService ->> GitLab: get all commits
    CommitEventService ->> EventLog: get all commits
    CommitEventService ->> EventLog: sends CREATION for all commits that are not in EventLog
    CommitEventService ->> EventLog: sends EVENTS_STATUS_CHANGE (to: AWAITING_DELETION) for all commits that are in EventLog but not in GitLab
    deactivate CommitEventService

Project provisioning flow

The assumption is the latest Commit Event for a Project in EventLog is in status 'NEW'

    participant EventLog
    participant TriplesGenerator
    participant TokenRepository
    participant GitLab
    participant CLI
    participant TriplesStore

    EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends AWAITING_GENERATION
    activate TriplesGenerator
    TriplesGenerator ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
    TriplesGenerator ->> GitLab: clones the project
    TriplesGenerator ->> CLI: renku migrate
    TriplesGenerator ->> CLI: renku graph export
    TriplesGenerator ->> EventLog: sends EVENTS_STATUS_CHANGE (to: TRIPLES_GENERATED) with the graph as payload
    deactivate TriplesGenerator
    EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends TRIPLES_GENERATED
    activate TriplesGenerator
    TriplesGenerator ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
    TriplesGenerator ->> GitLab: calls several APIs in the Transformation process
    TriplesGenerator ->> TriplesStore: execute update queries and uploads project metadata
    TriplesGenerator ->> EventLog: sends EVENTS_STATUS_CHANGE (to: TRIPLES_STORE)
    deactivate TriplesGenerator    

Commit deletion flow

The assumption is that there was a git reset hard or git rebase done on the Project

    participant EventLog
    participant TriplesGenerator
    participant TokenRepository
    participant GitLab
    participant TriplesStore

    EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends CLEAN_UP_REQUEST
    activate TriplesGenerator
    TriplesGenerator ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
    TriplesGenerator ->> TriplesStore: remove the data of a Project
    TriplesGenerator ->> EventLog: sends EVENTS_STATUS_CHANGE (to: NEW) of all the event of a single Project
    deactivate TriplesGenerator
    activate EventLog
    EventLog ->> EventLog: remove all events in status AWAITING_DELETION and DELETING
    loop if there are no events left for the Project
    EventLog ->> EventLog: remove the Project 
    EventLog ->> TokenRepository: remove the Project token
    EventLog ->> GitLab: remove the Project WebHook
    EventLog ->> EventLog: change status of all Project events to NEW
    EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends AWAITING_GENERATION
    deactivate EventLog    


The assumption is that there's no Commit Event in TRIPLES_STORE status for a Project

    participant EventLog
    participant TriplesGenerator
    participant TokenRepository
    participant GitLab
    participant TriplesStore

    EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends ADD_MIN_PROJECT_INFO
    activate TriplesGenerator
    TriplesGenerator ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
    TriplesGenerator ->> GitLab: calls several APIs in the Transformation process
    TriplesGenerator ->> TriplesStore: execute update queries and uploads project metadata
    TriplesGenerator ->> EventLog: sends EVENTS_STATUS_CHANGE (to: TRIPLES_STORE)
    deactivate TriplesGenerator    


This event is sent periodically to sync authorization data between GitLab and Triples Store

    participant EventLog
    participant TriplesGenerator
    participant TokenRepository
    participant GitLab
    participant TriplesStore

    EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends MEMBER_SYNC
    activate TriplesGenerator
    TriplesGenerator ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
    TriplesGenerator ->> GitLab: calls the Project users and Project members APIs
    TriplesGenerator ->> TriplesStore: project members
    deactivate TriplesGenerator    


This event is sent periodically to sync Project data between GitLab, EventLog and Triples Store

    participant EventLog
    participant CommitEventService
    participant TriplesGenerator
    participant TokenRepository
    participant GitLab
    participant TriplesStore

    EventLog ->> EventLog: sends PROJECT_SYNC
    activate EventLog
      EventLog ->> TokenRepository: fetches access token
      EventLog ->> GitLab: calls the Project Details
      loop if the project slug is NOT the same in EventLog and GitLab
        EventLog ->> CommitEventService: sends COMMIT_SYNC for the new slug
        EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends CLEAN_UP_REQUEST for the old slug
      EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: sends SYNC_REPO_METADATA
      activate TriplesGenerator
        TriplesGenerator ->> GitLab: fetches project metadata
        TriplesGenerator ->> TriplesStore: fetches project metadata
        TriplesGenerator ->> EventLog: fetches the payload of the latest project event
        TriplesGenerator ->> TriplesStore: sends update queries if values needs updating (not for visibility changes)
        TriplesGenerator ->> EventLog: sends RedoProjectTransformation (only when visibility changes)
      deactivate TriplesGenerator
    deactivate EventLog    


This event category detects Commit Events that got stale.

    participant EventLog
    participant TriplesGenerator

    loop finds out events that are marked as under processing but the process was interrupted
    activate EventLog    
    EventLog ->> TriplesGenerator: verifies if instance with given URL and identifier exist
    EventLog ->> EventLog: sends ZOMBIE_CHASING
    deactivate EventLog   
    EventLog ->> EventLog: sends EVENTS_STATUS_CHANGE (to: NEW | TRIPLES_GENERATED)
The removal (re-provisioning) of a project

Once an event is marked as AwaitingDeletion it is automatically picked up by our process and a CleanUp event is created. This event triggers the removal of the project in the Triple Store. The clean up of a project can be either the removal of the projects with all its events and entities (if the project was removed from GitLab) or the re-provisioning of the project (if there are events which are not AwaitingDeletion).

Removing Project Triples

The removal of project triples happens in two steps:

  • Updating links
  • Removing all entities

Updating links happens in order to not create island in our graph. An example would be with a hierarchy of forked projects:

project1 <-- project2 <-- project3

If we wanted to remove project2 we would have to re-link project3 to project1.

project1 <-- project3

The update of the links would also be applied to the Dataset entities which could be imported from other Datasets(similar to a fork for a project).

After the re-linking, the project and all its dependant entities can be removed. These entities will be removed only if they are not used in another project.