Things to include:
- Logging
- Setting directory permissions
- Checking required network access
- Check available disk
- Automated testing to ensure things are set up correctly, e.g.
- Permissions
- Install success
- Use 0 vs non-0 exit status
- Automated cleanup
- Setting and verifying environmental variables
- Checking data integrity (checksums)
cd $HOME
git clone
# Sort out docker groups before installation
sudo adduser $uname
if ! getent group docker; then
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG $USER
sudo usermod -aG $uname
newgrp docker # not sure if this is needed if rebooting
sudo reboot
# Install and validate for root user, set docker permissions for user
bash hello-nextflow/vm_install/ $uname
# Test installs for user
sudo su - $uname
## utils
## nextflow
nextflow run nextflow-io/hello # in $HOME
rm -rfv .nextflow* work/
## docker
docker run ""
docker run ""
docker run ""
# Set dir structure and get files required for the workshop (in user1)
cd $HOME
git clone
cp -r hello-nextflow/part1 hello-nextflow/part2
rm -rfv hello-nextflow/