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Symbolic (Java) PathFinder:

This JPF extension provides symbolic execution for Java bytecode. It performs a non-standard interpretation of byte-codes. It allows symbolic execution on methods with arguments of basic types (int, long, double, boolean, etc.). It also supports symbolic strings, arrays, and user-defined data structures.

SPF now has a "symcrete" mode that executes paths triggered by concrete inputs and collects constraints along the paths

A paper describing Symbolic PathFinder appeared at ISSTA'08:

Title: Combining Unit-level Symbolic Execution and System-level Concrete Execution for Testing NASA Software, Authors: C. S. Pasareanu, P. C. Mehlitz, D. H. Bushnell, K. Gundy-Burlet, M. Lowry, S. Person, M. Pape.

Getting Started

First of all please use Java 8 (I am afraid our tools do not work with newer versions of Java). Also please use eclipse (highly recommended).

Then please download jpf-core from here: or here

And jpf-symbc from here:

Import them in Eclipse as 2 Java projects. Also create a .jpf dir in your home directory and create in it a file called "" with the following content:

jpf-core = ${user.home}/.../path-to-jpf-core-folder/jpf-core

jpf-symbc = ${user.home}/.../path-to-jpf-core-folder/jpf-symbc


You can then try to run some examples by selecting a .jpf file from the "examples" directory and then selecting a run configuration from the "Run" menu in Eclipse. In particular you should select: "run-JPF-symbc" to run Symbolic PathFinder on your example; configuration "run-JPF-symbc-mac" is tailored for Mac; for Windows please change the environment variable in the run configuration to PATH; it should point to the lib directory in your jpf-symbc project.

Note that we currently work on changing the build system of SPF to Gradle. In the meantime, check our blog post with some instructions and relevant notes for building with Ant.