Hello! This guide aims to teach you some of the fundamentals of programming, specifically for Java programming, with the goal that soon you will be able to help program robots, vision tracking and other fun and exciting things.
*Note: Sylabus for guide based roughly on the "Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python" MIT edX course. Sylabus for MIT edX course.
Core elements of programs
- What is an algorithims
- Some common algorithims
- Algorithim design practice
- Big O Notation
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- What is OOP & Why?
- Classes
- Inheitance
- Interfaces
- Why, now with examples! (& Questions)
More Data Types!
- Lists, tuples, etc.
- Splicing / Selection
- Primitive data types vs Objects (and how Primitive data types are stored)
Exceptions & Error handling