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Thomas Leathers edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 1 revision

What is P4Marbles?

a powers of 4 counting table. This can be used in its real life form to do some simple calculations. P4Marbles simulates such a table, and also provides automatic cell and column sums. This can be useful for learning to use such a table.

How do i use P4Marbles?

You can right/left click and scroll over each box to add/subtract marbles from that box. boxes higher up have higher marble values:
alpha=4^0 A (1)
beta=4^1 B (4)
gamma=4^2 Γ(G) (16)
delta=4^3 Δ(D) (64)
epsilon=4^4 E (256)

you can write values like so: A0, Β1, Γ2, Δ1. (or A0, B1, G0, D0 (substituting the Greek letters for the first letter of their English spelling))

A0, Β1, Γ2(G2), Δ1(D1) actually is equal to A0, Β1, Γ6(G6), Δ0(D0) and even A4, Β4, Γ5(G5), Δ0(D0) these of course all equal 100.

How can i make a real powers of 4 counting table?

Its rather simple. all you need is a tray with a grid, and somthing to count with that you can fit at least 4 of in your counting tray. then label your tray. whether you just put the powers of 4, what each number of marbles results to for that row, and/or even the Greek letter names.

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