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42Seoul Repository

42 Cursus (2020.09.28 ~ )


Subject Summary date Score Level
libft Recode Clib & your own library 2020.10.20 103/100 1.00
get_next_line Read File Descriptor & static variables 2020.12.30 100/100 1.40
ft_printf Recode printf() : variable arguments 2021.03.04 100/100 1.79
netwhat Basic Network Knowledge 2021.04.04 100/100 2.00
ft_server Basic Docker Container Usage 2021.04.17 100/100 2.54
minitalk Implement Inter Process Communication with 2 User signals 2023.01.09 80/100 2.82
Exam Rank 02 The 1st Exam on Cursus : mini_printf 2023.01.10 100/100 2.82
push_swap Sorting with your own algorithm by using 2 deque-like-stack 2023.01.27 100/100 3.22
so_long Make basic 2d game with MiniLibX 2023.01.30 100/100 3.39
Exam Rank 03 The 2nd Exam on Cursus : minipaint 2023.02.14 100/100 3.39
minishell Make your own SHELL : multi processing 2023.02.22 100/100 3.88
philosophers Dining philosophers problem : multi threading 2023.03.03 100/100 4.16
CPP Module 00 Namespace, Class, Member functions, STDIO streams 2023.03.15 100/100 4.16
CPP Module 01 Memory allocation, Member pointers, Reference 2023.03.17 100/100 4.16
CPP Moudle 02 Ad-hoc Polymorphism, Operator overloading, Orthodox Canonical Form 2023.03.24 100/100 4.16
CPP Module 03 Inheritance, Multiple Interitance Problem 2023.03.26 100/100 4.16
CPP Module 04 Subtype Polymorphism, Abstract Class, Interfaces 2023.03.28 100/100 4.74
Exam Rank 04 The 3rd Exam on Cursus : microshell 2023.03.28 100/100 4.74
miniRT Basic RayTracing Implementation with MiniLibX 2023.05.26 100/100 5.08
CPP Module 05 Repetition and Exceptions 2023.06.25 100/100 5.08
CPP Module 06 C++ Casts : type conversion 2023.06.26 100/100 5.08
CPP Moudle 07 C++ Templates : Generic Programming 2023.06.27 100/100 5.08
CPP Module 08 C++ STL : Templated containers, iterators, algorithms 2023.06.28 100/100 5.08
CPP Module 09 C++ STL : Templated containers, iterators, algorithms 2023.07.04 100/100 5.67
Exam Rank 05 The 4th Exam on Cursus : cpp_modules 2023.07.25 100/100 5.67
ft_irc Make your own IRC Server : Socket Programming 2023.07.28 125/100 7.38
Inception System administration using docker-compose 2023.08.07 100/100 8.30
Exam Rank 06 The Last Exam on Cursus : miniserv 2023.08.14 100/100 8.30
ft_transcendence A Real-time Multiplayer Pong Game Webapp with Chat, 42 OAuth. 2023.10.25 100/100 10.67

La Piscine (2020.07.27 ~ 2020.08.21)


Subject Summary date Score
C Piscine Shell 00 Learning Basic Shell (1) 2020.07.29 100/100
C Piscine Shell 01 Learning Basic Shell (2) 2020.08.01 100/100
C Piscine C 00 C Basic : write() function 2020.08.05 97/100
C Piscine C 01 C Basic : Pointer 2020.08.05 100/100
C Piscine C 02 C Basic : Recode Functions in <string.h> (1) 2020.08.10 75 /100
C Piscine C 03 C Basic : Recode Functions in <string.h> (2) 2020.08.10 100/100
C Piscine C 04 C Basic : Recode atoi() and others 2020.08.18 70/100
C Piscine C 05 C Basic : Recursives and Ten Queens puzzle 2020.08.19 100/100
C Piscine C 06 C Basic : Command Line Parameters 2020.08.12 100/100
C Piscine C 07 C Basic : Heap Memory Allocation 2020.08.21 0/100
C Piscine C 08 C Basic : Writing Custom Header 2020.08.19 100/100
C Piscine C 09 C Basic : Makefile 2020.08.21 100/100
C Piscine Rush 00 The First Team Project of C Piscine 2020.08.02 120/100
C Piscine Rush 01 The Second Team Project of C Piscine 2020.08.09 0/100
C Piscine Exam 00 The First Exam of C Piscine 2020.07.31 64/100
C Piscine Exam 01 The Second Exam of C Piscine 2020.08.07 64/100
C Piscine Exam 02 The Third Exam of C Piscine 2020.08.14 84/100
C Piscine Final Exam The Final Exam of C Piscine 2020.09.18 66/100