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教育经历 (Educational Background)

  • 博士:2021年-今,华东师范大学,心理与认知科学学院,应用心理学专业
    Ph.D.: East China Normal University, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Applied Psychology
  • 硕士:2017年-2018年,山西大学,教育科学学院,应用心理专业
    Master: Shanxi University, School of Educational Science, Applied Psychology

研究兴趣 (Research Interests)

  • 稀缺
  • 营销
  • 助推

编程语言 (Programming Skill)

  • 统计相关 (Statistical Programming Language)
    • R
    • Mplus
    • Python
    • SPSS Syntax
  • 其他编程语言 (Other Programming Language)
    • JavaScript
    • Java
    • SQL

研究 (Research)

学术论文 (Articles)

Note: #corresponding author

待发表 (Working Papers)

  • Zhao, T., Yang, Y., & Cui, L. (under review). How self-compassion components develop in adolescents? Evidence from cross-lagged panel network analysis.
  • Zhao, T., Yang, Y., & Cui, L. (under review). Dream bigger or work harder? Congruency and incongruency in cognitional and actional future orientation: Using response surface analysis to examine links with left-behind children' life satisfaction.
  • Pan, F., Feng, N., Zhao, T.#, Jiang, Y., & Cui, L. (under review). “Helping others makes me feel better”: Trait gratitude, resilience, and helping behavior improve mental health during a COVID-19 lockdown.


  • 梁晓燕, 蔺文韬, 赵桐, 郭晓荣. (2022). 大学新生时间管理倾向、手机依赖与无聊倾向的关系:一项交叉滞后研究. 心理科学, 45(5), 1214-1221.
    Liang, X., Lin, W., Zhao, T., Guo, X. (2022). Associations between time management disposition, mobile phone dependence and boredom proneness in college freshmen: A cross-lagged study. Journal of Psychological Science, 45(5), 1214-1221.


  • 梁晓燕, 郭晓荣, 赵桐. (2020). 短视频使用对女大学生抑郁的影响:自我客体化和身体满意度的链式中介作用. 心理科学, 43(5), 1-6.
    Liang, X., Guo, X., & Zhao, T. (2020). The impact of short-video use on depression of femalemundergraduate: a chain mediating model of self-objectification and body satisfaction. Journal of Psychological Science, 43(5), 1-6.


  • 梁晓燕, 赵桐, 刘晓飞. (2018). 父母关系积极感知对浪漫关系的影响:链式中介效应分析. 中国临床心理学杂志, 26(6), 1158-1162+1118.
    Liang, X., Zhao, T., & Liu, X. (2018). The impact of perceived positive inter-parental relationship on romantic satisfaction. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 26(6), 1158-1162+1118.

会议报告 (Conference Presentations)

  • 赵桐, 杨莹, 崔丽娟. (2022). “志存高远”还是“勤勉笃行”?未来取向在认知和行动上的差异对留守儿童生活满意度的影响, 中国社会心理学会2022年学术年会, 湖南长沙(线上).
    Zhao, T., Yang, Y., & Cui, L. (2022). Dream bigger or work harder? Exploring the distinguished roles of cognitional and actional future orientation on left-behind children' life satisfaction, Paper presented at 2022 Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Association of Social Psychology, Changsha, Hunan, China (online).

项目参与 (Grants)

  • 国家社会科学基金重大项目(NO.19ZDA357),留守儿童社会适应促进与反社会人格预防研究,参与
  • 华师人文社会科学精品力作培育项目(2019ECNU-JP005),人与城市:地方依恋与社会治理,参与
  • 国家社会科学基金青年项目(NO.22CSH091),累积生态风险视角下流动儿童心理健康问题的发生机制及干预研究,参与