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Local Development

NOTE: These instructions are for kind clusters which is the recommended way for development.


Note that these are tools which we use for development of this project.

tool version
go 1.19
operator-sdk v1.7.2+
controller-gen v0.4.1+
kustomize v3.8.7+
helm v3.5.4+
Docker 19.03.13+

Create cluster

make create-kind-cluster

This will create a 3 node cluster; 1 control-plane and 2 worker nodes by using kind.

Note: Kind cluster we create needs host port 7000 and 7200. Above command will fail if any of those ports is used by other service.

Note: On some versions of MacOS, the airdrop receiver may be running on port 7000. To turn it off you can toggle the switch in System Settings -> General -> Airdrop & Handoff -> Airplay receiver

Bootstrap the dev environment

This section will describe how you can set up local development environment for Tyk Operator.

Tyk Operator manages Tyk resources such as ApiDefinition or SecurityPolicy. In order to do that, it needs to access your Tyk installation which can be any type of installation (tyk-headless, tyk-pro, or Tyk Cloud).

This guideline will go through how you can bootstrap a testing environment for Tyk Operator, including the deployment of Tyk Gateway / Dashboard and their dependencies (Redis or Mongo if you want to use Tyk Dashboard).

There are a couple of options to setting up development environment. You can either deploy Tyk Operator to Kubernetes cluster or you can run Tyk Operator locally.

Deploying only Tyk Operator

If you only want to deploy Tyk Operator, without deploying Tyk Gateway / Dashboard, you can use:

make install-operator-helm IMG=tykio/tyk-operator:test

This will

  • build a Docker image,
  • generate manifest files,
  • load the new Docker image to your cluster and,
  • deploy Tyk Operator by using Helm.

Now, Tyk Operator is deployed in tyk-operator-system namespace with ci release name.

Deploy Tyk Community Edition and Tyk Operator

You do not need any license to deploy Tyk Community Edition.

You can deploy fully functional environment for testing Tyk Operator by the using following command:

TYK_VERSION=${TYK_VERSION} make boot-ce IMG=tykio/tyk-operator:test

By default, we deploy Tyk Gateway v4.3 by using tyk-headless chart.

This will

  • deploy cert-manager,
  • deploy tyk-headless,
  • setup a k8s secret tyk-operator-conf in tyk-operator-system namespace that will be used by Tyk Operator to access the deployed Tyk Gateway.

The secret will contain required credentials mentioned here.

Deploy Only Tyk Gateway

TYK_VERSION=${TYK_VERSION} make setup-ce

This command will only deploy Tyk Gateway without deploying Tyk Operator. It is useful if your Tyk Operator is running on your local machine.

Deploy Tyk Pro and Tyk Operator

In order to deploy Tyk Pro, you need a license.

Set your license key as an environment variable.

make boot-pro IMG=tykio/tyk-operator:test

This will

  • deploy cert-manager,
  • deploy tyk-pro chart,
  • creates an organisation that you can use to log into your dashboard,
    • By default, the username is and the password is 1234testing.
  • setup secret that will be used by Tyk Operator to access the deployed dashboard.

The secret will contain required credentials mentioned here.

Deploy Only Tyk Pro

Make sure that your Tyk Pro license credential is available as described above section.

TYK_VERSION=${TYK_VERSION} make setup-pro

This command will only deploy Tyk Pro without deploying Tyk Operator. It is useful if your Tyk Operator is running on your local machine.

Run Tyk Operator Locally

You can run Tyk Operator on your local machine without deploying it into your Kubernetes cluster. This approach will be useful while debugging.

Note: While running Tyk Operator locally, webhooks won't be working. Tyk Operator uses webhooks (Validation and Mutation) to validate and default some values in Custom Resources.


This command will generate latest manifests (CRs, RBACs etc.) and run Tyk Operator locally.

Since Tyk Operator is not deployed on your cluster, it cannot access your Tyk installation. So, before setting up the credentials for TYK_URL, please make sure that your Tyk service is accessible in your local machine. Please see here for details.

Specify Tyk Version

If you would like to bootstrap specific version of Tyk, you can use TYK_VERSION environment variable.

TYK_VERSION=v3.2 make boot-ce IMG=tykio/tyk-operator:test

This will bootstrap Tyk Gateway v3.2.

Check if the environment is working

Check Tyk Operator logs

make log

which runs the following command for you,

kubectl logs <tyk-controller-manager-pod-name> -n tyk-operator-system manager

Check Tyk Pro installation

  1. Expose our Tyk Gateway and Tyk Dashboard locally

Run this in a separate terminal:

kubectl port-forward svc/gateway-svc-pro-tyk-pro 8080:8080  -n tykpro-control-plane
kubectl port-forward service/dashboard-svc-pro-tyk-pro 3000:3000 -n tykpro-control-plane
  1. Check if Tyk Gateway is properly configured
curl http://localhost:8080/hello

    "status": "pass",
    "version": "4.3.3",
    "description": "Tyk GW",
    "details": {
        "dashboard": {
            "status": "pass",
            "componentType": "system",
            "time": "2023-02-28T07:04:55Z"
        "redis": {
            "status": "pass",
            "componentType": "datastore",
            "time": "2023-02-28T07:04:55Z"

  1. Check if the Tyk Operator is working
    • Create your first ApiDefinition resource

      kubectl apply -f config/samples/httpbin.yaml 


    • Check that your ApiDefinition was applied and it works

      curl http://localhost:8080/httpbin/headers

           "headers": {
             "Accept": "*/*", 
             "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", 
             "Host": "", 
             "Referer": "", 
             "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)", 
             "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5fc0c7f4-4fe147d429feac260d185764"

    • Login to Tyk Dashboard through http://localhost:3000 and check if your ApiDefinition was created.

Check Tyk Headless (Community edition)

  1. Expose our Tyk Gateway locally

Run this in a separate terminal

kubectl port-forward svc/gateway-svc-ce-tyk-headless 8080:8080  -n tykce-control-plane
  1. Check if Tyk Gateway is properly configured
curl http://localhost:8080/hello

    "status": "pass",
    "version": "v3.0.0",
    "description": "Tyk GW",
    "details": {
        "redis": {
            "status": "pass",
            "componentType": "datastore",
            "time": "2020-11-27T10:36:19Z"

  1. Check if Tyk Operator is working

    • Create your first ApiDefinition resource:

      kubectl apply -f config/samples/httpbin.yaml 
    • Check that your ApiDefinition was applied and it works

      curl http://localhost:8080/httpbin/headers

           "headers": {
             "Accept": "*/*", 
             "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", 
             "Host": "", 
             "Referer": "", 
             "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)", 
             "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5fc0d6e9-1d6ca594424891b803e5260d"


After making changes to the controller, in order to update Tyk Operator controller, you can run

make scrap IMG=tykio/tyk-operator:test

This will

  • generate manifests,
  • build and tag the new changes into a docker image,
  • load the image to kind cluster,
  • uninstall the previous controller deployment,
  • install the new controller deployment.

Delete cluster

Delete kind cluster using following command

make clean

Run tests

To run tests, boot up either of the following setups:


TYK_MODE=ce make boot-ce test-all


TYK_MODE=pro make boot-pro test-all

Helm Chart Development

This section describes how you can update Helm Chart of Tyk Operator.

As of today, Tyk Operator can be installed via Helm Chart. The chart is stored in Tyk Operator repository, here.

We generate all manifests by using kustomize.

Direct changes to files (e.g., values.yaml or all.yaml) in the Helm directory will not help you update Tyk Operator's Helm Chart because changes will be overwritten by make helm command.

What we do for creating a Helm manifests is to run make helm command. This command runs kustomize on config/helm and sends the output of kustomize to hack/helm/pre_helm.go file which replaces certain fields with their templating correspondence.

For example, in order to update all.yaml, it'd be better to update either hack/helm/pre_helm.go or config/helm/kustomization.yaml.

Loading images into kind cluster

You can load images in the kind cluster required for Tyk Pro/CE installation. It will download all the images once and will be reused during next installations, unless cluster is deleted.

You just need to set TYK_OPERATOR_PRELOAD_IMAGES environment variable to true before running make boot-ce/make boot-pro.

Useful make commands

  • make linters

This will run all linters and formatters that we use in Tyk Operator project. You can use this command to lint your code changes.

  • make helm

This will update Helm Chart of Tyk Operator. Please see Helm Chart Development section for details.

  • make generate manifests helm install

This will

  • generate code,
  • generate manifests,
  • update Helm Chart of Tyk Operator,
  • install CRDs to the cluster.


  1. The Tyk-Operator uses the finalizer pattern for deleting CRs from the cluster.