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Vishal Kumar edited this page Jun 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Perception-Project wiki! Udacity - Robotics NanoDegree Program

Project: 3D Perception and manipulation with PR2 Robot

Project Code

Project code file is consisting of the following major parts:

  • Required python imports
  • helper functions
  • pcl_callback() function
  • pr2_mover function
  • Creating ROS Node, Subscribers, and Publishers

I will be explaning each part in this writeup.

Python Imports

In this project we used multiple python libraries including:

  • numpy: for mathematics
  • sklearn: for SVM machine learning
  • pickle: to dump/load data to disk files
  • yaml: to generate yaml format and write it to disk.

Some of the ROS libraries:

  • rospy: ROS python library
  • tf: ROS transforms library
  • ros visualization_msgs: ROS marker visualization library
  • ros messages formats and converters.

and functions from sensor_stick exercises.

import numpy as np
import sklearn
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import pickle
from sensor_stick.srv import GetNormals
from sensor_stick.features import compute_color_histograms
from sensor_stick.features import compute_normal_histograms
from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker
from sensor_stick.marker_tools import *
from sensor_stick.msg import DetectedObjectsArray
from sensor_stick.msg import DetectedObject
from sensor_stick.pcl_helper import *

import rospy
import tf
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
from std_msgs.msg import Float64
from std_msgs.msg import Int32
from std_msgs.msg import String
from pr2_robot.srv import *
from rospy_message_converter import message_converter
import yaml

Helpder Functions

# Helper function to get surface normals
def get_normals(cloud):
    get_normals_prox = rospy.ServiceProxy('/feature_extractor/get_normals', GetNormals)
    return get_normals_prox(cloud).cluster
# Helper function to create a yaml friendly dictionary from ROS messages
def make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, object_name, pick_pose, place_pose):
    yaml_dict = {}
    yaml_dict["test_scene_num"] =
    yaml_dict["arm_name"]  =
    yaml_dict["object_name"] =
    yaml_dict["pick_pose"] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(pick_pose)
    yaml_dict["place_pose"] = message_converter.convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(place_pose)
    return yaml_dict
# Helper function to output to yaml file
def send_to_yaml(yaml_filename, yaml_dict_list):
    data_dict = {"object_list": yaml_dict_list}
    with open(yaml_filename, 'w') as outfile:
        yaml.dump(data_dict, outfile, default_flow_style=False)
# Function to search list of dictionaries and return a selected value in selected dictionary
def search_dictionaries(key1, value1, key2, list_of_dictionaries):
    selected_dic = [element for element in list_of_dictionaries if element[key1] == value1][0]
    selected_val = selected_dic.get(key2)
    return selected_val

pcl_callback() function

pcl_callback() is the function that will be called back every time a message is published to /pr2/world/points topic. this function has the 3D point cloud perception pipeline, object detection, and a call to the PR2 mover function.

The Perception Pipeline

Following sections will explain the different stages of the perception pipeline used to detect objects before starting the pick and place robot movement.

Select topic and convert ROS msg to PCL data

The first step in the perception pipeline is to subscribe to the the camera data (point cloud) topic /pr2/world/points from which we will get a point cloud with noise as seen below:

before we can process the data we need to convert it from ROS PointCloud2 message to a PCL PointXYZRGB format using the following code:

cloud = ros_to_pcl(pcl_msg)

Statistical Outlier Filtering

First filter is the PCL’s Statistical Outlier Removal filter. in this filter for each point in the point cloud, it computes the distance to all of its neighbors, and then calculates a mean distance. By assuming a Gaussian distribution, all points whose mean distances are outside of an interval defined by the global distances mean+standard deviation are considered to be outliers and removed from the point cloud.

Code is as following:

    cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud)
    outlier_filter = cloud.make_statistical_outlier_filter()
        # Set the number of neighboring points to analyze for any given point
        # Set threshold scale factor
    x = 0.0005
        # Any point with a mean distance larger than global (mean distance+x*std_dev) will be considered outlier
        # Finally call the filter function for magic
    outliers_removed = outlier_filter.filter()
    outliers_removed = XYZ_to_XYZRGB(outliers_removed,[255,255,255])

Mean K = 5 was the best value I found to almost remove all noise pixels. any value higher than 3 was leaving some of the noise pixels behind. x was selected to be 0.0005.

following image is showing result after removal of noise:

Voxel Grid Downsampling

2nd stage is Voxel Grid Downsampling filter to derive a point cloud that has fewer points but should still do a good job of representing the input point cloud as a whole. This is done to reduce required computation power without impacting the final results. Code is as following:

    # Create a VoxelGrid filter object for our input point cloud
    vox = outliers_removed.make_voxel_grid_filter()
    LEAF_SIZE = 0.005
    # Set the voxel (or leaf) size  
    vox.set_leaf_size(LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE, LEAF_SIZE)
    # Call the filter function to obtain the resultant downsampled point cloud
    cloud_filtered = vox.filter()

After trying different sizes I have selected leaf size 0.005 to avoid any impact on point cloud details.

result is as shown in below image:

PassThrough Filter

3rd stage is PassThrough filter which works much like a cropping tool allowing to crop any given 3D point cloud by specifying an axis with cut-off values along that axis. The region you allow to pass through, is often referred to as region of interest.

In our case I have applied the filter two times, 1st one along Z axis to select only the table top and objects on it as shown in below code:

    # Create a PassThrough filter object.
    passthrough = cloud_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()
    # Assign axis and range to the passthrough filter object.
    filter_axis = 'z'
    axis_min = 0.6
    axis_max = 1.1
    passthrough.set_filter_limits(axis_min, axis_max)
    # Use the filter function to obtain the resultant point cloud. 
    cloud_filtered = passthrough.filter()

axis_min and axis_max was picked from RViz directly by reading the edge pixels values.

2nd one is along Y axis to remove the unwanted left and right edges of the table. Code is as following:

    # Create a PassThrough filter object.
    passthrough = cloud_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()
    # Assign axis and range to the passthrough filter object.
    filter_axis = 'y'
    axis_min = -0.456
    axis_max =  0.456
    passthrough.set_filter_limits(axis_min, axis_max)
    # Use the filter function to obtain the resultant point cloud. 
    cloud_filtered = passthrough.filter()

again axis_min and axis_max was selected from RViz by reading the values of the edge pixels.

RANSAC Plane Segmentation

Next we need to remove the table itself from the scene. To do this we will use a popular technique known as Random Sample Consensus or "RANSAC". RANSAC is an algorithm, that we can use to identify points in our dataset that belong to a particular model. In the case of the 3D scene we are working with here, the model we choose could be a plane, a cylinder, a box, or any other common shape. Since the top of the table in the scene is the single most prominent plane, after ground removal, we can effectively use RANSAC to identify points that belong to the table and discard/filter out those points.

code is as following:

    # Create the segmentation object
    seg = cloud_filtered.make_segmenter()
    # Set the model you wish to fit 
    # Max distance for a point to be considered fitting the model
    # Experiment with different values for max_distance 
    # for segmenting the table
    max_distance = 0.006
    # Call the segment function to obtain set of inlier indices and model coefficients
    inliers, coefficients = seg.segment()

    # Extract inliers(Table)
    cloud_table = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=False)
    # Extract outliers(Objects)
    cloud_objects = cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=True)

Image of the objects:

Image of the table:

Euclidean Clustering

Last filtering step is to use PCL's Euclidean Clustering algorithm to segment the remaining points into individual objects. code is as following:

    white_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(extracted_objects)
    tree = white_cloud.make_kdtree()
    # Create a cluster extraction object
    ec = white_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
    # Set tolerances for distance threshold 
    # as well as minimum and maximum cluster size (in points)
    # Search the k-d tree for clusters
    # Extract indices for each of the discovered clusters
    cluster_indices = ec.Extract()

Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately

Then we use the following code to add a color for each segmented object:

    # Assign a color corresponding to each segmented object in scene
    cluster_color = get_color_list(len(cluster_indices))
    color_cluster_point_list = []
    for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
        for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
    # Create new cloud containing all clusters, each with unique color
    cluster_cloud = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()

resulting objects image:

Converts a pcl PointXYZRGB to a ROS PointCloud2 message

Befor we can publish the processed point clouds we need to convert the format back from PCL PointXYZRGB to ROS PointCloud2 message:

    pcl_msg_object = pcl_to_ros(cloud_objects)
    pcl_msg_table = pcl_to_ros(cloud_table)
    pcl_msg_cluster = pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)

Publish ROS messages

finally we publish to required topics:


Object Prediction

Having the segmented objects, now we can use the SVM algorithm to predict each object. We will be using code that was developed in previous exercises:

Following are helper functions used to capture features:

compute_color_histograms() function

def compute_color_histograms(cloud, using_hsv=False):

    # Compute histograms for the clusters
    point_colors_list = []

    # Step through each point in the point cloud
    for point in pc2.read_points(cloud, skip_nans=True):
        rgb_list = float_to_rgb(point[3])
        if using_hsv:
            point_colors_list.append(rgb_to_hsv(rgb_list) * 255)

    # Populate lists with color values
    channel_1_vals = []
    channel_2_vals = []
    channel_3_vals = []

    for color in point_colors_list:
    # Compute histograms
    bins_range=(0, 256)
    # Compute the histogram of the channels separately
    channel_1_hist = np.histogram(channel_1_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
    channel_2_hist = np.histogram(channel_2_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
    channel_3_hist = np.histogram(channel_3_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
    # Concatenate the histograms into a single feature vector
    hist_features = np.concatenate((channel_1_hist[0], channel_2_hist[0], channel_1_hist[0])).astype(np.float64)
    # Normalize the result
    normed_features = hist_features / np.sum(hist_features)

    # Generate random features for demo mode.  
    # Replace normed_features with your feature vector
    #normed_features = np.random.random(96) 

    # Return the feature vector
    return normed_features 

compute_normals_histograms() function

def compute_normal_histograms(normal_cloud):
    norm_x_vals = []
    norm_y_vals = []
    norm_z_vals = []

    for norm_component in pc2.read_points(normal_cloud,
                                          field_names = ('normal_x', 'normal_y', 'normal_z'),

    # Compute histograms of normal values (just like with color)

    bins_range=(-1, 1)
    # Compute the histogram of the channels separately
    norm_x_hist = np.histogram(norm_x_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
    norm_y_hist = np.histogram(norm_y_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
    norm_z_hist = np.histogram(norm_z_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
    # Concatenate the histograms into a single feature vector
    hist_features = np.concatenate((norm_x_hist[0], norm_y_hist[0], norm_z_hist[0])).astype(np.float64)
    # Normalize the result
    normed_features = hist_features / np.sum(hist_features)

    # Generate random features for demo mode.  
    # Replace normed_features with your feature vector
    #normed_features = np.random.random(96)

    return normed_features

Full code for capturing features and training SVM:

Features code

Capture Features code

Train SVM code

Code to detect the objects using above functions:

    detected_objects_labels = []
    detected_objects = []

    for index, pts_list in enumerate(cluster_indices):

        # Grab the points for the cluster from the extracted_objects
        pcl_cluster = extracted_objects.extract(pts_list)
        # Convert the cluster from pcl to ROS using helper function
        ros_cluster = pcl_to_ros(pcl_cluster)

        # Generate Histograms
        # Color Histogram
        c_hists = compute_color_histograms(ros_cluster, using_hsv=True)
        # Normals Histogram
        normals = get_normals(ros_cluster)
        n_hists = compute_normal_histograms(normals)
        # Generate feature by concatenate of color and normals.
        feature = np.concatenate((c_hists, n_hists))
        # Make the prediction
        # Retrieve the label for the result and add it to detected_objects_labels list
        prediction = clf.predict(scaler.transform(feature.reshape(1,-1)))
        label = encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)[0]

        # Publish a label into RViz
        label_pos = list(white_cloud[pts_list[0]])
        label_pos[2] += .2
        object_markers_pub.publish(make_label(label,label_pos, index))

        # Add the detected object to the list of detected objects.
        do = DetectedObject()
        do.label = label = ros_cluster
    rospy.loginfo('Detected {} objects: {}'.format(len(detected_objects_labels), detected_objects_labels))

    # Publish the list of detected objects

Following image showing the objects with predicted names:

Invoking PR2 Mover Function

Last part of pcl_callback() function is to call the PR2 mover to pick and place detected objects.

    if len(detected_objects)>0:
        except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
        rospy.logwarn('No detected objects !!!')

PR2_Mover function

First step in mover fuction is to initialize variables including ROS messages.

Initialize variables

    test_scene_num = Int32()
    object_name    = String()
    pick_pose      = Pose()
    place_pose     = Pose()
    arm_name       = String()
    yaml_dict_list = []
    # Update test scene number based on the selected test. = 3

Get Parameters fro ROS parameters server

read objects list and drop box data from ROS parameters server.

    object_list_param = rospy.get_param('/object_list')
    dropbox_param     = rospy.get_param('/dropbox')

Rotate PR2 in place to capture side tables for the collision map

This is to rotate PR2 to capture side tables data to avoid collision. This can be further enhanced as mentioned in last section of project text.

    # Rotate Right
    # Rotate Left
    # Rotate Center

Calculate detected objects centroids.

here we will calculate the centroid (x,y,z) of each detected object based on its points array.

    labels = []
    centroids = [] # to be list of tuples (x, y, z)
    for object in object_list:
        points_arr = ros_to_pcl(
        centroids.append(np.mean(points_arr, axis=0)[:3])

Loop through the pick list

in this loop we will be picking each object from the pick-list we received through ROS parameter server and match it to one of the detected objects to decide on pick pose, place pose, and arm name. We will write all date to yaml file.

    for i in range(0, len(object_list_param)):
        # Read object name and group from object list. = object_list_param[i]['name' ]
        object_group     = object_list_param[i]['group']

        # Select pick pose
            index = labels.index(
        except ValueError:
            print "Object not detected: %s"

        pick_pose.position.x = np.asscalar(centroids[index][0])
        pick_pose.position.y = np.asscalar(centroids[index][1])
        pick_pose.position.z = np.asscalar(centroids[index][2])

        # Select place pose
        position = search_dictionaries('group', object_group, 'position', dropbox_param)
        place_pose.position.x = position[0]
        place_pose.position.y = position[1]
        place_pose.position.z = position[2]

        # Select the arm to be used for pick_place = search_dictionaries('group', object_group, 'name', dropbox_param)

        # Create a list of dictionaries for later output to yaml format
        yaml_dict = make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, object_name, pick_pose, place_pose)

        # Wait for 'pick_place_routine' service to come up
            pick_place_routine = rospy.ServiceProxy('pick_place_routine', PickPlace)
            # Insert your message variables to be sent as a service request
            resp = pick_place_routine(test_scene_num, object_name, arm_name, pick_pose, place_pose)
            print ("Response: ",resp.success)
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print "Service call failed: %s"%e

Writing yaml files to disk

file will be automatically named based on the selected test number (1-3).

    yaml_filename = 'output_'+str('.yaml'
    send_to_yaml(yaml_filename, yaml_dict_list)

Creating ROS Node, Subscribers, and Publishers.

Following code is to create all required ROS node, subscribers, and publishers.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # ROS node initialization
    rospy.init_node('clustering', anonymous=True)

    # Create Subscribers
    pcl_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/pr2/world/points", pc2.PointCloud2, pcl_callback, queue_size=1)

    # Create Publishers
    pcl_static_out_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pcl_static_out", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
    pcl_vox_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pcl_vox", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
    pcl_pass_through_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pcl_pass_through", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
    pcl_objects_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pcl_objects", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
    pcl_table_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pcl_table", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)
    pcl_cluster_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pcl_cluster", PointCloud2, queue_size=1)

    # Publisher for detected object with markers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    object_markers_pub = rospy.Publisher("/object_markers", Marker, queue_size=100)
    detected_objects_pub = rospy.Publisher("/detected_objects", DetectedObjectsArray, queue_size=1)

    # Initialize color_list
    get_color_list.color_list = []

    # Load Model From disk
    model = pickle.load(open('model.sav', 'rb'))
    clf = model['classifier']
    encoder = LabelEncoder()
    encoder.classes_ = model['classes']
    scaler = model['scaler']

    # Spin while node is not shutdown
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():


Running the 3 worlds tests

Next we will be using the above mentioned pipeline to test all of the three worlds. We select the required test world by changing the following lines in pick_place_project.launch

    <!--TODO:Change the world name to load different tabletop setup-->
    <arg name="world_name" value="$(find pr2_robot)/worlds/"/>


    <!--TODO:Change the list name based on the scene you have loaded-->
    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find pr2_robot)/config/pick_list_1.yaml"/>

Results are as following:

Test 1 - Training

Test 1 Values
Features in Training Set: 480
Invalid Features in Training set: 0
Scores: [0.9375 0.85416667 0.92708333 0.875 0.92708333]
Accuracy: 0.90 (+/- 0.07)
accuracy score: 0.9041666666666667

image of predicted objects:

Results yaml files:

The output yaml files are on the following links:




Issues faced during project

  • When compiling using catkin_make I used to get error "cannot convert to bool". I resolved it by adding static_cast<bool>(). see this

  • Robot was not grasping the detected objects properly in many of the cases although the arm approach is correct and grasper is closing properly. I believe this is related to the setting of grasp close position.

Future improvementsFOrForcom

  • Collison avoidance need to be done as discribed in project last section. If I have more time I will work on it.

  • We can go through the object detection pipline once after everytime we pick an object, this will give better results in crowded table case like test 3.

Reference Links