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This repository provides implementations for a top-down search algorithm for learning a tree-structured composition of data augmentations on a given dataset.

Data Preparation

Protein graph classification.

We provide a link for downloading the newly constructed protein graph dataset from AlphaFold. Please download and unzip it under the folder of ./data-augmentation-graphs/protein-function-prediction/dataset.

Wildlife image classification.

For wildlife image classification, please refer to the WILDS benchmark for downloading the iWildCam dataset.

Medical image classification.

For medical image datasets containing eye fundus images for diabetic retinopathy classification. Please refer to ./data-augmentation-images/ for downloading and formatting the images. Thanks to the authors of BenchMD for providing their data processing code online.

Graph contrastive learning.

For datasets from TUDataset, our code automatically downloads the data. Please create a data folder under the ./data-augmentation-graphs/graph_contrastive_learning folder.

Graph classification

Please use the ./data-augmentation-graphs folder.

cd data-augmentaton-graphs

Step 1: Searching for tree-based compositions

We provide the implementation of our algorithm that searches the tree-based composition in the We provide an example below to run our algorithm.

Protein graph classification

Run the following script under the ./data-augmentation-graphs/protein_graph_classification folder.

Use to search for the composition of data augmentations.

python --num_groups 4 --group_ids 0\
    --task_set_name tree_augment_group_0 --save_name tree_augment_group_0\
    --max_depth 4 --epochs 100 --device 0
  • --group_ids specifies the group ids to search the composition for. Provide a number between 0 and 15.
  • --max_depth specifies the maximum depth of the tree composition.
  • --task_set_name specifies the name of the file that saves the searched composition.
  • --save_name specifies the name of the

Graph Contrastive Learning

Similarly, we can run a similar script for graph contrastive learning under the ./data-augmentation-graphs/graph_contrastive_learning folder. We provide an example to find a tree based composition in one graph dataset:

python --dataset NCI1 --epochs 10\
    --task_set_name tree_NCI1 --save_name tree_NCI1\
    --device 0 --max_depth 4

Step 2: Learning a forest of trees on multiple subpopulations

After finding a tree-based composition in each subpopulation, we provide an algorithm to train a joint model by combining the trees of subpopulations in a weighted training manner. We provide an example below to run our algorithm.

Protein function prediction

Run under the ./data-augmentation-graphs/protein_graph_classification folder. Use to train a model on the protein function prediction dataset.

python --task_idxes -1 --num_groups 4 --group_ids -1 --labeling_rate_threshold 0.005 \
    --device 3 --runs 2 --epochs 50 --save_name results\
    --train_bilevel --update_step 50 --weight_lr 0.1
  • Specify --train_bilevel to run our algorithm
  • --update_step specifies the number of SGD steps to update combination weights
  • --weight_lr specifies the learning rate to update combination weights

Graph Contrastive Learning

Run under the ./data-augmentation-graphs/graph_contrastive_learning folder. Use to train a contrastive model on TUDatasets. We provide an example to run a contrastive learning model on a graph dataset:

python --dataset NCI1 --train_simclr --loss_name nt_xnet_loss --semi_split 1 --epochs 100 --augmentation_names DropNodes PermuteEdges --augmentation_ratios 0.1 0.1 \
--fold_idxes 0 --mnt_metric val_loss --mnt_mode min\
--device 0 --save_name test

Image classification

This folder includes experiments for finding the tree-based composition of data augmentations on image data sets. For each experiment, we will work on several datasets datasets, which are CIFAR and iWildCam datasets for supervised learning, fundus (Messidor, Aptos, and Jinchi) datasets for self-supervised learning.

Step 1: Searching for tree-based composition

We implement our algorithm for searching the tree-based composition in the following scripts:

  • For CIFAR datasets, use
  • For the iWildCam dataset, use
  • For self-supervised learning, use

The three scripts share similar logic. We give an example to use one script below.

Search tree-based composition on the iWildCam dataset

Use the following script to search a tree-based composition on group 307 of the iWildCam dataset

python \
    --dataset iwildcam --group_id 307 --eval_metric val_accuracy \
    --task_set_name wildcam_307 --save_name wildcam_307 \
    --epochs 10 --batch_size 16 --device 0 

Key arguments:

  • --group_id: The group id of the dataset. It would be used to pick a subset that in the same domain from the whole dataset.
  • --eval_metric : The value for selecting the best combination.
  • --task_set_name: specifying the path for saving the best subset.
  • --save_name: specifying the path for saving all the searching result that saved as .cvs

If you need more customization, please check the .json file that is used inside

The commands to use other scripts would be similar. We provide the examples to run other search files in the scripts folder:

  • On CIFAR-10, refer to ./scripts/
  • On iWildCam, refer to ./scripts/
  • On medical image datasets, refer to ./scripts/

Step 2: Learning a forest of trees on multiple subpopulations

After searching the tree-based composition on each subpopulation, we can run scripts to train a joint model by combining the trees in a weighted training scheme.

  • Use and use --train_bilevel to run the algorithm on the iWildCam data set.
  • Use train_simclr_medical and use --train_bilevel to run the algorithm on the medical image data set.

We give an example below. The script runs the algorithm on three groups of iWildCam dataset. Before running this script, specify the corresponding augmentations under a txt file in the specified_augmentations folder.

python \
    --config configs/wild_config.json \
    --group_ids 97 286 307 \
    --train_bilevel --weight_lr 0.1  --update_weight_step 50\
    --n_gpu 1 --device 1 --save_name test --runs 1\

Key arguments:

  • --group_ids : the group(domain) id that we used to train together.
  • --save_name: the name of the save folder
  • --weight_lr: the learning rate of the weight. It is useful when we train the model with BilevelTrainer or GroupDOR.
  • --update_weight_step: the number SGD steps to update weights.

We also provide examples to run our algorithm on other datasets:

  • For medical image datasets, refer to ./scripts/


We provide two sets of python environment setups for both graph and image data sets.

For experiments on image datasets, install requirements as requirements inside data-augmentation-images dataset:

cd data-augmentaton-images
pip install -r requirements.txt

For experiments on graph datasets, install requirements as requirements inside data-augmentation-graphs dataset:

cd data-augmentaton-graphs
pip install -r requirements.txt


Thanks to the authors of the following repositories for providing their implementation publicly available.