pokeiv 是一個可以計算寶可夢個體值(Individual values, IVs)的模組。(目前支援本傳三代以後的寶可夢, 特別是八代劍盾)
pokeiv is a module that can be used to calculate IVs(Individual values) of Pokémons.(After the 3rd Generation supported, especially 8th gen sword and shield)
計算寶可夢個體值(Individual values, IVs)幾乎是每個寶可夢玩家會做的事。目前使用Javascript寫寶可夢個體值查詢的開放模組很少,所以寫一個來用。
Calculating individual values(IVs) of Pokémon is almost every Pokémon player will do. Currently there are very few open source modules for calculating Pokémon individual values with Javascript, so write one to use.
- 用全國編號或伽勒爾編號查寶可夢的個體值,查寶可夢的名字。(支援多國語言)
Calculating individual values(IVs) of Pokémons, querying names of Pokémons by international or Galar number.(support multi-languages)
- 利用 npm 套件進行下載
Use npm to install
npm install --save @waynechang65/pokeiv
- 在您的專案環境中,引用 @waynechang65/pokeiv 模組。
Include @waynechang65/pokeiv package in your project
const pokeiv = require('@waynechang65/pokeiv');
接下來,在專案裏的async函式內使用即可。 Add programs in an async function in your project.
回傳個體值(IVs)資料陣列。 The function will return an array of IVs.
- 從GitHub下載pokeiv專案程式
Clone pokeiv from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/WayneChang65/pokeiv.git
- 在pokeiv專案環境中,下載必要模組。
Install dependencies in the cloned pokeiv folder
npm install
- 透過 npm 直接使用以下指令。(實際範例程式在 ./examples/demo.js)
Run it with npm. (the demo example is in ./examples/demo.js)
npm start
- setLanguage: 設定多國語言, set a language to use
- getIVs: 用全國編號取得寶可夢個體值(IVs), calculate IVs of Pokemon by international number
- getIVs_galar: 用伽勒爾編號取得寶可夢個體值(IVs), calculate IVs of Pokemon by Galar number
- getPokeName: 用全國編號取得寶可夢的名字, query a name of Pokemon by international number
- getPokeName_galar: 用伽勒爾編號取得寶可夢的名字, query a name of Pokemon by Galar number
pokeiv 雖然是一個小模組,但本人還是希望這個專案能夠持續進步!若有發現臭蟲(bug)或問題,請幫忙在Issue留言告知詳細情形。
歡迎共同開發。歡迎Fork / Pull Request,謝謝。:)
Even though pokeiv is a small project, I hope it can be improving. If there is any issue, please comment and welcome to fork and send Pull Request. Thanks. :)