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executable file
37 lines (32 loc) · 1.22 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
37 lines (32 loc) · 1.22 KB

Gulp Usage

Once per computer:

  1. Install node from
  2. Install gulp globally:
    npm install -g gulp-cli

Once per project

This will add gulp to this project and all the other packages that it needs to compile css, etc. All these dependancies get installed to the node_modules folder. If things get messed up, you can delete this folder and reinstall.

  1. Navigate to the folder containing gulpfile.js:
    either cd /tools/gulp, or at the project root.
  2. Install dependancies
    npm install

Running gulp

  1. Navigate to the folder containing gulpfile.js:
    either cd /tools/gulp, or at the project root.
  2. Run gulp for dev or prod:
  • gulp
    Will run the dev task that will watch for changes in the source files. For example, if you change index.scss, gulp will run the css task to compile the sass to css automatically. You will see this happen in your terminal.
  • gulp build Will run the dev task without watcher.
  • gulp prod
    Will run the prod task that will not watch, and it will compile the files for production (minified, etc). This should be used for Continuous Integration.