By contributing changes to this repository, you agree to license your contributions under the MIT license. This ensures your contributions have the same license as the project and that the community is free to use your contributions. You also assert that you are the original author of the work that you are contributing unless otherwise stated.
We use the issue tracker on GitHub associated with this project to track bugs and features.
Before submitting a bug report or feature request, check to make sure it hasn’t already been submitted.
When submitting a bug report, please include any details that may help reproduce the bug, including the AsciiDoc syntax you are using, or logs.
HubPress is moving away from developing in the repository. To ensure the repository remains clean for new adopters, development has shifted to
The process to commit a change to HubPress is changed to the following:
Create an issue on the HubPress/ repository describing the change you propose.
Fork to make changes in the new development repository.
Switch to the
branch. -
Create a branch from
in your forked repo.NoteWe suggest naming the branch using the format issue-nnn
to make it easy to refer to the issue. -
Open a Pull Request (PR), and summarise your changes, linking to the issue you created.
Once we receive your PR, we’ll review your changes and then either accept them or ask for further changes before final acceptance.
The new repository is backed by Continuous Integration tasks provisioned through Travis-CI, which trigger automatically once a change to /development
is detected.
It’s a more scalable way to manage HubPress moving forward.