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Logging and Security

Stephen von Takach edited this page Dec 12, 2016 · 3 revisions


The logger is automatically mixed into all driver classes and has the usual logger levels:

  • debug: use debug often for verbose output - not saved to log files by default
  • info: anything you are interested in seeing in the log file
  • warn: something might be wrong, possibly worth investigation.
  • error: something went wrong, definitely worth investigation
  • fatal: something that should never go wrong, went wrong. Requires immediate investigation / resolution

If text being passed to the logger requires some string manipulation or other processor intensive operation, it is probably worth performing this work in a block in case the result is not needed - this is often the case with debug statements as they are mostly discarded.

    def received(data, resolve, command)
        logger.debug {
            cmd = "Device sent 0x#{byte_to_hex(data)}"
            cmd << " for command #{command[:name]}" if command
            cmd # return the text to be displayed if we are debugging

There is also a handy helper method for formatting errors:

    raise 'whoa!'
rescue => e
    logger.print_error e, 'optional additional description of error'


Authentication is mandatory and authenticated users have access to all systems and drivers within. They can't edit or see settings, can't list systems or change anything however they can, by default, access all functions defined in drivers if they know the system id. This is mostly via the websocket API, most restful APIs are out of bounds to a regular user.

A global callback can be defined to check if a user should be able to access a system:

In a Rails initialiser:

# Returning true means access should be granted
Rails.application.config.orchestrator.check_access = proc { |system_id, user|
    if system_id == 'sys-nuclear-warheads'
        user.sys_admin ? true : false
        # We only want to block access to the warheads

All drivers have a helper method for accessing the user details so you can manually manage permissions:

def some_method_in_driver
    user = current_user
    if user.nil?
        # Method was invoked internally - timer, onload callback etc
    else "Method called by user #{} (#{})"

You can also protect methods using protect_method. The last protect_method call for any function is the one that will be used.

class Some::Device::Driver
    include ::Orchestrator::Security

    # By default both Tech Support and Admin users have access to these methods
    # Regular users will be rejected
    protect_method :method_1, :method_2

    # if you provide a block then it can be used to decide if a user should have access
    protect_method :method_1, :method_2 do |user|
        user.sys_admin || == 'service account' || check_room_bookings(user)

    def method_1; end
    def method_2; end

you can also check if a user has access to a method

can_access? :method_name
# by default it checks against the current user, this can be overridden
can_access? :method_name, user

NOTE:: the current user is maintained across asynchronous function calls.

i.e. Browser (user: Bob) -> LogicModule.do_something_weird -> Display.reset_to_factory_new

If Bob is a regular user and the reset_to_factory_new function is protected then reset_to_factory_new will not be executed.

Finally all system access is logged and saved for a few months to make it fairly easy to track down bad actors within an organisation.