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How to Contribute to ACL-2020

Notes: see for general instructions.

Setup Environment

Before you start, please make sure you have a GitHub account and have your ssh key added to your GitHub account. Also, Python should be installed into your device to setup the environment.

Get the GitHub Repository

You can either do it with git in the command line, or via the website.

Option 1. Via command line and git

cd /path/to/the/local/folder
git clone

Option 2. Direct download

If you are not familiar with git, you can download the content by clicking the green button and the "Download ZIP" button and extract to your local folder.

Manage the submodule

The project is divided into two parts:

  • the main website which you just downloaded
  • the data, which contains all the actual data for the conference

The data is private/sensitive, and needs to be stored in a "not public" git repository, as it contains email adresses, zoom links, (which should not be easily accessible)...

For this reason, it is linked to the main website project as a git submodule. Running the command below will link both projects on your machine, and make sure that you have access to the latest version of the private sitedata_acl2020.

git submodule update --init --recursive

You need to have cloned the main project with SSH instead of HTTPS to get the git submodule working.

Install Required Software Dependencies

Optional: Create a Virtual Environment

Creating a virtual Python environment makes sure that all the Python libraries installed in it do not conflict with the software already on your machine. It is not mandatory, but will prevent a number of bugs.

There are many ways to create virtual environments in Python, use your favorite venv manager, or use the following commands to create one using virtualenvwrapper with Python 3.x (x=7 or above).

  1. Install python and virtualenvwrapper
# on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
# on MacOS
# install if needed
brew install python3
  1. Find the path to what you just installed
which python3 # find the path to python3.x
which # find the path to the virtualenverapper installation script
# Open the bashrc file
nano ~/.bashrc
  1. Change the bash script file to activate wrapper. Modify the following lines accordingly and add them at the end of the ~/.bashrc file, which you just opened with nano
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON='the output of which python3'
source 'the output of which'

When you are done, close ~./bashrc by pressing ctrl+x and save the changes by pressing "y". 4) Refresh the bash profile

source ~/.bashrc
  1. Create a virtual environment for acl
mkvirtualenv --python='the output of which python3' your_env_name

You now have a python3.x virtual environment specificaly for acl-2020. If you accidentally quit this environment, you can reactivate the environemnt by the following code workon your_env_name

Install the packages

In the acl-2020-virtual-conference folder.

# Move to the repository folder
cd acl-2020-virtual-conference
# install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to Create a Pull Request for the Website

As mentioned in the GitHub help documentation, creating a pull request can propose and collaborate on changes to a repository. Those changes will be proposed to a branch, which ensures that the master branch only contains finished and approved works.

Change Code on a Branch

Create a Branch

# pull the newest update from the master branch
git pull
# create local branch
git checkout -b your_branch_name

Save your Changes

By now you have created a new local branch. Then you can make contributions to the content. You can save your contributions on your local git by commiting.

git add . # add all files
git add file_changed # only add file the named file_changed
git commit -am 'what i did in this commit'

Run Code Checks

When you think you are good, you should check that you code passes the github checks

# Auto formats your code
make format
# Run all checks locally

If the second command fails, you need to fix the errors it indicates (and commit your fixes). (A warning is not a problem, however an error must be fixed)

Push your modifications

Once you've finished, use the following command in the terminal to push your changes to the global repository, on your branch.

git push --set-upstream origin your_branch_name # setup the upstream

Opening a Pull Request in the Main Repository

Now you can open a pull request on the repository's website. Additionally, on the repository's page, you should click New pull request button near the Branch: master. Then it will redirect to a new page. On this page, you need to be very carefully for the choices of base repository and head repository. Following the example shown in this document, the head repository should be acl-org/acl-2020-virtual-conference, and compare: your_branch_name next to the head repository menu. The base repository should be acl-org/acl-2020-virtual-conference. Then you can click the green button Create pull request. By clicking this button, you have created a new pull request and a collaborator will be notified and review your changes. The collaborator will discuss any further changes for your contributions. Once approved, your branch will be merged into master branch. Before you make any further contributions, don't forget to git pull to update your local files.

For more details about opening a pull request on the website, please check the GitHub help documentation.

How to Create a Pull Request for the Website acl-2020-virtual-conference AND the Data sitedata_acl2020

1) Create a pull request for your changes in sitedata_acl2020

# Go to the data folder
cd acl-2020-virtual-conference/sitedata_acl2020
# Create a new branch
git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH

Then make the required changes, and when you are happy with the result, then commit and push them

git commit -am "what i did here"
git push

Finally, open a pull request, following the above procedure.

2) Wait for the pull request to be merged in sitedata_acl2020, and update your local submodule

(It's likely you will get an email when your pull request is merged).

To update the local submodule:

cd acl-2020-virtual-conference/sitedata_acl2020
git checkout master 
git pull
# You could also use submodule management to update if you know how

3) Create a pull request for your changes in acl-2020-virtual-conference

# Go to the main folder
cd acl-2020-virtual-conference
# Create a new branch
git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH

Then make the required changes, and when you are happy with the result, then verify that they will pass the checks (with make format and make) then commit and push them

git commit -am "what i did here"
git push

Finally, open a pull request, following the above procedure.

Code overview

The general code logic and structure is detailed in the README, it will help you follow what folder does what if you are not familiar with webdev.

Where is What: Example of the Sponsors/Virtual Booths


Each sponsor has a virtual booth where they can give an introduction about themselves, share resources like links or files, show a video and inform about live recruiting events taking place during the conference. Two pages are relevant for that, sponsors.html (overview of all sponsors) and sponsor.html (the virtual booth for each sponsor).


The data used to generate these pages is sourced from sponsors.yml. Grouped by sponsor level, there is an entry for every sponsor containing information like name, logo, a link to their website, event schedule and more.

Please refer to the format description in the sitedata repo for which fields exist and which are optional.

Managing Duplicates

In case a sponsor is listed in two levels, the entries after the first mention of this sponsor should only contain UID, name and duplicate: yes. This is e.g. the case for DeepMind and Grammarly.

Updating Data

Check "How to Create a Pull Request for the Website acl-2020-virtual-conference AND the Data sitedata_acl2020" above.

In summary, if you want to add or change sponsor data, make the change in the sitedata_acl2020 repository. You can use the new data locally already in the webpage. When you are happy with it, create a PR and wait for it to be merged. Once that is done, in the main repository, bump the submodule version and create a PR with your changes. It is always better to wait for the data PR to be merged first to not break the live web page.

Page Templates

There are two templates that are important for the sponsors, sponsors.html (overview of all sponsors) and sponsor.html (the virtual booth for each sponsor).

Individual page (sponsor.html)

The page is divided into three parts: the introduction of the sponsor, video and then the different sections. Sections use Bootstrap Accordions. If you want to add a new section, copy one of the existing and make sure to add a guard checking whether the related variables are defined if it is optional.


Q: Where should I put images for ACL2020? A: All images should be saved under static/images/acl2020 folder.

Q: How can I update the website with my changes? A: The GitHub action will automatically updates once your PR is merged.

Q: My branch has failed cheks, what should I do? A: Please run make format and make, fix the errors, and commit again to your branch.