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Benchmark Projects for 2022H2 OKR

Benchmark of Solutions to Different Problems Using Different Aspect Oriented Techniques

You can run the project using these commands at the project root (/AOP/);

docker run -p 6379:6379 --name aop-redis -d redis redis-server --save 20 1 --loglevel warning --requirepass kZPhV5fS
dotnet run -c RELEASE

To understand a overhead affects of different solutions using aspect oriented programming techniques, I made a simple benchmark project. At this article I want to share the results with you.

First of all we need something to simulate time-consuming business logic. For this, I have defined a simple Fibonacci calculator service whose interface is specified below.

public interface IFibonacciService
    ulong Calculate(int n, bool optimized);

I have implemented two different implementations of this service, optimized and non-optimized, as follows;

public class FibonacciService : IFibonacciService
    private readonly Dictionary<int, ulong> _cache = new Dictionary<int, ulong>();

    private ulong CalculateWithoutCache(int n)
        n = n < 0 ? 0 : n;

        if (n < 2)
            return (ulong)n;

        _cache[n] = CalculateWithoutCache(n - 1) + CalculateWithoutCache(n - 2);
        return _cache[n];

    private ulong CalculateWithCache(int n)
        n = n < 0 ? 0 : n;

        if (n < 2)
            return (ulong)n;

        if (_cache.ContainsKey(n))
            return _cache[n];

        _cache[n] = CalculateWithCache(n - 1) + CalculateWithCache(n - 2);
        return _cache[n];

    public ulong Calculate(int n, bool optimized)
        if (optimized)
            return CalculateWithCache(n);

        return CalculateWithoutCache(n);

By using this class to simulate business logic, we address three main problems that we encounter in daily life, which are;

  • Profiling
  • Logging
  • Caching

We will solve these problems using two different methods using aspect oriented programming techniques and focus performance difference between two of them.

Let's start with solutions using proxy design pattern implementations;

public class ProfiledFibonacciServiceProxy : IFibonacciService
    private readonly FibonacciService _service;

    public ProfiledFibonacciServiceProxy()
        _service = new FibonacciService();

    public ulong Calculate(int n, bool optimized)
        var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        var res = _service.Calculate(n, optimized);
        Console.WriteLine($"Service time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
        return res;
public class LoggedFibonacciServiceProxy : IFibonacciService
    private readonly FibonacciService _service;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public LoggedFibonacciServiceProxy()
        _service = new FibonacciService();
        _logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddNLog()).CreateLogger<LoggedFibonacciServiceProxy>();

    public ulong Calculate(int n, bool optimized)
        var res = _service.Calculate(n, optimized);
        return res;
public class CachedFibonacciServiceProxy : IFibonacciService
    private readonly FibonacciService _service;

    public CachedFibonacciServiceProxy()
        _service = new FibonacciService();

    public ulong Calculate(int n, bool optimized)
        var cachedValue = RedisService.db.StringGet(n.ToString());
        if (cachedValue.IsNullOrEmpty)
            var res = _service.Calculate(n, optimized);
            RedisService.db.StringSet(n.ToString(), res.ToString());
            return res;

        return Convert.ToUInt64(cachedValue);

Below are benchmark results of these solutions;

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
Default 34 False 146,239.04 us 5,530.29 us 16,306.19 us 142,320.500 us 132,026.2000 us 259,289.7 us 100.0
ProfileWithProxyPattern 34 False 140,877.82 us 5,520.59 us 16,277.57 us 137,663.300 us 130,982.2000 us 286,175.7 us 100.0
CacheWithProxyPattern 34 False 3,247.02 us 5,176.11 us 15,261.87 us 1,707.200 us 1,279.5000 us 154,320.2 us 100.0
LogWithProxyPattern 34 False 140,933.69 us 6,298.99 us 18,572.70 us 136,057.050 us 131,917.3000 us 299,852.9 us 100.0

If we use optimized calculation method, it's a whole different story and we can clearly see the overhead caused by aop techniques if we compare them with the default;

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
Default 34 True 23.63 us 72.46 us 213.64 us 1.900 us 0.4000 us 2,138.4 us 100.0
ProfileWithProxyPattern 34 True 49.25 us 93.22 us 274.86 us 20.400 us 9.5000 us 2,768.1 us 100.0
CacheWithProxyPattern 34 True 3,038.50 us 4,683.52 us 13,809.46 us 1,513.450 us 1,312.7000 us 139,623.8 us 100.0
LogWithProxyPattern 34 True 282.03 us 717.33 us 2,115.05 us 54.550 us 23.1000 us 21,167.1 us 100.0

Now, lets use Castle.DynamicProxy library to implement solutions;

public class ProfiledFibonacciServiceInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.WriteLine($"Target exception {e.Message}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"Service time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
public class LoggedFibonacciServiceInterceptor : IInterceptor
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public LoggedFibonacciServiceInterceptor()
        _logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddNLog()).CreateLogger<LoggedFibonacciServiceInterceptor>();

    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        catch (Exception e)
            _logger.LogError($"Target exception {e.Message}");
public class CachedFibonacciServiceInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
            var cachedValue = RedisService.db.StringGet(invocation.GetArgumentValue(0).ToString());
            if (cachedValue.IsNullOrEmpty)
                RedisService.db.StringSet(invocation.GetArgumentValue(0).ToString(), invocation.ReturnValue.ToString());;

            invocation.ReturnValue = Convert.ToUInt64(cachedValue);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine($"Target exception {e.Message}");

Below are results of these solutions using Castle.DynamicProxy library;

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
Default 34 False 146,239.04 us 5,530.29 us 16,306.19 us 142,320.500 us 132,026.2000 us 259,289.7 us 100.0
ProfileWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 False 138,728.02 us 5,507.41 us 16,238.72 us 134,883.350 us 131,095.2000 us 280,761.9 us 100.0
CacheWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 False 2,852.98 us 4,582.88 us 13,512.74 us 1,485.100 us 1,230.4000 us 136,620.1 us 100.0
LogWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 False 140,049.44 us 5,969.54 us 17,601.34 us 136,255.750 us 131,423.4000 us 298,510.1 us 100.0
Default 34 True 23.63 us 72.46 us 213.64 us 1.900 us 0.4000 us 2,138.4 us 100.0
ProfileWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 29.33 us 83.26 us 245.50 us 4.200 us 2.0000 us 2,459.1 us 100.0
CacheWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 2,843.39 us 4,398.34 us 12,968.59 us 1,522.500 us 1,250.5000 us 131,218.4 us 100.0
LogWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 284.93 us 722.08 us 2,129.08 us 56.900 us 25.3000 us 21,316.8 us 100.0

Now lets compare each solution one by one using optimized calculation method.

First, profiling solutions;

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
Default 34 True 23.63 us 72.46 us 213.64 us 1.900 us 0.4000 us 2,138.4 us 100.0
ProfileWithProxyPattern 34 True 49.25 us 93.22 us 274.86 us 20.400 us 9.5000 us 2,768.1 us 100.0
ProfileWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 29.33 us 83.26 us 245.50 us 4.200 us 2.0000 us 2,459.1 us 100.0

DynamicProxy is a clear winner here.

Second, caching solutions;

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
Default 34 True 23.63 us 72.46 us 213.64 us 1.900 us 0.4000 us 2,138.4 us 100.0
CacheWithProxyPattern 34 True 3,038.50 us 4,683.52 us 13,809.46 us 1,513.450 us 1,312.7000 us 139,623.8 us 100.0
CacheWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 2,843.39 us 4,398.34 us 12,968.59 us 1,522.500 us 1,250.5000 us 131,218.4 us 100.0

Notice the big difference between Default and our solutions. This is mainly caused by Redis usage. So, if we compare the solutions, it seems that DynamicProxy has slightly better performance, but that's not much of a difference and may be within the margin of error.

Finally, logging solutions;

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
Default 34 True 23.63 us 72.46 us 213.64 us 1.900 us 0.4000 us 2,138.4 us 100.0
LogWithProxyPattern 34 True 282.03 us 717.33 us 2,115.05 us 54.550 us 23.1000 us 21,167.1 us 100.0
LogWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 284.93 us 722.08 us 2,129.08 us 56.900 us 25.3000 us 21,316.8 us 100.0

Not much of a difference here either.


Even though DynamicProxy library performed better to solve profiling (to console), there are not much of a difference with proxy design pattern when it comes to more complex solutions which uses other components. (redis, file i/o etc.)

So, in the end, I think it comes down to the personal preference whatever using Castle.DynamicProxy library or implementing your own solution using Proxy Design Pattern.

Complete Result Set

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
Default 34 False 146,239.04 us 5,530.29 us 16,306.19 us 142,320.500 us 132,026.2000 us 259,289.7 us 100.0
ProfileWithProxyPattern 34 False 140,877.82 us 5,520.59 us 16,277.57 us 137,663.300 us 130,982.2000 us 286,175.7 us 100.0
CacheWithProxyPattern 34 False 3,247.02 us 5,176.11 us 15,261.87 us 1,707.200 us 1,279.5000 us 154,320.2 us 100.0
LogWithProxyPattern 34 False 140,933.69 us 6,298.99 us 18,572.70 us 136,057.050 us 131,917.3000 us 299,852.9 us 100.0
ProfileWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 False 138,728.02 us 5,507.41 us 16,238.72 us 134,883.350 us 131,095.2000 us 280,761.9 us 100.0
CacheWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 False 2,852.98 us 4,582.88 us 13,512.74 us 1,485.100 us 1,230.4000 us 136,620.1 us 100.0
LogWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 False 140,049.44 us 5,969.54 us 17,601.34 us 136,255.750 us 131,423.4000 us 298,510.1 us 100.0
Default 34 True 23.63 us 72.46 us 213.64 us 1.900 us 0.4000 us 2,138.4 us 100.0
ProfileWithProxyPattern 34 True 49.25 us 93.22 us 274.86 us 20.400 us 9.5000 us 2,768.1 us 100.0
CacheWithProxyPattern 34 True 3,038.50 us 4,683.52 us 13,809.46 us 1,513.450 us 1,312.7000 us 139,623.8 us 100.0
LogWithProxyPattern 34 True 282.03 us 717.33 us 2,115.05 us 54.550 us 23.1000 us 21,167.1 us 100.0
ProfileWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 29.33 us 83.26 us 245.50 us 4.200 us 2.0000 us 2,459.1 us 100.0
CacheWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 2,843.39 us 4,398.34 us 12,968.59 us 1,522.500 us 1,250.5000 us 131,218.4 us 100.0
LogWithCastleDynamicProxy 34 True 284.93 us 722.08 us 2,129.08 us 56.900 us 25.3000 us 21,316.8 us 100.0

Benchmark of Different WCF Bindings

Complete Result Set

Method n optimized Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Iterations
WSHttpBinding 34 False 259,199.7 us 13,615.19 us 40,144.7 us 243,625.0 us 234,262.7 us 456,658.3 us 100.0
NetTcpBinding 34 False 263,610.6 us 11,626.09 us 34,279.8 us 252,891.7 us 236,485.4 us 431,524.3 us 100.0
NetNamedPipeBinding 34 False 268,795.4 us 11,064.98 us 32,625.3 us 261,013.1 us 237,340.2 us 414,609.1 us 100.0
WSHttpBinding 34 True 1,950.1 us 119.38 us 352.0 us 1,819.2 us 1,618.0 us 3,485.9 us 100.0
NetTcpBinding 34 True 935.0 us 1,303.51 us 3,843.4 us 407.4 us 270.8 us 38,758.2 us 100.0
NetNamedPipeBinding 34 True 604.4 us 160.47 us 473.2 us 405.7 us 240.4 us 2,235.3 us 100.0