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Day 4: A routine with Fakes and Mocks.

We need to add tests in the RoutineTests class for Santa:

public class RoutineTests
    public void StartRoutine_With_FakeItEasy()
        // Write a test using FakeItEasy library

    public void StartRoutine_With_Manual_Fakes()
        // Write a test using your own Fake(s)

Use existing mocks

We use FakeItEasy library in which we can declare Test Doubles by simply using:

var aDouble = A.Fake<ATypeToDouble>();

Like with many libraries, the doubles instantiated by FakeItEasy have the characteristics of a:

  • Mock: emulate out-coming interactions
  • Stub: emulate in-coming interactions
  • Spy: record and ensure number of calls and args

We start by instantiating our SUT (Routine here) to identify the dependencies

Instantiate Routine

Then, we use test doubles for the dependencies:

public void StartRoutine_With_FakeItEasy()
    var routine = new Routine(A.Fake<IEmailService>(), A.Fake<IScheduleService>(), A.Fake<IReindeerFeeder>());
    // Assert?

What do we want to assert?

We may want to ensure that the routine is made in the right order with the right parameters (only one here). We extract the test doubles in variable to be able to make assertions on their calls:

public void StartRoutine_With_FakeItEasy()
    var emailServiceDouble = A.Fake<IEmailService>();
    var scheduleServiceDouble = A.Fake<IScheduleService>();
    var reindeerFeederDouble = A.Fake<IReindeerFeeder>();

    var routine = new Routine(emailServiceDouble, scheduleServiceDouble, reindeerFeederDouble);

    // We specify that we expect the call at the TodaySchedule should occur only one
    A.CallTo(() => scheduleServiceDouble.TodaySchedule()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
    // We ignore the parameter of type Schedule
    A.CallTo(() => scheduleServiceDouble.OrganizeMyDay(A<Schedule>.Ignored)).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
    A.CallTo(() => reindeerFeederDouble.FeedReindeers()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
    A.CallTo(() => emailServiceDouble.ReadNewEmails()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();
    A.CallTo(() => scheduleServiceDouble.Continue()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();

🔵 What can be improved here?


  • calls can be made in any orders and our tests will still pass...
  • we do not verify here that the call to OrganizeMyDay is made with the result of the call to TodaySchedule
    • do we want to check that? 🤔
public void StartRoutine_With_FakeItEasy()
    var schedule = new Schedule();
    var emailServiceDouble = A.Fake<IEmailService>();
    var scheduleServiceDouble = A.Fake<IScheduleService>();
    var reindeerFeederDouble = A.Fake<IReindeerFeeder>();

    // Stub the method: emulate in-coming interactions
    A.CallTo(() => scheduleServiceDouble.TodaySchedule()).Returns(schedule);

    var routine = new Routine(emailServiceDouble, scheduleServiceDouble, reindeerFeederDouble);

    // We check that OrganizeMyDay is called with the result of the ScheduleService Stub
    // Mock: examine out-coming interactions are made in order and exactly Once 
    A.CallTo(() => scheduleServiceDouble.OrganizeMyDay(schedule)).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly()
        .Then(A.CallTo(() => reindeerFeederDouble.FeedReindeers()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly())
        .Then(A.CallTo(() => emailServiceDouble.ReadNewEmails()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly())
        .Then(A.CallTo(() => scheduleServiceDouble.Continue()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly());

We strongly encourage you to assess your tests are working as expected by temporarily introduce defects in production code.

Here is an example:

public void Start()

    // Call it twice

    // Moved this call

Do not forget to revert the production code after that 😉

Use manual fakes

We will create our own fakes for this test.

We start by generating fakes from their usages:

Generate fakes

We end-up with this code:

public void StartRoutine_With_Manual_Fakes()
    var routine = new Routine(new EmailService(), new ScheduleService(), new ReindeerFeeder());

public class ReindeerFeeder : IReindeerFeeder
    public void FeedReindeers()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class EmailService : IEmailService
    public void ReadNewEmails()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class ScheduleService : IScheduleService
    public Schedule TodaySchedule()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void OrganizeMyDay(Schedule schedule)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void Continue()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

We express what we would like to assert on our fakes:

Generate fakes

Then, we work on our fakes to end-up with:

public void StartRoutine_With_Manual_Fakes()
    var schedule = new Schedule();
    var emailServiceFake = new EmailService();
    var scheduleServiceFake = new ScheduleService(schedule);
    var reindeerFeederFake = new ReindeerFeeder();

    var routine = new Routine(emailServiceFake, scheduleServiceFake, reindeerFeederFake);


public class EmailService : IEmailService
    private bool _emailRead;
    public void ReadNewEmails() => _emailRead = true;

    public void HasBeenRead() => _emailRead.Should().BeTrue();

public class ReindeerFeeder : IReindeerFeeder
    private bool _hasBeenFed;
    public void FeedReindeers() => _hasBeenFed = true;
    public void HasBeenFed() => _hasBeenFed.Should().BeTrue();

public class ScheduleService(Schedule schedule) : IScheduleService
    private Schedule? _calledToOrganize;
    private bool _continue;

    public Schedule TodaySchedule() => schedule;
    public void OrganizeMyDay(Schedule s) => _calledToOrganize = s;
    public void Continue() => _continue = true;

    public void HasBeenOrganized(Schedule s) => _calledToOrganize.Should().Be(s);
    public void HasBeenContinued() => _continue.Should().BeTrue();


  • What do you consider as a Unit in your Unit Tests?
  • What is the impact of using mocking libraries in our tests?
  • What is the impact of using our own fake objects?
  • Which test seem mor readable for you?