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Releases: aerogear/offix


06 Mar 17:14
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Notable Commits

a9ee41d fix: persist queue entries after updating optimistic ids (#389)
7ffae63 fix: improve queue handling of optimistic ids + InputMapper (#381)
6d736d8 fix: react example app build issue (#387)
7d8ea82 breaking: refactor offline mutate (#378)
05625f2 breaking: refactor network status interface (#368)
60c745c chore: Stop generating source maps (#375)


20 Feb 14:49
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Add useNetworkStatus React hook which can be used to build components that render differently depending on the network state.


13 Jan 11:21
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0.13.1 fixes package install issues that were introduced in 0.13.0. It also introduces some minor dependency updates.


09 Jan 13:08
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The 0.13.0 release is a release contains a couple of bug fixes, dependency updates and the new ability to configure your own CachePersistor object as requested in #273 and #281.

The CachePersistor is used by the client to persist the Apollo Cache across application restarts. Pass your own instance to override the one that is created by default.


import { ApolloOfflineClient, createDefaultCacheStorage } from "offix-client";
import { HttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import { CachePersistor } from "apollo-cache-persist";

const link = new HttpLink({ uri: "" });
const cache = new InMemoryCache()

const cachePersistor = new CachePersistor({
  storage: createDefaultCacheStorage()

const client = new ApolloOfflineClient({

Note: if using TypeScript, you may need to declare the cachePersistor as follows const cachePersistor = new CachePersistor<object>(...options) or you may experience compiler errors.

This example uses createDefaultCacheStorage to create the default IndexedDB based storage driver.
The storage can be swapped depending on the platform. For example window.localstorage in older browsers or AsyncStorage in React Native.


05 Dec 17:07
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The 0.12.0 release brings a new offix-client-boost package. This package is a batteries-included wrapper around the offix-client that brings
everything needed to get started with GraphQL quickly. This includes a cache and support for subscriptions and file uploads.

This release also provides new documentation for React Native, Angular and Ionic/Cordova.

Check out the new documentation at


03 Dec 17:03
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The 0.11.0 release simplifies the creation of offline clients.

Breaking Changes

OfflineClient replaced with ApolloOfflineClient

The OfflineClient class has been replaced with ApolloOfflineClient. OfflineClient was a wrapper that would internally create an ApolloClient which could be accessed after initialization. The flow looked something like this.

const offlineClient = new OfflineClient(options)
const apolloClient = await offlineClient.init()

The new ApolloOfflineClient directly extends ApolloClient which makes initialization simpler and more flexible as all of the standard Apollo Client options are supported.

Initialization is slightly different, mainly, and ApolloLink must be passed that can connect with the GraphQL server. See the example code below.

import { ApolloOfflineClient } from 'offix-client'

const link = new HttpLink({ uri: 'http://localhost/graphql' })
const config = {

const client = new ApolloOfflineClient(config)
await client.init()

// `client` is an ApolloClient so you can call all of the methods you'd expect


18 Nov 14:48
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The 0.10.0 release builds upon the 0.9.0 release and adds two new packages. offix-scheduler and offix-conflicts-client


offix-scheduler now holds the core functionalities of the Offix project. That includes queueing, scheduling, persistence and fulfilment of offline operations.

offix-scheduler can and will be used to create new clients in the future that are not based on Apollo Client. Clients we are investigating are URQL (see #235), Relay (see #236) and plain HTTP/REST. offix-client now uses offix-scheduler under the hood.

There have been no functional changes to offix-client and everything should remain the same.


01 Nov 14:28
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The 0.9.0 release is a significant refactor of the internals of Offix and introduces a couple of breaking changes to the end user API.

  • We have a new documentation site available at Special thanks to @LakshanKarunathilake for the complete overhaul.
  • All queueing, scheduling, persistence, and replaying of offline operations now happens outside of the Apollo Link chain. Instead we use a much more generic queueing mechanism that opens the door to great flexibility.
  • It paves the way for new features in the future. Most importantly, the ability to use Offix with other GraphQL clients, or even with regular RESTful clients (and more).
  • The internal architecture of Offix is drastically simplified. It is much easier to understand, maintain and test.

With this release, OfflineClient behaves mostly the same way as it has before but there were a couple of breaking changes which are outlined below.


Previous versions of Offix relied heavily on something called Apollo Link which is essentially chain of "middleware" functions that can modify the behaviour and results from calls like ApolloClient.mutate() and ApolloClient.query(). Most of the underlying queueing, scheduling, persistence and replaying of offline mutations done by Offix happened inside the of the Apollo Link chain. This approach seemed like a good idea, but over time we have realised it made things difficult to maintain and it kept us limited in the features we could provide.

Breaking Changes

client.offlineMutation has been deprecated in favour of client.offlineMutate

It didn't make sense to have a mutate and offlineMutation method. offlineMutation has been deprecated in favour of offlineMutate. offlineMutation can still be used, but it logs a deprecation warning to the console and it will be removed in the next release.

Suggestion: Change all uses of client.offlineMutation to client.offlineMutate

client.mutate no longer does any offline scheduling

A side effect of our Apollo Link architecture was that client.mutate() would also schedule operations while offline (as well as client.offlineMutation). Using client.mutate() for offline operations was never recommended but it was possible. This is no longer the case.

Suggestion: any places where you intentionally have offline behaviour using client.mutate() should use client.offlineMutate() instead.

Removed @OnlineOnly directive

Because client.mutate() does not schedule offline operations anymore, the @OnlineOnly directive is no longer useful and has been completely removed.

Suggestion: remove all instances of the @OnlineOnly directive and ensure mutations that used it are called with client.mutate().

Errors from client.offlineMutate() do not have networkError property.

Errors originating from the Apollo Link chain are found on error.networkError.
This led to checks in application code such as if (error.networkError.offline),
where error.networkError is the actual error thrown.

This is no longer the case. Now the everything is found on the top level error object.
See the example below:

const options = {
  mutation: gql`
    mutation greeting($name: String!){
    greeting(name: $name) {
  variables: {
    name: 'hello world!'

client.offlineMutate(options).catch((error) => {
  // This used to be `if (error.networkError.offline)`
  if(error.offline) {
    // This used to be `error.networkError.watchOfflineChange()`

This is the same for local conflict errors:

client.offlineMutate(options).catch((error) => {
  // This used to be `if (error.networkError.localConflict)`
  if (error.localConflict) {
    // handle local conflict

Suggestion: review all code where error.networkError.<property name> is being accessed and change it to error.<property name>

OfflineQueue and OfflineStore are generic (TypeScript Users Only)

The OfflineQueue and OfflineStore classes and some related interfaces have been refactored to handle generic objects. TypeScript users may experience compilation issues if their application references these types.

New types have been added to offix-client for Apollo specific usage.

Suggestion: Migrate the following references:

  • OfflineQueue becomes ApolloOfflineQueue
  • OfflineStore becomes ApolloOfflineStore
  • OfflineQueueListener becomes ApolloOfflineQueueListener
  • IResultProcessor becomes ApolloIResultProcessor

New Arguments passed to registerOfflineEventListener functions

registerOfflineEventListener registers functions that are called on events originating from the OfflineQueue.

  onOperationEnqueued(operation) {
    // called when operation was placed on the queue
  onOperationFailure: (operation) => {
    // called when the operation failed
  onOperationSuccess: (operation) => {
    // called when the operation was fulfilled
  onOperationRequeued: (operation) => {
    // called when an operation was loaded in from storage and placed back on the queue
    // This would happen across app restarts
  queueCleared() {
    // called when all operations are fulfilled and the queue is cleared

In previous versions of offix-client, these functions had an Apollo Operation object passed to them. Because Offix no longer uses Apollo Link, this is no longer the case. Instead an ApolloQueueEntryOperation is passed. See the example object below.

  qid: 'client:abc123'
  op: { 
    context: {
      operationName: 'createItem',
      conflictBase: undefined,
      idField: 'id',
      returnType: 'Item'
    mutation: <mutation object parsed by gql>,
    optimisticResponse: <optimistic response object>,
    variables: <mutation variables>

ApolloQueueEntryOperation objects have two top level fields:

  • qid - Queue ID. This ID is randomly generated and mostly used by the OfflineQueue.
  • op - The operation. In offix-client It's of type MutationOptions, the options object passed into client.offlineMutate with some extra metadata set by offix-client.

Suggestion: review any code where registerOfflineEventListener is used and refactor the listener functions to use the new data structure being passed.

Operations Stored in OfflineStore are not backwards compatible

Because of the architectural changes to Offix, the objects stored in the OfflineQueue and OfflineStore are different. Previously, the queue and storage mechanisms were based around the Apollo Operation.

offix-client now queues and stores objects based off the MutationOptions object. Unfortunately these changes were not backwards compatible. Existing applications using offix-client that have pending offline operations will not be able to load and requeue those operations after an upgrade to the latest version. The data will still exist in the store and it will be accessible manually. Developers will have to migrate the data themselves. Data in the Apollo Cache is not affected. We hope this issue will affect very few users if any at all.

To ensure this doesn't happen in future, we have implemented versioning and new serialize/deserialize interfaces that will allow our storage mechanism to handle these types of upgrades/migrations.


  • Ensure users have no pending offline operations before administering the update.
  • Manually migrate the data using custom application code.
  • If it's not critical, users can re-enter the data or redo their offline operations.


New Documentation Website!

Our documentation website has been rebuilt using Docusaurus. Special thanks to @LakshanKarunathilake for the complete overhaul.

OfflineQueue is directly accessible on the client

client.queue is now directly accessible. This opens up the possibility for your application to directly see the operations in the queue. It also means you can manually call client.queue.forwardOperations() to execute all operations in the queue.

OfflineClient accepts user provided InMemoryCache

It is now possible to pass your own InMemoryCache into OfflineClient. This makes it possible to configure things like cache redirects.

const cache = new InMemoryCache(yourCacheConfig);

const offlineClient = new OfflineClient({
  httpUrl: '',

OfflineClient enables wiping out cache using persistor interface

offlineClient.persitor.purge() method will wipe entire persistence layer for Apollo cache.

NOTE: InMemoryCache needs to be wiped out as well along with the client. Please execute


09 Aug 09:51
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Chore release fixing problems with invalid package updates.
No new changes introduced.


08 Aug 11:57
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Offix React Hooks Alpha released

Offix React Hooks provides helpers for using offix within React and React Native.
Please refer to package README for more information

Ability to customize Apollo Link chain

OffixClientConfig.terminatingLink allows to customize client by adding additional links
for handling authentication, network requests etc.

New way to access Apollo Client

OfflineClient.apolloClient is now public. This means apolloClient is directly accessible after OfflineClient.init().

Breaking changes

Changes for Subscriptions and File Uploads

Subscriptions and file uploads were removed from the main library.
Developers can still configure Subscription access directly int their application by
creating Apollo link acording to documentation and passing OffixClientConfig.terminatingLink