pypirccua - Python Pickering Relay Cycle Counting Utility Application is a PyQt-based application for visualizing and analyzing relay counts from DB files from Pickering PXI cards.
The file format specification is described in the official reference manual
- Under GNU/GPLv3
- Parses RelayCount Card Database Files (similar to the NI PXIe Health Monitor).
- Displays statistics on Pickering PXI card physical or logical layers.
- Allows users to set a count heatmap and provides visual feedback as a reference.
- Associates a
file with a table view.
- Support: Interconnect DB data mapping with the eBirst Card Definition set XML data, and visualize side-by-side with the default database PiTableView.
- Support: dataset export functionality to Google Sheets.
- Support: PiLpxi & LXI client bridge functionality into the application.
- Support: additional statistics with an improved graph view (including support for zoom-in/out, selection, and callbacks in the table view).
- Added: Thread support for Db card loading.
- Added: PiDbCardList support for removing and clearing card list.
- Added: PiDbCardList detect already existing duplicates when adding Card DB File to the list.
- Added: PircViewer proper ProgressBar, StatusBar for app feedbacking information to the user.
- Added: PircViewer About dialog.
- Added: PiTableView export table to csv functionality.
- Initial released version of the application.
pip install pypirccua
pip install --upgrade pypirccua
pip install .
python -m pypirccua