Microcontroller boards for HBus based on AVR64DD32. Form factor is the same as Arduino Pro Mini and Arduino Nano, while pinout made as close as possible. Firmware update made using on-board I2C EEPROM; custom bootloader occupies 1K bytes.
Programmer HEXloader.exe can transfer compiled hex files from PC to EEPROM via Arduino UNO running sketch HEXloader.ino. When a board used in HBus network, firmware can be updated remotely via HBus.
- Burn bootloader. Plug PicKit4 to 4-pin connector, apply power to the board and burn HBnode bootloader using MPLAB.X IDE or MPLAB.X IPE.
Load HBus sketch. Connect HBnode to the programmer and transfer selected sketch to the HBnode using HEXLoader
When a correct sketch is programmed to the HBnode, a new sketch can be loaded to the board via HBus using NodeTest