Support files for running macOS 10.12+ on Gigabyte 7 Series motherboards.
The script installs Clover, the required kexts/EFI drivers, and a stripped DSDT for your motherboard.
Read the wiki for usage instructions.
Currently, the following motherboards are supported:
- GA-Z77M-D3H
- GA-Z77X-D3H
- GA-Z77X-UD3H
- GA-Z77X-UP4 TH
- GA-Z77X-UP5 TH
If you run into an issue while running the post-installation script, please create an issue.
Thanks to:
- lvs1974 - IntelGraphicsFixup & HibernationFixup
- maolj & Shailua - AtherosL1cEthernet
- Mieze - AtherosE2200Ethernet, IntelMausiEthernet & RealtekRTL8111
- netkas & kozlek - FakeSMC+HWSensors
- Pike R. Alpha - ACPI table examples, & XCPM fixes
- PMHeart - CoreDisplayFixup
- RehabMan - SSDT examples
- Slice - Clover
- the-darkvoid - XPS9530-OSX repo/script
- vit9696 - AppleALC, Lilu & Shiki
- Zenith432 - GenericUSBXHCI