- Update to be compatible with jQuery v1.9
- Small changes that should fix usability issues for certain users
- Fixed #426 - Broken IE7
- Fixed #423 - Background flickering on iOS
- Fixed #418 - Automatically Grow/Shrink and Center
- Updated the script to work with jQuery 1.6
- Media helper supports YouTube video series
- Fixed #414 - Don't allow nextClick if there is only one item
- Fixed #397 - Button helper 'Menu' not visible in IE7
- Overlay can be opened/closed manually:
$.fancybox.helpers.overlay.open({closeClick : false});
- Optimized for Internet Explorer 10 (Windows 8)
- Fixed #357 - Converting values like 'auto' in getScalar()
- Fixed #358 - Updated overlay background image
- New "fancybox-href" and "fancybox-title" HTML5 data-attributes (#317)
- Improved helpers:
- now they can have a property 'defaults' that contains default settings
- updated vimeo and youtube parsers for media helper
- Content locking now can be turned off
- Fixed #103 - DOM element re-injection after closing
- Fixed #188 - navigation keys inside editable content
- New animation directions (see fancyapps#233 (comment))
- New option "iframe" - it is now possible to separate scrolling for iframe and wrapping element; choose to preload
- New option "swf" - brings back functionality from fancyBox v1
- Improved media helper - better support for vimeo and youtube; links are now configurable
- Rewritten overlay helper:
- new option "showEarly" - toggles if should be open before of after content is loaded
- Facebook-style (https://github.com/fancyapps/fancyBox/issues/24) and therefore uses image for background
- Option "padding" accepts array (e.g., padding: [15, 50, 10, 5])
- One of dimensions (width or height) can now be set to "auto" (option "autoSize" needs to be "false")
- Updated callbacks:
- "beforeClose" is now called only once
- "afterLoad" receives current and previous object as arguments
- Method "$.fancybox.update();" recalculates content width/height
- Updated to work with jQuery v1.8
- Fixed #188 - keystrokes in contenteditable
- Fixed #171 - non-images should not be preloaded
- Fixed #158 - 'closeClick: true' breaks gallery navigation
- New "media" helper - detects and displays various media types
- New option "groupAttr" - name of group selector attribute, default is "data-fancybox-group"
- New feature - selector expressions in URLs, see #170
- Improved 'overlay' helper to use "position: fixed"
- Improved autoSize, fixed wrong height in some cases
- Improved centering and iframe scrolling for iOS
- Updated markup, new element '.fancybox-skin' is now used for styling
- Fixed #155 - easing for prev/next animations
- Fixed #153 - overriding "keys" options
- Fixed #147 - IE7 problem with #hash links
- Fixed #130 - changing dynamically data-fancybox-group
- Fixed #126 - obey minWidth/minHeight
- Fixed #118 - placement of loading icon and navigation arrows
- Fixed #101 - "index" option not working
- Fixed #94 - "orig" option not working
- Fixed #80 - does not work on IE6
- Fixed #72 - can't set overlay opacity to 0
- Fixed #63 - properly set gallery index
- New option "autoCenter" - toggles centering on window resize or scroll, disabled for mobile devices by default
- New option "autoResize" - toggles responsivity, disabled for mobile devices by default
- New option "preload" - number of images to preload
- New feature to target mobile/desktop browsers using CSS, see #108
- Changed ajax option defaults to "{ dataType: 'html', headers: { 'X-fancyBox': true } }", see #150 and #128
- Updated loading icon for IE7, IE8
- Calculates height of the iframe if 'autoSize' is set to 'true' and the iframe is on the same domain as the main page
- Fixed #47 - fix overriding properties
- New option "position" to thumbnail and button helpers
- Fixed #29 - broken elastic transitions
- Fixed slideshow
- Fixed scrollbars issue when displayed a very tall image
- New option "nextClick" - navigate to next gallery item when user clicks the content
- New option "modal" - to disable navigation and closing
- Add 'metadata' plugin support
- Add ability to create groups using 'data-fancybox-group' attribute
- Updated manual usage to match earlier releases
- Fixed keyboard events inside form elements
- Fixed manual usage
First release - completely rewritten, many new features and updated graphics.