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Custom training of our NER models on Vertex AI

We trained (i.e., fine-tune) our NER models on Google Vertex AI, using a custom container training workflow.

Our custom training application is built using spaCy Projects which simplifies the orchestration of the end-to-end fine-tuning workflow.

The training consists of two steps:

  1. Preparing the training application
  2. Creating and running a custom training job on Vertex AI

and additionally

  1. Download the trained model and relevant files from the remote using spacy project pull

1. Preparing the training application

1.1 Define a training workflow using SpaCy Projects

Our custom training application is built as a YAML file, called project.yml, using spaCy Projects. A SpaCy Project streamlines the orchestration of the end-to-end fine-tuning workflow.

As we trained phase-1 and phase-2 models separately, we have created two separate training workflows, one for each entity phase. These can be found in training_pipe/phase1_ner and training_pipe/phase2_ner, respectively.

In sum, for each phase, we fine-tuned the roberta-base encoder-style transformer model on our custom labelled NER dataset.

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

  • learning_rate: 0.00005
  • optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=0.00000001
  • patience: 1600 (the training will stop if there is no improvement in these many batches)
  • max_steps: 20000 (the max number of iterations, each on one batch, to process)
  • eval_frequency = 200 (batches)
  • training.batcher.size = 2000 (size of each batch during training)
  • nlp.batch_size = 128 (batch size during the evaluation steps, and the inference).

See these useful discussions: spacy#8600, spacy#7731 and spacy#7465.

Updating or creating a new training workflow

In this section, we will refer to files in the training_pipe/phase1_ner workflow as an example. the same applies for training_pipe/phase2_ner or any new training pipeline to be set up.

  1. Save your data_train.jsonl and data_test.jsonl in the assets folder. These files won't be version controlled.

    To ensure both the train and test dataset contain a fair representation of the distribution of all entity categories, use the utility python script src/utils/

    These JSONL file are the exported version of a (combination of) Prodigy dataset(s), which, in turn, contains the output of Prodigy annotation sessions. See prodigy_annotation.

    Each line in these JSONL files has the following structure:

    {"text":"This is some text.",
        {}, ...],
        {"token_start":INT,"token_end":INT,"start":INT,"end":INT,"text":STRING,"label":STRING}, {}, ...],
  2. Update or create the project.yaml file. In particular ensure the value of the gcp_storage_remote variable is the desired one; this is the location on Google Storage where the (hashed) fine-tuned model and releted files will be saved to when the Vertex AI pipeline is completed.

IMPORTANT SpaCy projects version control data, training config and outputs (i.e. model). To achieve this, as part of our spaCy training workflows, (the slate state of the) outputs are pushed to a remote Google Storage bucket, as specified in project.yaml using the spacy project push functionality. Outputs are archived and compressed prior to upload, and addressed in the remote storage using the output’s relative path (URL encoded), a hash of its command string and dependencies, and a hash of its file contents. Please see #3-download-the-trained-model-and-relevant-files-from-the-remote on how to retrieve and download these outputs once the Vertex AI training job has been completed.

1.2 Create a custom container image

Once the training application has been set up (via project.yaml), create a custom Docker image and push it to Artifact Registry:

  1. (optional) Update the Dockerfile
  2. (optional) Update the cloudbuild.yaml by specifying a new docker image name
  3. Build and push the docker image to Artifact Registry:
    cd training_pipe/phase1_ner
    gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .

2. Creating and running a custom training job on Vertex AI.

Refer to Vertex AI's official guidelines for custom training:


A user-generated service account, with the following permission:

  • storage.buckets.get access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket gs://cpto-content-metadata

2.1 Configure and create the training job

Select the compute resources to run the training job. These have been our settings so far:

Using Google Cloud console

Follow these steps, after clicking on the console tab: create-custom-job#create.

Once in Vertex AI Create New Train Model panel, select:

  • Dataset: "No managed dataset"
  • Model training method: "Custom training (advanced)"
  • Model details: "Train new model"
  • Name: specify a name for the traininig job
  • Description: specify a description for the traininig job
  • Service account: select the NER_VERTEX_TRAINING_SA service account
  • Training container: "Custom container"
  • Container image: specify the Artifact Registry URI of your container image
  • Model output directory: leave blank
  • Hyperparameter tuning: unselect
  • Compute and pricing - Region: "europe-west2"
  • Compute and pricing - Worker pool 0 - Machine type: "n1-standard-8"
  • Compute and pricing - Worker pool 0 - Accelerator type: "NVIDIA_TESLA_T4"
  • Compute and pricing - Worker pool 0 - Accelerator count: 1
  • Compute and pricing - Worker pool 0 - Worker count: 1
  • Prediction container: "No prediction container"


3. Download the trained model and relevant files from the remote

We use spacy project pull to retrieve the training outputs, most importantly the fine-tuned NER model, and download it to our local machines. Refer to the official guidelines on how this works (previous link) and this explosion/spaCy/discussion.