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ARNIMA SDK (Aries React-NatIve Mobile Agent)

This sdk is compatible to be used with both Android and iOS platforms. Please refer Installation section on how to set up the sdk and start running.


  • node 10.18.1 (To check, nvm ls) is required to install mobile agent specific dependencies like realm
    1. Install nvm
curl -o- | bash
  1. Restart the terminal
  2. Confirm it's been installed with the following command:
command -v nvm
  1. Install node 10 using nvm
nvm install 10.18.1
  1. Make sure you're using the right version of node
nvm use 10.18.1


  1. Clone this repository git clone *****
  2. cd into the repo cd mobile-sdk
  3. Create the ARNIMA mobile agent package by using the following command npm pack
  4. This will create a *.tgz file inside current directory.
  5. Copy the *.tgz file and paste it inside the root of your mobile wallet project.
  6. Inside your project of mobile app wallet's package.json, add this to the dependencies block:
"react-native-arnima-sdk": "./<MOBILE_AGENT_PACKAGE>.tgz"
  1. After this, run npm install, and the sdk will automatically unpack and install inside node_modules.
  2. Install the following SDK dependencies in your wallet application:
npm install realm
npm install buffer
npm install
npm install base64url

Android: Link Mobile Agent SDK

  1. Execute react-native link
  2. Edit the android/app/ level build.gradle file and add a repositories section:
repositories {
    maven { url '' }

iOS: Link Mobile Agent SDK

  1. Include below lines on top of your project's Podfile.
source ''
source ''
  1. Change platform :ios, '9.0' to platform :ios, '13.0'
  2. Add following line to include sdk pod to your project.
pod 'react-native-arnima-sdk', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-arnima-sdk'
  1. Do pod install.
  2. You need to dowwload and replace the file "Indy.framework" from Pods folder inside your Mobile app project from the following link (only if your xcode version is above 10.5) Download from - Replace at - <Your_Project>/ios/Pods/libindy/


  1. Read/Write permissions: To access device storage for creating wallet.

Using the SDK

  1. Import the library
import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';
  1. Use the following methods


createWallet(config, credential, label) -> Array

This method is called after the user has set up their wallet name & passcode for the first time.

config: JSON - Wallet configuration that takes in the wallet name as an id (e.g. Proof)

    id: <WALLET_NAME>

credential: JSON - Wallet credentials json that takes in the passcode the user has setup during onboarding

    key: <PASSCODE>

label : String - Your label to show to the counterparty during connection


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';

const wallet  = await ArnimaSDK.createWallet(
    {id: 'John'},
    {key: '354016'},


Success: Array[<public_did>, , ] Sample Output: ["K7P6Xoe31NBYn7md8qBm4F", "AsVcY4GUvJyeP2k78vJK2mTuPHT1sSdZjQBXbCUyXEbz", "John"]

Error: Below is a list of anticipated errors

  1. Storage permissions error. Sample: {"code":"114","message":"org.hyperledger.indy.sdk.IOException: An IO error occurred."}]
  2. Wallet already error. Sample: {"code":"203","message":"Wallet already exists."}].

ConnectWithMediator(url, apiType, apiBody, poolConfig) -> Boolean

This method connects to an instantiated service of a mediator agent that is in charge of holding messages if the application is offline and to push messages to this sdk the moment mobile app is active.

url: String - endpoint url of the instantiated mediator agent


apiType: String - Describes the way by which we are accessing the endpoint (in this case, we are using POST)


apiBody: String - Stringified JSON that contains the wallet information needed to attach to the mediator agent

    myDid: "<WALLET_PUBLIC_DID>",
    verkey: "<WALLET_VERIFIED_KEY>",
    label: "<WALLET_LABEL>",
    firebaseToken: "<FIREBASE_TOKEN> OR '' "

poolConfig: String - A genesis transaction string received in response of /register-device endpoint.

{"reqSignature": {}, "txn": {"data": {"data": {"alias": "Node1", "blskey": "4N8aUNHSgjQVgkpm8nhNEfDf6txHznoYREg9kirmJrkivgL4oSEimFF6nsQ6M41QvhM2Z33nves5vfSn9n1UwNFJBYtWVnHYMATn76vLuL3zU88KyeAYcHfsih3He6UHcXDxcaecHVz6jhCYz1P2UZn2bDVruL5wXpehgBfBaLKm3Ba", "blskey_pop": "RahHYiCvoNCtPTrVtP7nMC5eTYrsUA8WjXbdhNc8debh1agE9bGiJxWBXYNFbnJXoXhWFMvyqhqhRoq737YQemH5ik9oL7R4NTTCz2LEZhkgLJzB3QRQqJyBNyv7acbdHrAT8nQ9UkLbaVL9NBpnWXBTw4LEMePaSHEw66RzPNdAX1", "client_ip": "", "client_port": 9702, "node_ip": "", "node_port": 9701, "services": ["VALIDATOR"]}, "dest": "Gw6pDLhcBcoQesN72qfotTgFa7cbuqZpkX3Xo6pLhPhv"}, "metadata": {"from": "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y"}, "type": "0"}, "txnMetadata": {"seqNo": 1, "txnId": "fea82e10e894419fe2bea7d96296a6d46f50f93f9eeda954ec461b2ed2950b62"}, "ver": "1"}
{"reqSignature": {}, "txn": {"data": {"data": {"alias": "Node2", "blskey": "37rAPpXVoxzKhz7d9gkUe52XuXryuLXoM6P6LbWDB7LSbG62Lsb33sfG7zqS8TK1MXwuCHj1FKNzVpsnafmqLG1vXN88rt38mNFs9TENzm4QHdBzsvCuoBnPH7rpYYDo9DZNJePaDvRvqJKByCabubJz3XXKbEeshzpz4Ma5QYpJqjk", "blskey_pop": "Qr658mWZ2YC8JXGXwMDQTzuZCWF7NK9EwxphGmcBvCh6ybUuLxbG65nsX4JvD4SPNtkJ2w9ug1yLTj6fgmuDg41TgECXjLCij3RMsV8CwewBVgVN67wsA45DFWvqvLtu4rjNnE9JbdFTc1Z4WCPA3Xan44K1HoHAq9EVeaRYs8zoF5", "client_ip": "", "client_port": 9704, "node_ip": "", "node_port": 9703, "services": ["VALIDATOR"]}, "dest": "8ECVSk179mjsjKRLWiQtssMLgp6EPhWXtaYyStWPSGAb"}, "metadata": {"from": "EbP4aYNeTHL6q385GuVpRV"}, "type": "0"}, "txnMetadata": {"seqNo": 2, "txnId": "1ac8aece2a18ced660fef8694b61aac3af08ba875ce3026a160acbc3a3af35fc"}, "ver": "1"}
{"reqSignature": {}, "txn": {"data": {"data": {"alias": "Node3", "blskey": "3WFpdbg7C5cnLYZwFZevJqhubkFALBfCBBok15GdrKMUhUjGsk3jV6QKj6MZgEubF7oqCafxNdkm7eswgA4sdKTRc82tLGzZBd6vNqU8dupzup6uYUf32KTHTPQbuUM8Yk4QFXjEf2Usu2TJcNkdgpyeUSX42u5LqdDDpNSWUK5deC5", "blskey_pop": "QwDeb2CkNSx6r8QC8vGQK3GRv7Yndn84TGNijX8YXHPiagXajyfTjoR87rXUu4G4QLk2cF8NNyqWiYMus1623dELWwx57rLCFqGh7N4ZRbGDRP4fnVcaKg1BcUxQ866Ven4gw8y4N56S5HzxXNBZtLYmhGHvDtk6PFkFwCvxYrNYjh", "client_ip": "", "client_port": 9706, "node_ip": "", "node_port": 9705, "services": ["VALIDATOR"]}, "dest": "DKVxG2fXXTU8yT5N7hGEbXB3dfdAnYv1JczDUHpmDxya"}, "metadata": {"from": "4cU41vWW82ArfxJxHkzXPG"}, "type": "0"}, "txnMetadata": {"seqNo": 3, "txnId": "7e9f355dffa78ed24668f0e0e369fd8c224076571c51e2ea8be5f26479edebe4"}, "ver": "1"}
{"reqSignature": {}, "txn": {"data": {"data": {"alias": "Node4", "blskey": "2zN3bHM1m4rLz54MJHYSwvqzPchYp8jkHswveCLAEJVcX6Mm1wHQD1SkPYMzUDTZvWvhuE6VNAkK3KxVeEmsanSmvjVkReDeBEMxeDaayjcZjFGPydyey1qxBHmTvAnBKoPydvuTAqx5f7YNNRAdeLmUi99gERUU7TD8KfAa6MpQ9bw", "blskey_pop": "RPLagxaR5xdimFzwmzYnz4ZhWtYQEj8iR5ZU53T2gitPCyCHQneUn2Huc4oeLd2B2HzkGnjAff4hWTJT6C7qHYB1Mv2wU5iHHGFWkhnTX9WsEAbunJCV2qcaXScKj4tTfvdDKfLiVuU2av6hbsMztirRze7LvYBkRHV3tGwyCptsrP", "client_ip": "", "client_port": 9708, "node_ip": "", "node_port": 9707, "services": ["VALIDATOR"]}, "dest": "4PS3EDQ3dW1tci1Bp6543CfuuebjFrg36kLAUcskGfaA"}, "metadata": {"from": "TWwCRQRZ2ZHMJFn9TzLp7W"}, "type": "0"}, "txnMetadata": {"seqNo": 4, "txnId": "aa5e817d7cc626170eca175822029339a444eb0ee8f0bd20d3b0b76e566fb008"}, "ver": "1"}


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';

const wallet  = await ArnimaSDK.ConnectWithMediator(
        myDid: ArnimaSDK.getWallet().publicDid,
        verkey: ArnimaSDK.getWallet().verKey,
        label: ArnimaSDK.getWallet().label,
        firebaseToken: '' 


Success: true

createInvitation(didJson) -> String

Returns a url for connection

didJson: Json - Identity information as json

    "did": string, (optional;
            if not provided and cid param is false then the first 16 bit of the verkey will be used as a new DID;
            if not provided and cid is true then the full verkey will be used as a new DID;
            if provided, then keys will be replaced - key rotation use case)
    "seed": string, (optional) Seed that allows deterministic did creation (if not set random one will be created).
                               Can be UTF-8, base64 or hex string.
    "crypto_type": string, (optional; if not set then ed25519 curve is used;
              currently only 'ed25519' value is supported for this field)
    "cid": bool, (optional; if not set then false is used;)
    "method_name": string, (optional) method name to create fully qualified did (Example:  `did:method_name:NcYxiDXkpYi6ov5FcYDi1e`).


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';

const response = await ArnimaSDK.createInvitation({});




acceptInvitation(didJson, invitationUrl) -> Boolean

didJson: Json - Identity information as json If don't have pass empty object - {}.

    "did": string, (optional;
            if not provided and cid param is false then the first 16 bit of the verkey will be used as a new DID;
            if not provided and cid is true then the full verkey will be used as a new DID;
            if provided, then keys will be replaced - key rotation use case)
    "seed": string, (optional) Seed that allows deterministic did creation (if not set random one will be created).
                               Can be UTF-8, base64 or hex string.
    "crypto_type": string, (optional; if not set then ed25519 curve is used;
              currently only 'ed25519' value is supported for this field)
    "cid": bool, (optional; if not set then false is used;)
    "method_name": string, (optional) method name to create fully qualified did (Example:  `did:method_name:NcYxiDXkpYi6ov5FcYDi1e`).

invitationUrl: String - Encoded url invitation.



import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';

 const wallet = await ArnimaSDK.acceptInvitation(


Success: true

getAllConnections() -> Array

Function returns an array of Objects.


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';

const wallet  = await ArnimaSDK.getAllConnections();


Success: Array[ { connectionId: string, connection: string, }, ... ]

Sample Output:

connection: "{"did":"ADGeeTatN2KSqRaSXDb3jv","didDoc":{"@context":"","id":"ADGeeTatN2KSqRaSXDb3jv","publicKey":[{"id":"ADGeeTatN2KSqRaSXDb3jv#1","type":"Ed25519VerificationKey2018","controller":"ADGeeTatN2KSqRaSXDb3jv","publicKeyBase58":"62CKgBmargJ8mpCw5HWvcn2u3KAmvWNQ1ToyUzY5EkiV"}],"authentication":[{"type":"Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018","publicKey":"ADGeeTatN2KSqRaSXDb3jv#1"}],"service":[{"id":"ADGeeTatN2KSqRaSXDb3jv;indy","type":"IndyAgent","priority":0,"serviceEndpoint":"","recipientKeys":["62CKgBmargJ8mpCw5HWvcn2u3KAmvWNQ1ToyUzY5EkiV"],"routingKeys":["ApWggHJ9wSVCjLbjvjgRthjEC8jS1sUKJbBXxjVpPRxS"]}]},"verkey":"62CKgBmargJ8mpCw5HWvcn2u3KAmvWNQ1ToyUzY5EkiV","theirLabel":"ABC FIRM","state":"COMPLETE","theirDid":"6rLDWC9VPNz4f2TNePno9t","theirDidDoc":{"@context":"","id":"did:sov:6rLDWC9VPNz4f2TNePno9t","publicKey":[{"id":"did:sov:6rLDWC9VPNz4f2TNePno9t#1","type":"Ed25519VerificationKey2018","controller":"did:sov:6rLDWC9VPNz4f2TNePno9t","publicKeyBase58":"4Bww2NMiuWy2NBHyJUZXxU16SXydchHJfBwWohuzqTWd"}],"authentication":[{"type":"Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018","publicKey":"did:sov:6rLDWC9VPNz4f2TNePno9t#1"}],"service":[{"id":"did:sov:6rLDWC9VPNz4f2TNePno9t;indy","type":"IndyAgent","priority":0,"recipientKeys":["4Bww2NMiuWy2NBHyJUZXxU16SXydchHJfBwWohuzqTWd"],"serviceEndpoint":""}]}}"
connectionId: "62CKgBmargJ8mpCw5HWvcn2u3KAmvWNQ1ToyUzY5EkiV"
}, ...]

deleteConnection(connectionId) -> Boolean

Deletes a connection from database.

connectionId: Unique connection Id



import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';

const wallet  = await ArnimaSDK.deleteConnection(id);


Success: true

Error: false

getWallet() -> JSON

Get wallet information


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';

let sdkDB = await ArnimaSDK.getWallet();



    walletConfig: 'string',
    walletCredentials: 'string',
    label: 'string',                
    did: 'string',
    verKey: 'string',
    serviceEndpoint: 'string',
    routingKey: 'string',                
    masterSecret: 'string',                

Socket Methods

We are using socket for communication between app and mediator agent.

socketInit() -> void


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';


socketEmit() -> void


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';


socketListener() -> void


import ArnimaSDK from 'react-native-arnima-sdk';


Receive an event on your mobile app

You can received event in mobile application when connection is established, received the credentials and received proof request

import { EventRegister } from 'react-native-event-listeners';

componentDidMount() {
        this.listener = EventRegister.addEventListener('SDKEvent', (data) => {
            // write your code here...

    componentWillUnmount() {


Aries React-NatIve Mobile Agent







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