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100D - R1 Log - 2021

Start Date


End Date


rate: 70/100


D1-03-25 πŸ’» Coding in Ruby today. I like the clean, and cool syntax.

D2-03-26 🌱 Learning about Ruby variables and binary e.g. 111 is 7 in binary, as it is the precursor to 1000 which is 8 in binary.

D3-03-27 🌱 Learning about Ruby I&O (input and output) through The Odin Project. I practiced with interactive ruby/irb, and worked on my CSS flexbox skills.

D4-03-28 More CSS & HTML.

D5-03-29 Trying out React Native & more CSS/HTML working on the website design. Learned about dropdowns using popper.js and bootstrap.

D6-03-30 DSL = domain specific language; SPA = single page app. Learned about the following CSS property - overflow: hidden.

D7-03-31 React is faster because it uses a virtual DOM.

D8-04-01 Following kapehe's tutorial and making a React page with Sanity and tailwind.css. So fun! Include this line <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">, to make websites responsive.

D9-04-02 Working on a React MEAN CRUD app. Got the following error from MongoDB: db.collection undefined. Need to look this up on stack-x.

D10-04-03 Tried and failed to create a MEAN CRUD app again.

D11-04-04 Working on a MEAN CRUD app. I learned that everything in Mongoose starts with a Schema and that each Schema maps to a MongoDB collection (which are analogous to tables in relational d/bs).


D13-04-06 Trying tailwind.css out.

D14-04-07 Working on my portfolio website using HTML, and CSS.

D17-04-10 Working on HTML and CSS with frontendmentor.




D21-14 Worked on a change color codepen using HTML, CSS and JS.

D22-15 Updated to a cleaner eleventy/jamstack blog, and I put deployed the MERN app into Heroku.

D27-20 Learning React on FCC.

D30-23 More react on FCC - working on problem set 33/47 lifecycle methods.










D40: 05-03 Did some leetcode problems today. I made this Markdown generator for 100 days of code that generates 100 days of markdown lines. Source:

D41: 05-04

D42: 05-05

D43: 05-06

D44: 05-07

D45: 05-08

D46: 05-09

D47: 05-10

D48: 05-11

D49: 05-12

D50: 05-13

D51: 05-14

D52: 05-15

D53: 05-16

D54: 05-17 Did some leetcode today with linked lists.

D55: 05-18

D56: 05-19 Solved the plusone problem on leetcode after 2 fails. That was tricky!

D57: 05-20

D58: 05-21

D59: 05-22

D60: 05-23 Did pascal's triangle leetcode problem

D61: 05-24 Did the factorial problem on leetcode; I was stuck on the excel columns problem lmao.

D62: 05-25 Doing the First Unique Character problem (leetcode), studying loop idioms in python (FCC). Doing the datetime python lesson (on codecademy), and the how to think like a cs python (

D63: 05-26 Learning about tuples in python (immutable lists). Did the hamming distance problem in leetcode.

D64: 05-27 Doing the destination city problem in leetcode. Next time I should remove the subarray once the dest-city has been calculated, to prevent re-searching. Did the symmetric difference problem (FCC) although I think there might be a smarter/better way to do it.

D65: 05-28 Did the decrypt string from alpha question on leetcode. Used a dictionary/associative array.

D66: 05-29 Made a little game in python - guess a number (0-100)

D67: 05-30 Made another little game in python - rock paper scissors - I actually wrote a really long and wrong version of this where the AI would win with a 'rock against a rock' scenario which was obviously wrong! I decided to start over, and the new version works much better.

D68: 05-31 Fixed the matrix blog post on where the div would collapse (styling errors).

D69: 06-01 Learning about negative stride in python e.g. rlist = list[::-1]. also learned about lambda / nameless/ anonymous functions in python.

D70: 06-02 Learning about bitwise operators like: and, xor, or, not. Also bit mask

D71: 06-03 Made a web browser clock using moment.js which I really like. I got alot of help from another dude's codepen :)

D72: 06-04 Working on free React lessons (codecademy), and create-react-app.

D73: 06-05 Learning react and typescript.

D74: 06-06 Trying to understand + rev. engr. this portfolio website.

D75: 06-07 First day of Devmountain DM W1D1! Learning about the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

D76: 06-08 Learning about user personas and lo-fi hi-fi prototyping (DM).

D77: 06-09 Learning about waterfall vs agile software development methodologies. Continued to work on my chrome plugin called RedBorderChromeExtension. v is working :D

D78: 06-10 Used Figma to create wireframes, styling guides, and high fidelity mockups.

D79: 06-11 Assessment today on wireframes/user research/ UX design for DM. Fixed some bugs in the RedBorderChromeExtension.

D80: 06-12 Making a card/blackjack game in JS to practice Javascript/HTML/CSS.

D81: 06-13 Working on blackjack; learned not to invoke settimeout in a while loop lol.

D82: 06-14 Ran the prettier vscode extension over my bj code. oowee. now it looks so nice :)

D83: 06-15 Working on BJ; learned about DOMSubtreeModified/DOMCharacterDataModified to detect changes in DOM. However these have been deprecated for MutationObserver. To change the styling when the chips are 0/ betsize is 0.

D84: 06-16 Learning functions at DM. trying out Tkinter / GUI on Python with Runestone :)

D85: 06-17 Implemented cards js in my blackjack app. Learned about Objects at DM today!

D86: 06-18 Worked on the blackjack app a bit more. Had a Javascript assessment for DM.

D87: 06-19 Working on a split function for the blackjack app.

D88: 06-20 rewriting the blackjack app for a cleaner/simpler UI with less functionality but more focused on User-Experience.The word of the day is : autoignition (self-ignition of the vapors emitted by a liquid heated above its ignition temperature).

D89: 06-21 Learned about curl (client-url) commands to make GET/POST requests for APIs.

D90: 06-22 Relearning HTML/CSS today at DM. Playing around with cards JS.

D91: 06-23 Learning React tic tac toe. Also learning about JS interactivity with querySelector, and DOM interaction. React: hydration means filling an object/container with data.

D92: 06-24 Learning about axios and async as well as promises in JS. Things to look up: destructuring in ES6, and promises (3 states: pending, fulfilled, rejected)

D93: 06-25 Worked on the HTML/CSS/JS assessment today (for DM). After class I played around with axios and ES2017 await, async, and Promises.

D94: 06-26 Worked on a little Pokeapi app using axios and promises.

D95: 06-27 Worked on Pokevolution app this Sunday. Cleaned up the styling with Bootstrap.

D96: 06-28 DM - worked with Python & matplotlib today

D97: 06-29 Learning about SQL today. Worked on React tic tac toe. Wow React is so confusing lmao.

D98: 06-30 More SQL today, more React.

D99: 07-01 Opened a pull request for a small readme edit; hopefully it can help mac users find the right directory. Learned more advanced SQL commands today like JOIN, ALTER, UPDATE and DELETE.

D100: 07-02 Holy moles! I finished my first 100doc challenge! I think I got a 70/100 lmao; it was very tough indeed and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn so much about computers in the time-frame provided. Will definitely start a new 100 days of code challenge, as I feel like I'm learning alot! I also did more SQL today (DM).