- Copy-command action in context menu
- Check for updates option is now outside of Display section
- Fixed problem with task timer not stopping
- Fixed missing Setup build for windows
- Updates disabled by default on dev mode
- Some minor dependencies updated
- New update available message!
- Fix visual issue in rename modal
- Fix minor error in which task timer would be stopped twice
- Build configuration updated and filenames changed
- Links to webpage updated
- Electron.remote deprecated in favor of @electron/remote
- Fix bug with scheduling
- Bulma-switch removed in favor of custom styles
- Change default tasks to better examples
- Minor style changes
- Fixed dangling output not being shown
- Dependencies updated
- Yerbamate core runner updated to v3.0
- Delete env variable button
- Fix issue with env variables on duplicate tasks
- Fix bug with env variables being updated before saving task
- Dependencies updated
- Fix problem with collapsible settings and task form
- Adds ellipsis to task title if window is too narrow
- Support for opening GitHub link in about modal
- Support for windows development out-of-the-box through shx
- Gaucho now runs as a single-instance app
- Overhaul of menu and context menu options
- Adds cut-copy-paste items to context menu
- Suite-related actions moved to context menu
- "Import suite" is now part of settings
- Global Env variables can be set in settings
- These will be exported/imported along with the suites in "Export Tasks"
- Env variable form validation
- Settings shortcuts menu is now collapsed by default
- Minor fix in "Desktopify"
- Dependencies updated
- Updates dependencies
- Adds enableRemoteModule option to browser window
- Wait until task is killed before setting the task to stopped
- Scheduled tasks now keep previous status until executed
- Improve timers display accuracy
- Dependencies updated
- Repeat scheduling of task or suite
- Removed tasks description
- Greatly improved task scheduling form
- Minor style improvement in task title and form
- Dependencies updated
- Import/Export suites
- Duplicate suite option
- Tasks descriptions
- Quit option in context menu
- Modal alerts styles changed for better consistency
- Styles improved
- Suite name, Task name and description characters limit
- Dependencies updated, electron v7
- Env variables configuration in tasks
- Formats color in task output
- Electron fixed to v6, removes window menu
- Fixed inaccessible overflow text in task output
- Minor style improvements on main menu
- Fix in card header and output styles
- Dependencies updated
- Removed some unnecessary updates
- Reverted version of electron-store to avoid snap bugs
- Dependencies updated
- Fixed configuration data bug
- Name reverted to gaucho (lowercase)
- Some dependencies cleanup
- Settings page styles updated
- Set parcel as bundle system
- Changes in settings or suites will be saved immediately
- Dependencies updated
- Fontawesome npm packaged used
- Some code and styles improvements
- Fix tasks automatic scroll
- Fixed issue where scheduled task could be executed
- Fixed minor race conditions on run and stop tasks
- Basic Task Scheduler
- Dependencies updated
- Minor refactor and improvement on task timers
- Added snap version
- Several dependencies updated and potential vulnerabilities fixed
- Suites can now be reordered
- Run/Stop option in context menu
- Duplicate task option in context menu
- Fixed delete suite bug
- Dependencies update
- Added contextual menu
- Bottom bar on hover style fixed
- Improved tabs responsiveness
- Fixed bug where more than the max tasks per suite could be added or dragged
- Increased timer event emitter max listeners to remove warning
- Fixed bug with infinite tasks printing to stdout
- Minor styles improvements in tabs
- Task card buttons changed
- Frontend rewrite
- Fixed several bugs related to UX
- Removed materialize and added bulma
- Added settings shortcut
- Using sass and scoped styles
- Dependencies updated
- Code style improved
- It is possible to navigate the menu using tab
- Increased number of tasks per suite to 15
- Fixed bug where stderr was not being displayed
- Vue components are now described using single file components syntax
- Added Vuex store to handle app state
- Added vue dev tools extension
- Added tasks import and export options
- Tasks can now be moved between suites and reordered while in edit mode
- Added keyboard shortcuts to some common operations
- Gaucho icon improved
- Added confirmation popup when deleting a task, suite or clearing all tasks
- Tooltips with information about task status when hovering
- Task timers are now optional
- Added an initial message, showing the edit button to new users
- Tasks with no path defined will now be executed on user home directory
- Config menu will automatically close when importing, exporting and clearing tasks
- Add Task form now collapses after adding a task
- About menu style improved
- Fixed bug that prevented running tasks to be killed when closing Gaucho
- Fixed bug where deleting a suite doesn't update total tasks in the bottom bar
- Fixed bug where clearing all tasks doesn't update total tasks
- Fixed bug where clearing all tasks sometimes broke the Add-task button
- Fixed bug updating the tasks log when reordering or deleting them
- Electron-packager support dropped, now using electron-builder for better builds
- Bottom bar text not selectable anymore
- Code linting rules changed, using eslint instead of jshint
- Added pre-commit hook * Added a dev config environment
- Code refactoring in several components and modules
- Bottom bar with some information about tasks
- Added configuration menu
- Scroll now only visible inside the suite
- Window title changed to: Gaucho Task Launcher
- Clear all tasks button
- Progress badge now centered
- Animated progress bar is now optional
- Configuration data is now stored using electron-config package
- Minimum window width increased to avoid horizontal scroll
- Overall style slightly improved
- Fallback to default config if corrupted file
- Removed custom window frame, and replaced by OS default frame, several related bugs solved
- Sudo commands now supported by converting sudo to pkexec
- Task progress icon changed into a loading spinner
- Added About menu
- Materialize-css updated to 0.99 and jqeury-ui added
- Remove configuration files from final build
- Added CONTRIBUTIONS.md file
- Using tile (~) in the path is now supported
- Increased navbar menu width
- Changed navbar menu elements text
- Electron post-install bug fixed, removed patch
- Materialize-css and electron dependencies updated
- Minor interface improvements
- Added package-lock.json file
- Added gaucho to npm repository
- Tasks with same name will now append the number between parenthesis
- Fixed bug where editing and saving tasks with the same name will append 2
- Temporal fix on electron installation problem with extract zip
- Small improvements in unit tests
- jshint code style checks added as part of the tests
- Minor code and style refactoring
- Added Unit tests and test coverage information
- Save button disabled until command and name filled
- Tasks now have an unique name per suite
- Removed empty spaces at the beginning and end of task title
- Removed "pointer" cursor style
- Fixed bug where stopping a suite will turn all tasks icons to "stopped"
- Fixed a small bug where empty paths where stored in the tasks.json file
- Added Travis CI support
- Minor code refactoring
- Gaucho is now "Frameless" so the window style will be the same on every OS
- Running tasks time will be updated each second using the same timer
- Add and delete suite buttons disabled when action is invalid
- Increased minimum window width
- Tab supported for command input
- Pressing F11 will no longer make gaucho "fullscreen"
- Number of tasks per suite limited to 8. Gaucho now supports a maximum of 48 tasks
- Fixed problem when closing and reopening a maximized window
- Fixed timers problems when deleting running tasks
- Fixed problem "Cannot read property 'scrollTop' of null" when deleting a running task
- Fixed listeners memory leak when deleting tasks or suites
- General code refactoring
- Improvements in Readme file
- All running tasks will stop when closing gaucho
- Gaucho icon added to navbar
- Readme updated with better instructions for usage and development
- Removed moment.js dependency
- Hours support in execution time
- Loading times slightly improved
- Fixed resizing with dev tools bug
- Build will no longer contain config.json file
- Task.json will be saved when closing gaucho
- Added icon as part of the build
- Added icon
- Electron and materialize versions fixed
- Task collapsed after saving in edit mode
- Added running time to tasks
- Texts are no longer selectable (except logs and inputs)
- Window size will be part of the user config
- Task edit menu added
- Added minimum size to the window
- Stopping a running task icon changed, now it will be the same as idle task
- Fixed problem when cleaning output
- Changed project structure
- .jshintrc, .gitignore and task.json removed from build
- Task.json renamed to tasks.json
- Added changelog file
- Added config.json as a separate file from tasks.json
- Electron packager
- Yerbamate integration
- Basic UI
- Materializecss integration
- Vue.js framework integration
- User configuration handler
- Edit tasks controls
- Run/Stop tasks controls
- Multiple suits support