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Cloud Library


The Sylabs Cloud Library is the place to :ref:`push <push>` your containers to the cloud so other users can :ref:`pull <pull>`, :ref:`verify <signNverify>`, and use them.

The Sylabs Cloud also provides a :ref:`Remote Builder <remote_builder>`, allowing you to build containers on a secure remote service. This is convenient so that you can build containers on systems where you do not have root privileges.

Make an Account

Making an account is easy, and straightforward:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click "Sign in to Sylabs" (top right corner).
  3. Select your method to sign in, with Google, GitHub, GitLab, or Microsoft.
  4. Type your passwords, and that's it!

Creating a Access token

Access tokens for pushing a container, and remote builder.

To generate a access token, do the following steps:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click "Sign In" and follow the sign in steps.
  3. Click on your login id (same and updated button as the Sign in one).
  4. Select "Access Tokens" from the drop down menu.
  5. Enter a name for your new access token, such as "test token"
  6. Click the "Create a New Access Token" button.
  7. Click "Copy token to Clipboard" from the "New API Token" page.
  8. Run singularity remote login and paste the access token at the prompt.

Now that you have your token, you are ready to push your container!

Pushing a Container

The singularity push command will push a container to the container library with the given URL. Here's an example of a typical push command:

$ singularity push my-container.sif library://your-name/project-dir/my-container:latest

The :latest is the container tag. Tags are used to have different version of the same container.


When pushing your container, there's no need to add a .sif (Singularity Image Format) to the end of the container name, (like on your local machine), because all containers on the library are SIF containers.

Let's assume you have your container (v1.0.1), and you want to push that container without deleting your :latest container, then you can add a version tag to that container, like so:

$ singularity push my-container.sif library://your-name/project-dir/my-container:1.0.1

You can download the container with that tag by replacing the :latest, with the tagged container you want to download.

To set a description against the container image as you push it, use the -D flag introduced in {Singularity} 3.7. This provides an alternative to setting the description via the web interface:

$ singularity push -D "My alpine 3.11 container" alpine_3.11.sif library://myuser/examples/alpine:3.11
2.7MiB / 2.7MiB [=========================================================================] 100 % 1.1 MiB/s 0s

Library storage: using 13.24 MiB out of 11.00 GiB quota (0.1% used)
Container URL:

Note that when you push to a library that supports it, {Singularity} 3.7 and above will report your quota usage and the direct URL to view the container in your web browser.

Pulling a container

The singularity pull command will download a container from the Library (library://), Docker Hub (docker://), and also Shub (shub://).


When pulling from Docker, the container will automatically be converted to a SIF (Singularity Image Format) container.

Here's a typical pull command:

$ singularity pull file-out.sif library://alpine:latest

# or pull from docker:

$ singularity pull file-out.sif docker://alpine:latest


If there's no tag after the container name, {Singularity} automatically will pull the container with the :latest tag.

To pull a container with a specific tag, just add the tag to the library URL:

$ singularity pull file-out.sif library://alpine:3.8

Of course, you can pull your own containers. Here's what that will look like:

Pulling your own container

Pulling your own container is just like pulling from Github, Docker, etc...

$ singularity pull out-file.sif library://your-name/project-dir/my-container:latest

# or use a different tag:

$ singularity pull out-file.sif library://your-name/project-dir/my-container:1.0.1


You don't have to specify a output file, one will be created automatically, but it's good practice to always specify your output file.

Verify/Sign your Container

Verify containers that you pull from the library, ensuring they are bit-for-bit reproductions of the original image.

Check out :ref:`this page <signNverify>` on how to: :ref:`verify a container <verify_container_from_library>`, :ref:`making PGP key, and sign your own containers <sign_your_own_containers>`.

Searching the Library for Containers

To find interesting or useful containers in the library, you can open in your browser and search from there through the web GUI.

Alternatively, from the CLI you can use singularity search <query>. This will search the library for container images matching <query>.

Using the CLI Search

Here is an example of searching the library for centos:

singularity search centos
Found 72 container images for amd64 matching "centos":


            Minimal centos7 image from yum bootstrap





            Signed by: 6B44B0BC9CD273CC6A71DA8CED6FA43EF8771A02

            Signed by: 7853F08767A4596B3C1AD95E48E1080AB16ED1BC

Containers can have multiple tags, and these are shown separated by commas after the : in the URL. E.g. library://dtrudg/linux/centos:7,centos7,latest is a single container image with 3 tags, 7, centos7, and latest. You can singularity pull the container image using any one of these tags.

Note that the results show amd64 containers only. By default search returns only containers with an architecture matching your current system. To e.g. search for arm64 containers from an amd64 machine you can use the --arch flag:

singularity search --arch arm64 alpine
Found 5 container images for arm64 matching "alpine":


            Signed by: 9D56FA7CAFB4A37729751B8A21749D0D6447B268




You can also limit results to only signed containers with the --signed flag:

singularity search --signed alpine
Found 45 container images for amd64 matching "alpine":

            Signed by: 8883491F4268F173C6E5DC49EDECE4F3F38D871E

            Signed base image built directly from mirrors suitable for secure building. Make sure to check that the fingerprint is B7761495F83E6BF7686CA5F0C1A7D02200787921
            Signed by: B7761495F83E6BF7686CA5F0C1A7D02200787921

            Signed by: 8883491F4268F173C6E5DC49EDECE4F3F38D871E

            Signed by: D4038BDDE21017435DFE5ADA9F2D10A25D64C1EF

            Signed by: 6D60F95E86A593603897164F8E09E44D12A7111C

            Signed by: 9FF48D6202271D3C842C53BD0D237BE8BB5B5C76

Remote Builder

The remote builder service can build your container in the cloud removing the requirement for root access.

Here's a typical remote build command:

$ singularity build --remote file-out.sif docker://ubuntu:22.04

Building from a definition file:

This is our definition file. Let's call it ubuntu.def:

bootstrap: library
from: ubuntu:22.04

    echo "hello world from ubuntu container!"

Now, to build the container, use the --remote flag, and without sudo:

$ singularity build --remote ubuntu.sif ubuntu.def


Make sure you have a :ref:`access token <creating_a_access_token>`, otherwise the build will fail.

After building, you can test your container like so:

$ ./ubuntu.sif
hello world from ubuntu container!

You can also use the web GUI to build containers remotely. First, go to (make sure you are signed in). Then you can copy and paste, upload, or type your definition file. When you are finished, click build. Then you can download the container with the URL.