Demonstrates how to implement and use a C++ template of a k-d tree.
Run the demo
This demo can be build for Windows and Linus.
Just open the solution KD.sln with Visual Studio.
g++ main.cpp -o kdtree
The k-d tree is a variant of binary tree in which every node contains a k-dimensional point and has a splitting hyperplane that divides the space into two parts. Hypeplane direction is selected to rotate along the d-dimensions. For full explanation see .
The k-d tree can be used for many problems with low dimensional data (d < 10), it allows some balancing techniques and effectibe Nearest-Neighbours search, which makes it useful even for 3D and 2D (for other spatial trees like OcTree balancing and nearest-neighbours search is even more challenging). Here I have demonstrated how a Nearest-Neighbours search with can be efficiently organized.
The building block of the k-d tree is the KdNode , like any Binary Tree it must have pointers to a Left and Right subtrees. It also has axis which contains the rotating split dimension of the node:
class KDNode
friend class KDTree;
KDNode(const T* x, int n, int axis);
const T* data() const { return; }
unsigned int getId() const { return id; }
KDNode* parent ;
KDNode* left ;
KDNode* right ;
int axis ;
std::vector<T> x;
unsigned int id ;
bool checked ;
Here is a brief explation of each of the KdNode members:
- left, right - pointers to the left and right subtrees
- parent - pointer to parent node
- axis - index of the split axis (can be in the range 0-d)
- x - array with d-dimensional data point
- id - id of the point used during the tests
- checked - used during the nearest neighbours search
This is the full definition of the k-d tree template:
template <typename T>
class KDTree
KDNode* root ;
KDTree(unsigned int K, unsigned int D);
bool add(const T* x);
KDNode* insert(const T* x) ;
KDNode* find_exact(const T* x) ;
KDNode* find_nearest(const T* x);
KDNode* find_nearest_brute(const T* x) ;
KDNode* find_exact_brute(const T* x);
KDNode* find_parent(const T* x) ;
void clear();
size_t size() const { return NodesList.size(); };
size_t numChecked() const { return NodesChecked.size(); };
T d_min ;
unsigned int n_dim;
void check_subtree(KDNode* node, const T* x);
void set_bounding_cube(KDNode* node, const T* x);
KDNode* search_parent(KDNode* parent, const T* x);
void uncheck();
KDNode* nearest_neighbour ;
int KD_id ;
std::vector<KDNode*> NodesList ;
std::vector<KDNode*> NodesChecked ;
std::vector<T> x_min, x_max;
std::vector<bool> max_boundary, min_boundary;
int n_boundary ;
Typical Output of the benchmark application is:
KD Tree Created!
Points number: 1000000
Tree Nodes: 1000000
Space Dimension: 10
Creation Time [ms]: 931.431030
Test points: 100
Nearest Neighbours Search
avr. kd NN time [ms] 2.086340
avr. kd exact time [ms] 0.001490
avr. brute NN time [ms] 9.103150
avr. brute exact time [ms] 5.639280
kd/brute NN ratio: 4.363215
kd/brute exact ratio: 3784.751465
Errors: 0
The figure below shows the comparison of the NN search with k-d tree and the brute NN search:
These results shows that as can be expected the Brute NN search performance increases linearly with the data dimension O(d), while the k-d NN search performanceis is deteriorating exponentially and after d=10 it is closing to the results obtained with Brute NN. This is another effect of the Curse of dimensionality,, valid for many algorithms working with high dimensional data.